1. Web Hosting Migration This Weekend (18 May 2024) COMPLETED
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in May
23 May 2024
I noticed an uptick in web crawler activity causing some significant performance loss on the new server.
At one point MariaDB went out-of-memory and crashed. (Thanks to Bruce for sending me an email this morning!)
I've added some additional tweaks/blocks to mitigate. Seems better now. I will continue to monitor closely.
18 May 2024
All done! We're now running on DigitalOcean. The price for a small "Droplet" is comparable to our previous host. (About $8-9/mo.)
We have fewer cores/less memory in total but the service is overall faster IMHO. I've also made a few very minor tweaks to the help with performance.
17 May 2024
Unfortunately our web hosting service (Hyper Expert) will be shutting down at the end of next week.
As a result the website will be offline for some time this weekend while I work on migrating to a new host.
2. Re: Web Hosting Migration This Weekend (18 May 2024)
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) in May
That's annoying, and a shame. Do you need some cash?
3. Re: Web Hosting Migration This Weekend (18 May 2024)
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in May
That's annoying, and a shame. Do you need some cash?
Not specifically, but if you want to donate we'll put it to good use.
4. Re: Web Hosting Migration This Weekend (18 May 2024)
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) in May
Could this be related to rapideuphoria.com being down?
5. Re: Web Hosting Migration This Weekend (18 May 2024)
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in May
Could this be related to rapideuphoria.com being down?
Not entirely. The original event that caused that to go down was here: https://openeuphoria.org/forum/138363.wc
Since then, I reached out to Rob Craig asking him to repoint his domain glue records to my DNS servers but I have not heard back. I'll reach out again.
6. Re: Web Hosting Migration This Weekend (18 May 2024) COMPLETED
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) in May
Here's a fun graph showing the uptick in CPU usage since we moved. This correlates with an increase in web crawler activity.
MariaDB ran out of memory around 03:00 EDT this morning. Notice the huge rise and steep drop. It was down for about 4-5 hours until I restart the service.
See first message for more updates.
P.S. if the forum seems faster now it's because I added an index to a single column in the messages table that brought the CPU usage down from 20-30% to 2-3%.
7. Re: Web Hosting Migration This Weekend (18 May 2024) COMPLETED
- Posted by euphoric (admin) in May
P.S. if the forum seems faster now it's because I added an index to a single column in the messages table that brought the CPU usage down from 20-30% to 2-3%.
Thank you, Greg! I'm not sure where OpenEuphoria would be without you!