1. Archives

1. Where did the archives go?
2. There are a lot of dead links. Is it worth my time to point them out?

A loyal user...

Regards & thanks,

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2. Re: Archives

jessedavis said...

[[[ 1. Where did the archives go?

Two places -

Does anybody have a dump of the entire RDS archive available?

jessedavis said...

2. There are a lot of dead links. Is it worth my time to point them out?

Yes, always

jessedavis said...

A loyal user...

Regards & thanks, jd ]]]

Sadly, I think we are looking at the end of Euphoria, with a low user base, and lots of digital decay.



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3. Re: Archives

ChrisB said...

Sadly, I think we are looking at the end

I. Refuse. To. Let. That. Happen...

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4. Re: Archives

There are a few of us diehards left for sure.

A while back there was a project to scrape, download and preserve the archive, I got

Documents Editors Games Internet Recent uploads Sound Windows

But others got more than me, so I stopped. Anyone got the rest?


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5. Re: Archives

To answer the original question (part 2):

Sure, but use common sense: if you dump a list of 100 or more it will likely get ignored,
one at a time (or maybe 2 or 3 closely related things) is more likely to get results.
Starting a new thread for each is probably better too - I'll certainly kick off a run of
Agent Ransack for any filenames I see requested, and upload to PCAN if found.
I probably still have a copy of everything I had cause to look at since 2005.

Even if the original cannot be found, someone might well whip up a replacement.

Quite probably some 50% of archive entries should really be marked as trash or as
superceded at the same time as well - they cannot possibly all still be useful.

Phix comes bundled with over 500 example programs, btw, most of which should be
useable as-is or trivially back-ported to Eu. Likewise 1,682 rosettacode entries.

I've just learnt CodeProject went under, currently stuck "being made read-only".
Thank heavens for progress, eh?

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6. Re: Archives

ChrisB said...

There are a few of us diehards left for sure.

A while back there was a project to scrape, download and preserve the archive, I got

Documents Editors Games Internet Recent uploads Sound Windows

But others got more than me, so I stopped. Anyone got the rest?


About 6 years ago, I saved the Rapideuphoria website and the UsingEuphoria website with HTTrack Website Copier. There were thousands of link errors, but I still have many archived programs on my NAS. If I can help ...


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7. Re: Archives

jmduro said...

If I can help ...

I forgot there is already a pretty daunting to-do list here - a mere 1,267 of 'em.

Of course just dumping hundreds of unwanted files without testing/updating them would be less than ideal.
And that certainly wouldn't be a one-man job either, separate threads for each of interest on here perhaps..
There aren't enough of us left to have more than 3 or 4 "on the boil" at any given moment in time, I guess.

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8. Re: Archives

petelomax said...

There aren't enough of us left to have more than 3 or 4 "on the boil" at any given moment in time, I guess.

I've got Exercism stuff I haven't done. So many things on the stove already.

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9. Re: Archives

jmduro said...
ChrisB said...

There are a few of us diehards left for sure.

A while back there was a project to scrape, download and preserve the archive, I got

Documents Editors Games Internet Recent uploads Sound Windows

But others got more than me, so I stopped. Anyone got the rest?


About 6 years ago, I saved the Rapideuphoria website and the UsingEuphoria website with HTTrack Website Copier. There were thousands of link errors, but I still have many archived programs on my NAS. If I can help ...



Could I have them? There needs to be a curated site for these, and I'm willing to do it, not an overnight project of course, but it would be a shame to let these crumble. still think EU / Phix is a great language, and just needs to be 'rediscovered'.



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10. Re: Archives

ChrisB said...


Could I have them? There needs to be a curated site for these, and I'm willing to do it, not an overnight project of course, but it would be a shame to let these crumble. still think EU / Phix is a great language, and just needs to be 'rediscovered'.



Of course you can. For security reasons my NAS is not available on Internet, but I can upload anything you need where you tell me to do.



