1. Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Feb 10, 2020
- Last edited Oct 24, 2021
I committed several improvements to Euphoria MVC today.
- Built-in web server now supports GET and POST requests.
- Model library can now query/insert/update/delete objects.
- Template library does better at handling more expressions.
- Route parser now accepts arbitrary regex patterns for type-checking.
- Added libraries for parsing HTML and JSON documents.
- Easily save and load configuration files (in INI format).
- Wrappers for MySQL (or MariaDB), SQLite3, and libcurl.
- Updated documentations!
Update 11/15/2020:
- Added SQLite3 library and wrapper
Update 11/23/2020:
- Added HTML parser
Update 11/28/2020:
- Overhauled mvc/config.e
Update 10/24/2021:
- Server now supports POST requests
There's still a lot to do. But I'm still working on it. I'm not dead yet!
2. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by Icy_Viking Feb 10, 2020
I committed several improvements to Euphoria MVC today.
- Built-in web server now supports GET and POST requests.
- Model library can now query/insert/update/delete objects.
- Template library does better at handling more expressions.
- Route parser now accepts arbitrary regex patterns for type-checking.
- Updated documentations!
There's still a lot to do. But I'm still working on it. I'm not dead yet!
Sounds great Greg. Hopefully thew new site will be up sometime this year.
3. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jimcbrown (admin) Feb 18, 2020
I committed several improvements to Euphoria MVC today.
- Built-in web server now supports GET and POST requests.
- Model library can now query/insert/update/delete objects.
- Template library does better at handling more expressions.
- Route parser now accepts arbitrary regex patterns for type-checking.
- Updated documentations!
There's still a lot to do. But I'm still working on it. I'm not dead yet!
Sounds great Greg.
Agreed! Can't wait to see this when it's finally ready to be rolled out.
Hopefully thew new site will be up sometime this year.
Fingers crossed.
4. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Jul 06, 2020
- Last edited Jul 07, 2020
I added a JSON parser today! (Well, I actually wrote it a month ago.)
Source: https://github.com/OpenEuphoria/euphoria-mvc/blob/v1.8.0/include/mvc/json.e
Docs: https://github.com/OpenEuphoria/euphoria-mvc/blob/v1.8.0/docs/JSON.md
Edit: the docs reference Euphoria maps but I stripped all of that out to simplify the parser. Objects are just sequences of {key,{type,value}} items now. That's why I added json_fetch to look up values from keys. I'll update the documentation to remove references to maps soon.
5. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 15, 2020
I added a CURL wrapper today! (Well, I actually wrote it several years ago to make the existing euweb work with reCAPTCHAv2.) Updated release to v1.9.0.
6. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 26, 2020
I added a lot more CURL functions and a few more JSON functions and updated the documentation a bit. Updated release to v1.10.0.
7. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by SDPringle Sep 27, 2020
That's funny Greg. I built an importer that would load in the constants and functions from a C- header file and create a Euphoria E file for in order to create a curl wrapper. Is it necessary to use MVC in order to use the CURL function?
SD Pringle
8. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Sep 27, 2020
That's funny Greg. I built an importer that would load in the constants and functions from a C- header file and create a Euphoria E file for in order to create a curl wrapper. Is it necessary to use MVC in order to use the CURL function?
Nope, it's entirely separate and in its own directory. It's just so integral to building web apps that I figured I would just include it directly.
I wrapped the whole thing by hand and made some improvements from when I originally wrote it a couple years ago.
Anyone who needs it can just copy the files from here: https://github.com/OpenEuphoria/euphoria-mvc/tree/master/include/curl
I also have some basic documentation here: https://github.com/OpenEuphoria/euphoria-mvc/blob/master/docs/CURL.md (including where best to get Windows binaries!)
9. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by SDPringle Sep 29, 2020
The failing t_net_http.e has been a thorn in my side for years now and it is a bigger waste of time to me to re-implement what CURL from (Euphoria MVC) already does in Euphoria than to leverage CURL it in order to fix t_net_http. I wouldn't mind if std/net/http.e went away completely at this point and I don't see anyone really using it. I am the kind of person who doesn't like to remove something from a library once it is already in there, though. What do you think?
Forked into: RM std/net/http.e?
10. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 15, 2020
I've added a SQLite3 wrapper and lots of little updates here and there.
11. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 23, 2020
I've added an HTML parser a few minor fixes.
12. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 25, 2020
It's really nice.
I found a bug with session cookies so I opened a new issue.
13. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 25, 2020
Where should local CSS files be located to be used with the development server ?
14. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 25, 2020
It's really nice.
