Re: Archives

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jmduro said...
ChrisB said...


So, just for the hell of it, my old computer got relegated to become a very capable Plex server, and it's gradually got played on, and is now my server lab setup, runs 24/7, headless - I nomachine into it, which is a seamless experience. Then for the hell of it, I installed CasaOS, and then installed syncthing into a docker on there.

JM, if you are up for it, install syncthing on your computer, send me your syncthing id via email, crylex @, and then you'll be able to drag and drop those files directly to my computer. That's the plan, as I've not done this before it may take some playing!



Syncthing installed, mail sent. Just need to get synchronized during a common time frame as the time difference can be significant between France and USA.



Hi Jean-Marc

I'm in the UK, and I'm guessing from your name, you're French? If so not too great a problem.



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