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11. Re: Archives


So, just for the hell of it, my old computer got relegated to become a very capable Plex server, and it's gradually got played on, and is now my server lab setup, runs 24/7, headless - I nomachine into it, which is a seamless experience. Then for the hell of it, I installed CasaOS, and then installed syncthing into a docker on there.

JM, if you are up for it, install syncthing on your computer, send me your syncthing id via email, crylex @ gmail.com, and then you'll be able to drag and drop those files directly to my computer. That's the plan, as I've not done this before it may take some playing!



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12. Re: Archives

Just a random comment...
I have been using Euphoria since the 1990 decade. Yes, I'm old! I found it to be a very good language.
I can produce code much faster than in other languages. Compiled Euphoria was fast. There were few
problems. I am sorry that it is dying.

I think that lately one problem is that group efforts became diffused when a lot of non Euphoria stuff
crept into the group absorbing time and effort. Just look at the forum posts. Certainly the beginner
is lost. Is this bad? Probably not. Group interests are what they are. Maybe dividing the forum into
interest sections would help. I don't know.

It pays to advertise. I did a search for the Euphoria computer language. I could only find ONE set of
posts on YouTube. Perhaps a few short posts on YouTube would rekindle interest among newbies. I don't
know. I'm not a marketing expert. It all takes someone's time and dedication. If something is not done
Euphoria will continue its march into oblivion.

Regarding the Archives. I have a few of the include files from the old archives. Some are very useful
stuff like the sqlite interface and win32 GUI creation stuff. Why not include an area on the openeuphoria
site and just put the archive stuff there?

Just my thoughts, for what they are worth.


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13. Re: Archives

Strange how this topic keeps coming up every few years. Being it's still a thorn in my side, i feel compelled to say something.

Praps you can look up the archive search i built somewhen in the 2000-2012 time frame, and set out live on the web and irc for a while. I'm sure it's obsolete now, as i never again downloaded and indexed all known OE source code after 2012. Some time shortly after that, i destroyed megabytes of source code and data, so i cannot re-supply any of it. This stopped the demands for uploading the archive and index database.

If you supplied an included search_file_name, it could return the filenames which that specified file included. Or it could return all the filenames which included the specified filename. There was also a mode which returned all the lines of code in the archive which called procedures/functions in the specified lib, the complete line of source code, which made it easy to see how that code was used by others. It took some time to index back then, imagine drilling down thru win32lib, and then searching for and writing out cross-links to every line of code in the archive.

To avert some belittlement, it was built the way it was because i could not afford webhosting the whole EU archive plus the prebuilt indexes. Plus, at the time i had six computers on the shelf here with almost a terabyte of hdds in each, so i could built it and host it here with almost no effort. At dialup speeds, i'd probably still be uploading those files, so i resisted posting them, when anyone could download and index the RDS site themselves. And, i was still tweaking it in response to requests. And then one day, when my practical decision was linked to bad morals and being anti-FOS while using a FOS programming language, i stopped writing code, and deleted it all.

And you still have no complete archive or file database, let alone an interesting search engine for it. It's just one line on the "Don't Have" list though.

But, in case i leaked a copy of the archive, minus the indexing code and index database, you'd have all the files mentioned on RDS as of that date, even if they had been hosted elsewhere off-RDS.


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14. Re: Archives

ChrisB said...


So, just for the hell of it, my old computer got relegated to become a very capable Plex server, and it's gradually got played on, and is now my server lab setup, runs 24/7, headless - I nomachine into it, which is a seamless experience. Then for the hell of it, I installed CasaOS, and then installed syncthing into a docker on there.

JM, if you are up for it, install syncthing on your computer, send me your syncthing id via email, crylex @ gmail.com, and then you'll be able to drag and drop those files directly to my computer. That's the plan, as I've not done this before it may take some playing!



Syncthing installed, mail sent. Just need to get synchronized during a common time frame as the time difference can be significant between France and USA.



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15. Re: Archives

jessedavis said...