Thanks! That's good to hear.
I found a bug with session cookies so I opened a new issue.
Thanks, I will look into this. Unfortunately some the older code is in need of better testing and cleanup.
FYI on GitHub you can enclose blocks of code in triple backticks ``` or by indenting at least four spaces.
15. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 25, 2020
Where should local CSS files be located to be used with the development server ?
Yeah I need to add a feature for serving files directly from a local directory. I'd also like to add an option for "base directory" so you can change it from current directory.
In the mean time, I've at least added send_file() and download_file() which are shorthand for verifying a file exists, looking up its mime-type, and then sending the required headers.
include mvc/app.e
download_file( sequence filename, sequence path=filename ) - Return the contents of a file and prompt the browser to download it.
I pushed the commit for adding send_file() just now: https://github.com/OpenEuphoria/euphoria-mvc/releases/tag/v1.12.1
You can use this to add a static route handler to your application. Then just put everything in /static/, like /static/css/, /static/js/, etc.
Edit: Or you can add a route pattern for specific directories as I've indicated below.
include std/map.e include mvc/app.e include std/filesys.e -- for canonical_path() include std/search.e -- for search:begins() -- -- Route handler for files in /static/ -- function static( object request ) -- get the path to the requested file sequence path_info = map:get( request, "PATH_INFO" ) -- -- Note: path_info will always start with -- "/static/" thanks to the route handler. -- -- ensure the local file is an actual full path sequence local_file = canonical_path( "." & path_info ) -- ensure the local file exists in current directory if search:begins( current_dir(), local_file ) then -- go ahead and send the file to the browser return send_file( local_path ) end if -- tell the browser the file doesn't exist return response_code( 404 ) end function -- -- Note: this pattern should resolve to "static" and find the function above. If not, you can call -- app:route("pattern", "func name") or even app:route("pattern", "func name", routine_id("func name")) -- app:route( "/static/.+" ) -- Or add a handler for specific directories like this: app:route( "/(css|js|fonts|images)/.+", "static" )
16. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 25, 2020
Where should local CSS files be located to be used with the development server ?
I should also point out for anyone reading along that if you're using Apache or Nginx, it should serve static files directly on your behalf. Routing them through your app would add unnecessary complications and slow everything down a bit.
17. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 26, 2020
sequence local_file = canonical_path( "." & path_info ) if search:begins( current_dir(), local_file ) then return send_file( local_path ) end if
local_path is not defined. I thought it could be local_file instead but that's wrong:
2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:22 path_info = "\"/static/css/w3.css\"" 2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:31 local_file = "\"C:\\\\Users\\\\duro\\\\Documents\\\\mysql_users\\\\examples\\\\static\\\\css\\\\w3.css\"" 2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO client_handler@server.e:140 "" "GET" "/static/css/w3.css" "404 Not Found"Jean-Marc
18. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 26, 2020
local_path is not defined.
Yes, a typo on my part, sorry about that.
I thought it could be local_file instead but that's wrong:
2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:22 path_info = "\"/static/css/w3.css\"" 2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:31 local_file = "\"C:\\\\Users\\\\duro\\\\Documents\\\\mysql_users\\\\examples\\\\static\\\\css\\\\w3.css\"" 2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO client_handler@server.e:140 "" "GET" "/static/css/w3.css" "404 Not Found"
No, that's right. The problem in the example you provided is that "static" is not in the "examples" directory, so the file indeed does not exist.
This is the layout of the zip file you posted:
mysql_users\ examples\ mysql.e mysql_users.ex static\ css\ w3.css templates\ insert.html login.html main.html users.html libmariadb.dll users.sql
I recommend putting the main app file in the root directory for your project, and then other directories like "static" and "templates" can be easily referenced from there.
So your project should look more like this:
mysql_users\ static\ css\ w3.css templates\ insert.html login.html main.html users.html libmariadb.dll mysql.e mysql_users.ex users.sql
And then run:
eui mysql_users.ex
And your static route will find the correct path to "w3.css"
Logging Targets
The logger outputs to STDERR by default. You're changing this to "debug.log" which is helpful, but you can also target multiple outputs, like this:
set_log_output({ STDOUT, "debug.log" })
When writing to files, the logger defaults to append mode. If you want to overwrite the file each time, prepend the filename with an exclamation mark:
set_log_output({ STDOUT, "!debug.log" }) -- overwrite debug.log each time
Part of the idea of the logger is to have it color-code its output to the console to make it easier to read in real-time while the application is running.
