Re: Archives
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) 1 month ago
There are a few of us diehards left for sure.
A while back there was a project to scrape, download and preserve the archive, I got
Documents Editors Games Internet Recent uploads Sound Windows
But others got more than me, so I stopped. Anyone got the rest?
About 6 years ago, I saved the Rapideuphoria website and the UsingEuphoria website with HTTrack Website Copier. There were thousands of link errors, but I still have many archived programs on my NAS. If I can help ...
Could I have them? There needs to be a curated site for these, and I'm willing to do it, not an overnight project of course, but it would be a shame to let these crumble. still think EU / Phix is a great language, and just needs to be 'rediscovered'.