Just a random comment...
I have been using Euphoria since the 1990 decade. Yes, I'm old! I found it to be a very good language.
I can produce code much faster than in other languages. Compiled Euphoria was fast. There were few
problems. I am sorry that it is dying.

I think that lately one problem is that group efforts became diffused when a lot of non Euphoria stuff
crept into the group absorbing time and effort. Just look at the forum posts. Certainly the beginner
is lost. Is this bad? Probably not. Group interests are what they are. Maybe dividing the forum into
interest sections would help. I don't know.


Same here. Euphoria had promised to be "Simpler than Basic, more powerful than C", and somewhere along the way it has lost both, trying to catch up with all the sophisticated features that other languages offer while neglecting to focus on its strengths - simplicity, and the "object" data type. As long as Phix is alive, though, I'm happy enough.


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16. Re: Archives

jmduro said...
ChrisB said...


So, just for the hell of it, my old computer got relegated to become a very capable Plex server, and it's gradually got played on, and is now my server lab setup, runs 24/7, headless - I nomachine into it, which is a seamless experience. Then for the hell of it, I installed CasaOS, and then installed syncthing into a docker on there.

JM, if you are up for it, install syncthing on your computer, send me your syncthing id via email, crylex @ gmail.com, and then you'll be able to drag and drop those files directly to my computer. That's the plan, as I've not done this before it may take some playing!



Syncthing installed, mail sent. Just need to get synchronized during a common time frame as the time difference can be significant between France and USA.



Hi Jean-Marc

I'm in the UK, and I'm guessing from your name, you're French? If so not too great a problem.



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17. Re: Archives

You're right. I found Syncthing to be an App on my Asustor NAS. I sent you its ID.



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18. Re: Archives

RobertS said...

Same here. Euphoria had promised to be "Simpler than Basic, more powerful than C", and somewhere along the way it has lost both, trying to catch up with all the sophisticated features that other languages offer while neglecting to focus on its strengths - simplicity, and the "object" data type. As long as Phix is alive, though, I'm happy enough.


I'm curious what those "sophisticated features" might be.

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19. Re: Archives

irv said...

I'm curious what those "sophisticated features" might be.

Not trying to put words in anyone's mouth, but for me there are several additions to Phix that didn't really pan out:
nested routines, closures, regex, structs, classes, and OOP. They didn't really harm it, but they didn't improve it either.
Admittedly I was driven by and probably couldn't get 100% on rosettacode without, but that's not an excuse.

Two that actually worked were dictionaries aka associative arrays, and by far the best and most useful, "for in".
Maybe I should include apply/filter/columnize/join/join_by/substitute/tagset/shorten/unique/scanf/get_text and
perhaps elapsed/timedate, but they're more "useful additions" than "core language".
Oh, get_routine_info() has also proved very useful, and that is pretty much "core level".
I'm also insanely proud of p2js, but I have to admit it hasn't actually been properly "useful" yet...

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20. Re: Archives

I think that too many of us developers have opted to have goals rather than hobbies. Euphoria development is a hobby. It doesn't benefit us economically AFAIK. I know that GCC is free and has far more features. You can implement runtime value type-checking in C plus plus with classes.

Phix is maintained by Pete Lomax and it helps that it isn't free. There is an incentive for him to work on it and maintain it. Generally software must always be tended to because things that work underneath it change. For example the 4.0 packages do not install in my newest system. Even at the low levels, as you change your hardware drivers must be updated. Operating systems get updated for newer hardware and change slightly their APIs that the program libraries interact with. Sometimes packages change names or the individual files get reorganized into different packages. The libraries have to change for the OSes.

If you need code rewritten to C plus plus or typescript you could email me here: shawn.pringle@gmail.com

Here is my public key:


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21. Re: Archives

SDPringle said...

Phix is maintained by Pete Lomax and it helps that it isn't free. There is an incentive for him to work on it and maintain it.

I'd pay for it, as long ago I did for Euphoria ($30 if I remember correctly?), but Phix is and always has been free and open source.