Logging Formats
You don't need to pretty-print data you send to the logger routines. They're already built to pretty-print anything that isn't already a string. So you're just needlessly double-escaping things like quotes and backslashes,
So you can change this:
sequence path_info = map:get( request, "PATH_INFO" ) log_info( "path_info = %s", {pretty_sprint(path_info, {2})} )
2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:22 path_info = "\"/static/css/w3.css\"" 2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:31 local_file = "\"C:\\\\Users\\\\duro\\\\Documents\\\\mysql_users\\\\examples\\\\static\\\\css\\\\w3.css\""
To just this:
sequence path_info = map:get( request, "PATH_INFO" ) log_info( "path_info = %s", {path_info} )
2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:22 path_info = "/static/css/w3.css" 2020/11/26 11:41:13 INFO static@mysql_users.ex:31 local_file = "C:\\Users\\duro\\Documents\\mysql_users\\examples\\static\\css\\w3.css"
Part of the idea of Euphoria MVC is to reduce the friction on these kinds of things and help you write cleaner, simpler code.
19. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 27, 2020
Thank you Greg,
I updated my MySQL example for euphoria-mvc: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/mysql_users.zip
euphoria-mvc is a real game-changer in web programming for me.
20. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 28, 2020
I updated my MySQL example for euphoria-mvc: http://jean-marc.duro.pagesperso-orange.fr/mysql_users.zip
Thanks, I'll take a look at it!
euphoria-mvc is a real game-changer in web programming for me.
That's great to hear. I hope you get some good use out of it and please don't hesitate to ask questions here. Bug fixes and feature requests can be issues over on GitHub.
21. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 28, 2020
I overhauled mvc/config.e today.
If your configuration looks like this:
# app.cfg [database] name = mydatabase username = dbuser password = abc123 host = db1.example.com
You can load it in your app like this:
include mvc/config.e include mvc/logger.e if not load_config( "app.cfg" ) then log_crash( "Failed to load configuration" ) end if sequence db_host, db_name, db_user, db_pass db_host = get_config( "database.host" ) db_name = get_config( "database.name" ) db_user = get_config( "database.username" ) db_pass = get_config( "database.password" )
And it will even preserve comments when saving!
22. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Oct 24, 2021
Euphoria MVC development server now supports POST requests, among several other small changes I've been hanging onto for the past year or so.
I'm still working on an overhaul of the model library for cleaner object-relation mapping, as well as database instantiation and migrations.
Suggestions to all that are always welcome.
23. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Oct 26, 2021
Hi Greg,
To avoid any development server crashes and problems with web server versions, I decided to use lighttpd which is light, cross platform and allows to use dedicated configuration files per project.
In each project folder, I only need to create 4 sub-folders:
├───conf ├───logs ├───tmp └───www
logs and tmp are empty. conf contains a copy of lighttpd conf subfolder with parameters specific to the project.
cgi.assign = ( #-- Most relevant line: ".ex" => "C:\euphoria4.1_32\bin\eui", #-- Shrouded Euphoria scripts as CGI, runs faster: ".il" => "C:\euphoria4.1_32\bin\eub", ".cgi" => "", )
Euphoria files are located in www. In the project root folder, I create a file to launch lighttpd with the specific configuration.
C:\data\euphoria\v4\Perso\server>type lighttpd.bat "C:\WinApps\lighttpd\lighttpd.exe" -D
It never crashes and reports OEU errors as usual.
Unfortunately, it shows errors with example3.ex on Windows:
C:\data\euphoria\v4\Perso\server>"C:\WinApps\lighttpd\lighttpd.exe" -D 2021-10-26 08:41:18: (server.c.1083) trying to read configuration (test mode) 2021-10-26 08:41:18: (server.c.1471) server started (lighttpd/1.4.48) C:\euphoria4.1_32\include\mvc\utils.e:188 <0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 'hwnd' (C:\euphoria4.1_32\include\mvc\utils.e:188) has not been declared. 'TRUE' (C:\euphoria4.1_32\include\mvc\utils.e:188) has not been declared. c_func( xShellExecuteA, {hwnd,allocate_string("open",TRUE),allocate_string(url,TRUE),NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL} ) ^ Press Enter
With example4.ex and last line replaced by app:run(), there is one more error:
'LOG_ALL' (example4.ex:45) has not been declared.
