Re: Archives
- Posted by RobertS 2 months ago
Just a random comment...
I have been using Euphoria since the 1990 decade. Yes, I'm old! I found it to be a very good language.
I can produce code much faster than in other languages. Compiled Euphoria was fast. There were few
problems. I am sorry that it is dying.
I think that lately one problem is that group efforts became diffused when a lot of non Euphoria stuff
crept into the group absorbing time and effort. Just look at the forum posts. Certainly the beginner
is lost. Is this bad? Probably not. Group interests are what they are. Maybe dividing the forum into
interest sections would help. I don't know.
Same here. Euphoria had promised to be "Simpler than Basic, more powerful than C", and somewhere along the way it has lost both, trying to catch up with all the sophisticated features that other languages offer while neglecting to focus on its strengths - simplicity, and the "object" data type. As long as Phix is alive, though, I'm happy enough.