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22. Re: Archives

Personally, I have used only a very few things from the archive. Win32lib and Judith's editor - long ago when Windows was the only game in town. Some other things in the archives, like games, were things that I have no real interest in. And some of the utilities were not complete, or poorly organized and needed to be re-written to be "user friendly". Then the platforms changed, and a lot of what was there lost its usefulness. How many people still run MS-DOS?

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23. Re: Archives

irv said...

How many people still run MS-DOS?

If Windows CMD is allowed under that umbrella, lots. Me included. And Reddit's r/Batch is alive and well


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24. Re: Archives

jessedavis said...

1. Where did the archives go?

Back in March our web hosting provider had a major outage and then in May they closed business forcing us to migrate elsewhere.

As a result of my haphazard migration, not everything has come back online, including RapidEuphoria, UsingEuphoria, and both copies of The Archive. I still have all the files that were hosted locally.

I have some time off coming up over the holidays and I intend to spend some of that time sorting everything out.

jessedavis said...

2. There are a lot of dead links. Is it worth my time to point them out?

Please do. I haven't tested everything so a more exhaustive list of what to fix would be helpful.


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25. Re: Archives

ghaberek said...
jessedavis said...

2. There are a lot of dead links. Is it worth my time to point them out?

Please do. I haven't tested everything so a more exhaustive list of what to fix would be helpful.


The HTTrack logs of 2018 list all the dead links of Rapideuphoria.com and UsingEuphoria.com but these logs are about 1 MB in size. I don't know how to provide them. ChrisB also has a copy of them.


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26. Re: Archives

Here is the best I can extract from the logs:

(Incorrect length (515448 Bytes, 516288 expected)) at link /makeiconv22.zip (from /uti.htm) 
(Incorrect length (79297 Bytes, 236037 expected)) at link /htmllib.zip (from /int.htm) 
bogus state (broken size, expected 516288 got 515448): /makeiconv22.zip 
link /ball.gif (from /economy.htm) 
link /caseconv.e (from /lib.htm) 
link /chill.zip (from /sim.htm) 
link /cpcug.htm (from /news.htm) 
link /cshelp.zip (from /use.htm) 
link /ecstacy.zip (from /sou.htm) 
link /elecfn.e (from /lib.htm) 
link /ethreads.tar (from /lin.htm) 
link /euphoria.xml (from /lin.htm) 
link /findinfile.zip (from /lib.htm) 
link /gridcalc.eu (from /mat.htm) 
link /guru_web.txt (from /russian/manual_r.htm) 
link /heat.zip (from /sim.htm) 
link /incbm.zip (from /uti.htm) 
link /license.htm (from /relnotes.htm) 
link /m12408.html (from /news.htm) 
link /masks2.zip (from /lib.htm) 
link /memcopy comparison.zip (from /mac.htm) 
link /obmpcrnch.zip (from /uti.htm) 
link /print.e (from /lib.htm) 
link /ray.tar (from /lin.htm) 
link /register.htm (from /relnotes.htm) 
link /russian/9-digit-problem.zip (from /russian/mat_r.htm) 
link /russian/bind.htm (from /russian/refman_1r.htm) 
link /russian/contest.htm (from /russian/news_r.htm) 
link /russian/cpcug.htm (from /russian/news_r.htm) 
link /russian/dosrescue2-for-4.0.patch (from /russian/win_r.htm) 
link /russian/ed.htm (from /russian/refman_1r.htm) 
link /russian/global.css (from /russian/hotnew_r.htm) 
link /russian/graphex.zip (from /russian/win_r.htm) 
link /russian/http.zip (from /russian/int_r.htm) 
link /russian/library.htm (from /russian/lib_p_r_r.htm) 
link /russian/license_r.txt (from /russian/refman_1r.htm) 
link /russian/licenser.htm (from /russian/relnoter.htm) 
link /russian/platformr.htm (from /russian/lib_h_o_r.htm) 
link /russian/refman_1.htm (from /russian/v20_r.htm) 
link /russian/refman_2.htm (from /russian/database_r.htm) 
link /russian/refman_3.htm (from /russian/lib_p_r_r.htm) 
link /russian/registrr.htm (from /russian/relnoter.htm) 
link /russian/what2do.htm (from /russian/installr.htm) 
link /scapture.zip (from /win.htm) 
link /simple.tar (from /lin.htm) 
link /sort2.zip (from /lib.htm) 
link /spacerc.zip (from /gam.htm) 
link /sprite.zip (from /uti.htm) 
link /tfr.zip (from /uti.htm) 
link /winners.zip (from /news.htm) 
link /yatc.zip (from /gam.htm) 
bogus state (incomplete type with OK (200), size 35): analytics.archive.org/0.gif 
link /"" (from /genera.ex) 
link /0 (from /crypto.ex) 
link /Data[1..k (from /eureap16.ex) 
link /Matrix_%d.txt (from /3dmath.ew) 
link /archive.edb (from /) 
link /archive.htm (from /) 
link /cgi-bin/asearch.exu?win=on&keywords=archive.edb (from /) 
link /cgi-bin/asearch.exu?win=on&keywords=speech (from /) 
link /contest.htm (from /) 
link /data[k] (from /crypto.ex) 
link /eunet_close_socket(socketR) (from /ftpstub.e) 
link /eunet_recv(socketT,0) (from /ftpstub.e) 
link /euphoricMysteries v0.2.exe (from /) 
link /frupdate.zip (from /) 
link /get_bytes(f1, (from /dupfile.exw) 
link /get_params() (from /crypto.ex) 
link /jpg_sample.zip (from /) 
link /list[i] (from /dupfile.exw) 
link /oz2001.zip (from /) 
link /refman_2.htm (from /) 
link /robots.txt (from primary/primary) 
link /russian/eu23dosr.zip (from /) 
link /russian/eu23htmr.zip (from /) 
link /russian/eu23linr.zip (from /) 
link /russian/eu23winr.zip (from /) 
link /scramble(data[3]) (from /crypto.ex) 
link /static/css/banner-styles.css?v=1520188417.0 (from /euphoria.htm) 
link /static/css/iconochive.css?v=1520188417.0 (from /euphoria.htm) 
link /static/js/wbhack.js?v=1520188417.0 (from /euphoria.htm) 
link /test01.xls (from /msxls.e) 
link /test05.xls (from /msxls.e) 
link /win.htm (from /) 
link /{} (from /eureap16.ex) 