If I comment the unneeded start_url procedure in mvc/utils.e, I get an HTTP 500 Internal error with following warnings first time:
2021/10/26 09:05:04 WARN getenv@utils.e:54 Environment variable not found: "SERVER_SIGNATURE" 2021/10/26 09:05:04 WARN getenv@utils.e:54 Environment variable not found: "PATH_INFO" 2021/10/26 09:05:04 WARN getenv@utils.e:54 Environment variable not found: "QUERY_STRING"
On next attempts, warnings are not displayed anymore but this error:
2021-10-26 09:05:53: (mod_cgi.c.1031) CGI pid 6088 died with signal 11
24. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Oct 30, 2021
I think I've corrected all of these now. Please pull down the latest changes and try it again.
25. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Oct 31, 2021
Hello Greg,
I have no additional error now but still an HTTP 500 Error as response.
I have put on my Web page my testing code which contains Lighttpd (Windows, 9.39 MB):
I expects OEU to be in c:\euphoria. This can be changed in conf/lighttpd.conf.
26. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 06, 2021
I found one of my errors: I was missing the templates folder. euphoria-mvc does not warn about missing files.
I added the templates folder with files layout.html, index.html and user.html and somme logging.
├───conf ├───logs ├───templates ├───tmp └───www
I still get the same "500 - Internal Server Error" with following code (modified example3.ex):
-- -- This is just a basic example of the path routing engine. -- include std/map.e include std/filesys.e include std/search.e include std/io.e include std/pretty.e include mvc/app.e include mvc/template.e include mvc/logger.e if search:ends( "examples", current_dir() ) then -- make sure we can find our templates -- if we're in the 'examples' directory set_template_path( "../templates" ) end if function user_id( object request ) log_info( "user_id: request: %s", {pretty_sprint(request, {2})} ) integer id = map:get( request, "id", -1 ) map response = map:new() map:put( response, "title", "User" ) map:put( response, "id", id ) return render_template( "user.html", response ) end function app:route( "/user/<id:integer>", "user_id" ) function user_name( object request ) log_info( "user_name: request: %s", {pretty_sprint(request, {2})} ) sequence name = map:get( request, "name", "undefined" ) map response = map:new() map:put( response, "title", "User" ) map:put( response, "name", name ) return render_template( "user.html", response ) end function app:route( "/user/<name:string>", "user_name" ) function index( object request ) log_info( "index: request: %s", {pretty_sprint(request, {2})} ) map response = map:new() map:put( response, "title", "Index" ) return render_template( "index.html", response ) end function app:route( "/index", "index" ) app:route( "/", "index" ) set_log_output("!debug.log") -- overwrite debug.log each time set_log_level( LOG_DEBUG ) app:run()
The debug log doesn't show much information:
2021/11/06 10:16:41 INFO set_log_output@logger.e:212 Logging to "debug.log" 2021/11/06 10:16:41 DEBUG add_function@template.e:133 registered function "url_for" with params {{"name"},{"response",0}} at routine id 37 2021/11/06 10:16:41 DEBUG add_function@template.e:133 registered function "get_current_route" with params "" at routine id 38 2021/11/06 10:16:41 DEBUG add_function@template.e:133 registered function "get_current_path" with params "" at routine id 39
27. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 06, 2021
With example4.ex and the development server, I finally understood what was going wrong: in example3.ex and example4.ex, there is a condition of beeing in examples/ sub-directory. I removed the condition to get example4.ex working:
set_template_path( "../templates" )
instead of:
if search:ends( "examples", current_dir() ) then -- make sure we can find our templates -- if we're in the 'examples' directory set_template_path( "../templates" ) end if
Now after reading once more Apache configuration on euphoria-mvc github page, I understand what I didn't before: to call euphoria-mvc code while adressing a different route, I need redirection in lighttpd configuration as mentionned under "# Send all non-existant paths to index.esp".
I thought it would be possible to call different cgi-scripts within same project folder but I understand it is not possible il I snd all non-existant paths to example3.ex. I expected a call to be or better
28. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by Icy_Viking Nov 07, 2021
This is all good news!
Is Eu MVC at a point where you could make something like this: https://retroachievements.org/
I have a similar idea, but being able to use Euphoria for the database/web parts would be nice.
29. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 08, 2021
With example4.ex and the development server, I finally understood what was going wrong: in example3.ex and example4.ex, there is a condition of beeing in examples/ sub-directory. I removed the condition to get example4.ex working:
set_template_path( "../templates" )
instead of:
if search:ends( "examples", current_dir() ) then -- make sure we can find our templates -- if we're in the 'examples' directory set_template_path( "../templates" ) end if
I tried to make sure it would pick up the "templates" directory if you ran it from either the root project directory or the "examples" directory. If that's still no working then it needs more attention. How exactly are you running the examples?