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27. Re: Archives

scapture.zip, simple.tar, sort2.zip, spacerc.zip, sprite.zip, tfr.zip and yatc.zip which are missing from rapideuphoria.com are available on archive.usingeuphoria.com

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28. Re: Archives

On the other side /russian/eu23dosr.zip, /russian/eu23htmr.zip, /russian/eu23linr.zip and /russian/eu23winr.zip which are missing from archive.usingeuphoria.com are available on rapideuphoria.com.

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29. Re: Archives

SDPringle said...

Phix ... isn't free.

Eh? I'd like happy users to put their hands in their pockets and drop me the cost of a coffee every month (via the sponsor link), but not forcing anyone.

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30. Re: Archives

So it is free. I stand corrected.

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31. Re: Archives

petelomax said...
SDPringle said...

Phix ... isn't free.

Eh? I'd like happy users to put their hands in their pockets and drop me the cost of a coffee every month (via the sponsor link), but not forcing anyone.

This seems to require potential coffee-sponsors to have a GitHub account. You may have your reasons, but there are people out there (like me) who have nothing to do with GitHub and still use Phix - maybe you could offer PayPal as an alternative? Or, not to make it too simple, maybe Patreon?


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32. Re: Archives

katsmeow said...


But, in case i leaked a copy of the archive, [snip]

While stumbling around trying to free hdd space i found one 7z archive dated Aug 2008 / Nov 2009.
Some files in it are dated 1996, i looked in only 3 folders.
It's a lil over 160 MB as compressed, and ~926 MB decompressed.
7z reports 24,233 files in it. Not guaranteeing anything,
it's a copy of a copy, run thru several winzip/7z/etc sessions over the years,
and maybe some bits have faded. It is what i generated Tiggr's Euphoria search data from way back when.

You want?


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33. Re: Archives


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34. Re: Archives

SDPringle said...


I can do that. Happy new year to you too.


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35. Re: Archives

Do we have a clear idea of what has been lost? Was what we lost a permanent amputation with a searing of the stump, or can we reconstruct/regrow. Did we lose a library for reading 5.25 inch diskettes? Is that a great/catastrophic loss or can be write another of similar functionality?

I've been digging around in my archives looking for things of an euphoric nature. I expect someone's already posted a listing of what's missing. I'll see if I've got anything to fill the cracks.


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36. Re: Archives

Why bother? I was just told to delete almost a gigabyte of Eu/OE code!

I didn't just archive what was at RDS, i archived programs where RDS supplied only a pointer to programmers' websites.



1617 programs in my archive.
Metaphone isn't in there, i prolly never uploaded it.

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37. Re: Archives

SDPringle said...


Happy New Year to all.

Maybe before someone deletes unrecoverable files we could exchange CSV lists of what has been saved up to now. I gave a it a try with a small Windows tool called "ls" (File List Generator v1.53 (July 19, 2003)). Here is the beginning of the file corresponding to RapidEuphoria.com:

"[File name]","[Size]","[Save date]" 
"backblue.gif","4,14 KB","2018-04-28 18:12:46" 
"fade.gif","828 Byte","2018-04-28 18:12:46" 
"hts-log.txt","985,53 KB","2018-04-29 02:08:54" 
"index.html","5,10 KB","2018-04-28 18:14:20" 
"Thumbs.db","4,50 KB","2005-06-12 23:54:15" 
"doit.log","680 Byte","2018-04-28 18:12:45" 
"new.lst","174,45 KB","2018-04-29 02:08:54" 
"new.txt","2242,03 KB","2018-04-29 02:08:54" 
"new.zip","6042,17 KB","2018-04-29 02:08:54" 
"readme.txt","614 Byte","2018-04-28 18:12:45" 
"winprofile.ini","1,28 KB","2018-04-28 18:12:45" 
"show_ads.js","0 Byte","2018-04-28 18:41:38" 
"wininstall.zip","120,02 KB","2008-06-30 22:37:28" 
"winfnt2f.zip","22,45 KB","2008-06-30 22:41:23" 
"winflag.zip","126,63 KB","2008-06-30 22:48:12" 
"windoz.zip","165,67 KB","2008-06-30 22:54:55" 
"windows_v0.2.zip","560,02 KB","2016-01-10 19:43:18" 
"windows.zip","149,74 KB","2008-06-30 22:32:38" 

With a lot of CSV files, a small euphoria program could list all different files and their origin while filtering by extension. rapideuphoria.csv is 219KB in size and usingeuphoria.csv is 96KB in size.


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38. Re: Archives

LS is still available here: https://www.stahuj.cz/utility_a_ostatni/systemove_nastroje/ostatni/ls-file-list-generator/download/281999/

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39. Re: Archives

jmduro said...

Happy New Year to all.

Maybe before someone deletes unrecoverable files we could exchange CSV lists of what has been saved up to now. I gave a it a try with a small Windows tool called "ls" (File List Generator v1.53 (July 19, 2003)). Here is the beginning of the file corresponding to RapidEuphoria.com:

With a lot of CSV files, a small euphoria program could list all different files and their origin while filtering by extension. rapideuphoria.csv is 219KB in size and usingeuphoria.csv is 96KB in size.


Also from me
Happy New Year to all.

Like this!? https://github.com/andizk4kx/win32lib/blob/main/rapideuphoria.csv


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40. Re: Archives

WinMerge shows a lot of difefrences. I will have to work on the files, especially to sort them, in order to have a better comparison, but yes, like this.


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41. Re: Archives

Almost all the zip files are identical. Most differences are on html and tgz files.

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