Now after reading once more Apache configuration on euphoria-mvc github page, I understand what I didn't before: to call euphoria-mvc code while adressing a different route, I need redirection in lighttpd configuration as mentionned under "# Send all non-existant paths to index.esp".
I thought it would be possible to call different cgi-scripts within same project folder but I understand it is not possible il I snd all non-existant paths to example3.ex. I expected a call to be or better
That's not really the intent here. This isn't meant to be a traditional "CGI script" that is called directly by the web server. It's meant to be path-based routing framework, so the web server should send any or all requests directly to the application for processing. I think the problem with the examples is that they're meant to either be run by a properly-configured web server or act as their own development server, and I've not made that clear. I need to make it more obvious which is the case for each example.
Currently, you have to either call app:run() when you're using a web server, or call server:start() to run the development server. Ultimately, I'd like to make it entirely transparent: if you run your application directly, it should fire up the built-in web server or refuse to start, and if your app is run by a web server it should determine this and just handle the route, produce the output, and then exit.
This feedback and testing is all very helpful though. Thank you!
30. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 08, 2021
This is all good news!
Is Eu MVC at a point where you could make something like this: https://retroachievements.org/
Probably! Most of the work would be in the design and layout of the front end and back end parts, mainly the page templates, CSS, etc. as well as the database layout and business logic.
I have a similar idea, but being able to use Euphoria for the database/web parts would be nice.
I wouldn't recommend the Euphoria EDS database but otherwise this is entirely doable. EDS is fine for local storage with single-user applications, but I'd avoid it for anything large-scale and/or multi-user. It's going to be a performance bottleneck, you'll have to set up a lock/polling mechanism to do writes, and it's not atomic you could very accidentally corrupt or overwrite the wrong data.
I'd still like to go back and rework both the database and model routines to better accommodate multiple database backends (currently MySQL is "mostly" supported and SQLite support is "started") and make for easier database instantiation and migrations from code. It's just not "there" yet and I'm open to input. But you could just use the database wrappers I've made to call MySQL or SQLite directly.
I think we're going to need a command line tool to do some of the heavy lifting and boilerplate things, like artisan or dotnet. Then you could do eumvc create [project] to create a new project from a template, and then eumvc migrate to create your tables from scratch or perform any required changes over time.
31. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by Icy_Viking Nov 08, 2021
This is all good news!
Is Eu MVC at a point where you could make something like this: https://retroachievements.org/
Probably! Most of the work would be in the design and layout of the front end and back end parts, mainly the page templates, CSS, etc. as well as the database layout and business logic.
I have a similar idea, but being able to use Euphoria for the database/web parts would be nice.
I wouldn't recommend the Euphoria EDS database but otherwise this is entirely doable. EDS is fine for local storage with single-user applications, but I'd avoid it for anything large-scale and/or multi-user. It's going to be a performance bottleneck, you'll have to set up a lock/polling mechanism to do writes, and it's not atomic you could very accidentally corrupt or overwrite the wrong data.
I'd still like to go back and rework both the database and model routines to better accommodate multiple database backends (currently MySQL is "mostly" supported and SQLite support is "started") and make for easier database instantiation and migrations from code. It's just not "there" yet and I'm open to input. But you could just use the database wrappers I've made to call MySQL or SQLite directly.
I think we're going to need a command line tool to do some of the heavy lifting and boilerplate things, like artisan or dotnet. Then you could do eumvc create [project] to create a new project from a template, and then eumvc migrate to create your tables from scratch or perform any required changes over time.
Nice. My plan was to use the MySQL wrapper. I figured EDS was more for personal databases or for projects where you didn't need anything super fancy. I also figure rewriting EDS to be more flexible/powerful is probably a project of itself too.
32. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by Bhupen1277 Nov 08, 2021
This is all good news!
Is Eu MVC at a point where you could make something like this: https://retroachievements.org/
Probably! Most of the work would be in the design and layout of the front end and back end parts, mainly the page templates, CSS, etc. as well as the database layout and business logic.
I have a similar idea, but being able to use Euphoria for the database/web parts would be nice.
I wouldn't recommend the Euphoria EDS database but otherwise this is entirely doable. EDS is fine for local storage with single-user applications, but I'd avoid it for anything large-scale and/or multi-user. It's going to be a performance bottleneck, you'll have to set up a lock/polling mechanism to do writes, and it's not atomic you could very accidentally corrupt or overwrite the wrong data.
I'd still like to go back and rework both the database and model routines to better accommodate multiple database backends (currently MySQL is "mostly" supported and SQLite support is "started") and make for easier database instantiation and migrations from code. It's just not "there" yet and I'm open to input. But you could just use the database wrappers I've made to call MySQL or SQLite directly.
I think we're going to need a command line tool to do some of the heavy lifting and boilerplate things, like artisan or dotnet. Then you could do eumvc create [project] to create a new project from a template, and then eumvc migrate to create your tables from scratch or perform any required changes over time.
Nice. My plan was to use the MySQL wrapper. I figured EDS was more for personal databases or for projects where you didn't need anything super fancy. I also figure rewriting EDS to be more flexible/powerful is probably a project of itself too.
It is about time Euphoria EDS was discarded in favour of something very close to SQL
33. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by euphoric (admin) Nov 08, 2021
It is about time Euphoria EDS was discarded in favour of something very close to SQL
This might be a good idea, to have a more serious database system immediately available after install.
Heck, it would be a good idea to have a MySQL/PostgreSQL/Maria DB/Mongo DB interface immediately available after install.
Maybe there already is one. I don't know.
Forked into: Discarding EDS
34. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 09, 2021
How exactly are you running the examples?
My project structure is the following:
├───conf ├───logs ├───templates ├───tmp └───www
In the root folder, I run lighttpd.bat which contains following code:
"C:\WinApps\lighttpd\lighttpd.exe" -f conf\lighttpd.conf -D
conf\lighttpd.conf contains this configuration:
server.modules = ( "mod_access", "mod_accesslog", "mod_cgi", "mod_redirect", "mod_rewrite", "mod_status", ) ## server root directory (default: 'CWD') var.server_root = CWD ## logging directory (it isn't used by default) var.log_root = server_root + "/logs" ## directory for temporary files (e.g. cache, upload, etc.) var.temp_dir = server_root + "/tmp" server.document-root = server_root + "/www" server.upload-dirs = ( temp_dir ) index-file.names = ( "index.ex", "index.pl", "index.cgi", "index.html", "index.htm", "default.htm" ) server.event-handler = "libev" url.access-deny = ( "~", ".inc", ".cfg", ".err", ".log", ".e" ) $HTTP["url"] =~ "\.pdf$" { server.range-requests = "disable" } static-file.exclude-extensions = ( ".pl", ".cgi" ) server.errorlog = server_root + "/logs/lighttpd.errors" server.port = 80 dir-listing.activate = "enable" dir-listing.encoding = "utf-8" debug.log-request-header = "enable" debug.log-response-header = "enable" debug.log-request-handling = "enable" debug.log-file-not-found = "enable" accesslog.filename = server_root + "/logs/access.log" cgi.assign = ( ".esp" => "C:/euphoria/bin/eui", ".il" => "C:/euphoria/bin/eub", ".cgi" => "", ) status.status-url = "/server-status" status.config-url = "/server-config" url.rewrite-if-not-file = ( "^(.*)$" => "index.esp/$1" )
When I want to access, the browser asks to download index as a file but it cannot cause the file doesn't exist.
logs/debug.log contains following lines:
2021/11/09 10:57:19 INFO set_log_output@logger.e:212 Logging to "..\\logs\\debug.log" 2021/11/09 10:57:19 DEBUG add_function@template.e:133 registered function "url_for" with params {{"name"},{"response",0}} at routine id 37 2021/11/09 10:57:19 DEBUG add_function@template.e:133 registered function "get_current_route" with params "" at routine id 38 2021/11/09 10:57:19 DEBUG add_function@template.e:133 registered function "get_current_path" with params "" at routine id 39 2021/11/09 10:57:19 INFO index@index.esp:39 index: request: "13"
35. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 09, 2021
logs/access.log containes: - [09/Nov/2021:10:57:19 +0100] "GET /index HTTP/1.1" 200 18 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0"
logs/lighttpd.errors contains:
2021-11-09 10:57:18: (request.c.445) fd: 8 request-len: 461 \nGET /index HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Language: fr,fr-FR;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nUpgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1\r\nSec-Fetch-Dest: document\r\nSec-Fetch-Mode: navigate\r\nSec-Fetch-Site: none\r\nSec-Fetch-User: ?1\r\n\r\n 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.388) -- splitting Request-URI 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.389) Request-URI : /index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.390) URI-scheme : http 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.391) URI-authority : 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.392) URI-path (raw) : /index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.393) URI-path (clean): /index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.394) URI-query : 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (mod_access.c.159) -- mod_access_uri_handler called 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.532) -- before doc_root 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.533) Doc-Root : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.534) Rel-Path : /index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.535) Path : 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.587) -- after doc_root 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.588) Doc-Root : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.589) Rel-Path : /index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.590) Path : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.388) -- splitting Request-URI 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.389) Request-URI : index.esp//index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.390) URI-scheme : http 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.391) URI-authority : 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.392) URI-path (raw) : index.esp//index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.393) URI-path (clean): /index.esp/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.394) URI-query : 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (mod_access.c.159) -- mod_access_uri_handler called 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.532) -- before doc_root 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.533) Doc-Root : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.534) Rel-Path : /index.esp/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.535) Path : 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.587) -- after doc_root 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.588) Doc-Root : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.589) Rel-Path : /index.esp/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.590) Path : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www/index.esp/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.607) -- logical -> physical 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.608) Doc-Root : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.609) Basedir : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.610) Rel-Path : /index.esp/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.611) Path : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www/index.esp/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.623) -- handling physical path 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.624) Path : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www/index.esp/index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.631) -- handling subrequest 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.632) Path : D:/Data/Euphoria/testMVC/www/index.esp 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.633) URI : /index.esp 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (response.c.634) Pathinfo : /index 2021-11-09 10:57:18: (mod_access.c.159) -- mod_access_uri_handler called 2021-11-09 10:57:19: (response.c.122) Response-Header: \nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\r\nContent-Length: 113\r\r\nDate: Tue, 09 Nov 2021 09:57:19 GMT\r\nServer: lighttpd/1.4.49\r\n\r\n 2021-11-09 10:57:25: (server.c.1879) connection closed - keep-alive timeout: 8
36. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 09, 2021
I'll be honest, I've done very little testing with Lighttpd or Windows. Each web server on each operating system creates a unique configuration to support, so with Windows and Linux (and maybe OS X) and Apache and Nginx (and maybe Lighttpd) we're looking at between four and nine unique combinations. That's a lot and I'm just one person with limited time.
If you can, it would help if you could get this working yourself and report back the solution when you find it. You can test running your app on Windows directly with a command script like this:
Then just run index.bat (or whatever you named it) to test the default path / and you can run index.bat /path to test other paths.
Also, have you tried using the built-in development server?
37. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 10, 2021
The script tells me "unexpected ]".
I tried the development server which works. I'd prefer lighttpd because in some cases when the script crashes I get no error with the development server while I get one with lighttpd.
Nginx does not manage CGI otherwise it would have been my preferate server.
38. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 10, 2021
The script tells me "unexpected ]".
What version of Windows are you on? It worked fine for me on Windows 10. You can just replace the brackets with quotes:
I tried the development server which works. I'd prefer lighttpd because in some cases when the script crashes I get no error with the development server while I get one with lighttpd.
Interesting. Can you reproduce this with a small example? One thing I've been trying to ensure is that logging and crashing take priority for development.
Nginx does not manage CGI otherwise it would have been my preferate server.
Yeah that's fair. I think when I was testing with Nginx I was using it as a reverse proxy for the development server. Ideally I'd like to support something like FastCGI or WSGI.
39. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 12, 2021
I'm using Win10 but no Powershell. I dit not understand how to use the batch script with lighttpd.
Here is the failing example. Its provides and empty debug.log.
#!/usr/local/euphoria-4.1.0-Linux-x64/bin/eui include std/map.e include std/filesys.e -- for canonical_path() include std/search.e -- for search:begins() include std/text.e -- for dequote include std/io.e -- for STDOUT include std/pretty.e include mvc/app.e include mvc/server.e include mvc/template.e include mvc/logger.e include mvc/database.e include mvc/db_sqlite3.e public function list_users() atom conn = db_connect( "sqlite3:test.sqlite" ) atom result = db_query( "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY login" ) object row = {} sequence user_list = {} while sequence( row ) do row = db_fetch( result ) if sequence( row ) then sequence user = { { "id", row[1] }, { "login", row[2] }, { "password", row[3] } } log_info( "user: %s", {pretty_sprint(user, {2})} ) user_list &= { map:new_from_kvpairs(user) } end if end while db_free( result ) db_disconnect() return user_list end function public function insert_user(sequence login, sequence password) log_info( "Inserting user %s", {login} ) atom conn = db_connect( "sqlite3:test.sqlite" ) atom result = db_query( sprintf("INSERT INTO users(login, password) VALUES ('%s','%s')", {login, password}) ) integer nb = db_affected_rows() db_disconnect() return nb end function public function delete_user(sequence id) log_info( "Deleting user %s", {id} ) atom conn = db_connect( "sqlite3:test.sqlite" ) atom result = db_query( sprintf("DELETE FROM users WHERE id=%s", {id}) ) integer nb = db_affected_rows() db_disconnect() return nb end function public function check_user(sequence login, sequence password) log_info( "Checking user %s", {login} ) atom conn = db_connect( "sqlite3:test.sqlite" ) atom result = db_query( sprintf("SELECT id FROM users WHERE login = '%s' and password = '%s'", {login, password}) ) sequence user_list = {} sequence row = db_fetch(result) for i = 1 to length(row) do sequence user = { { "id", row[i] } } log_info( "user: %s", {pretty_sprint(user, {2})} ) user_list &= { map:new_from_kvpairs(user) } end for db_free( result ) db_disconnect() return length(user_list) end function set_template_path( "../templates" ) function static( object request ) sequence path_info = map:get( request, "PATH_INFO" ) log_info( "path_info = %s", {path_info} ) sequence local_file = canonical_path( "." & path_info ) log_info( "local_file = %s", {local_file} ) if search:begins( current_dir(), local_file ) then return send_file( local_file ) end if return response_code( 404 ) end function app:route( "/static/.+", "static" ) function login( object request ) sequence method = map:get(request, "REQUEST_METHOD", "") object response = map:new() sequence login = "", password = "", err = "" if equal(method, "POST") then login = map:get(request, "login", "") password = map:get(request, "password", "") integer count = check_user(login, password) if count = 1 then map:put( response, "user", login ) return render_template( "main.html", response ) else err = "Your Login Name or Password is invalid" end if end if map:put( response, "user", login ) map:put( response, "error", err ) return render_template( "login.html", response ) end function app:route( "/", "login", {"GET","POST"} ) function ins( object request ) object response = map:new() map:put( response, "user", "test" ) return render_template( "insert.html", response ) end function app:route( "/insert", "ins" ) function users( object request ) log_info( "query = %s", {map:get(request, "QUERY_STRING", "")} ) sequence method = map:get(request, "REQUEST_METHOD", "") sequence err = "" if equal(method, "POST") and map:has(request, "save") then sequence login = map:get(request, "login", "") sequence password = map:get(request, "password", "") insert_user(login, password) elsif equal(method, "GET") and map:has(request, "del") then sequence id = map:get( request, "del", "" ) log_info( "id = %s", {id} ) if length(id) then delete_user(id) else err = "User ID not found" end if end if object response = map:new() sequence user_list = list_users() map:put( response, "user", "test" ) map:put( response, "user_list", user_list ) map:put( response, "error", err ) return render_template( "users.html", response ) end function app:route( "/users", "users", {"GET","POST"} ) set_log_output({ STDOUT, "!debug.log" }) -- overwrite debug.log each time set_log_level( LOG_DEBUG ) server:start("", 8080)
It may be related to the use of a DLL. When Euphoria crashes whle using a DLL, it usually behaves so (no trace).
40. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 12, 2021
It looks like a missing sqlite database caused the crash. When adding the file, the server runs and crashes with traces on the next error.
41. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 12, 2021
II also needed to replace "include std/map.e" with "include mvc/mapdbg.e as map"
42. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 12, 2021
It looks like a missing sqlite database caused the crash. When adding the file, the server runs and crashes with traces on the next error.
Yeah nothing your code is creating a database so that needs to exist already. This is what I was talking about in the other thread about migrations. We need a way to "bootstrap" an application and its database.
I should probably include a call to flush() in the inner loop of log_message(). I have a feeling some things are getting logged but they're buffered so you never see them.
I also plan to add one or more crash routines to provide better crash output to the browser, close log files, and disconnect any databases.
I definitely think browser crash messages from the development server would be helpful. Right now the browser just spins waiting for a response while the server has crashed.
II also needed to replace "include std/map.e" with "include mvc/mapdbg.e as map"
You shouldn't have to do that since, as its name implies, mapdbg is only for debugging maps. You have to have MAPDBG defined in eu.cfg or on the command line (-D MAPDBG) for it to work anyway. Otherwise it just acts as a passthrough to std/map.e.
namespace mapdbg ifdef not MAPDBG then public include std/map.e elsedef ...
What mapdbg does, if you're curious, is trace any calls to maps that are created so you can verify they're being cleaned up correctly. I was having issues with the development server early on, where continuous use would create maps without freeing them, resulting in a memory leak. I think I've got that under control now. It also provides a neat print_map() function for seeing the (possibly nested) structure of the maps you've created. There is also print_maps() which will display all of the maps it knows about at that time.
43. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 13, 2021
Thank you Greg,
url_parse() may not be the best function to use with sqlite3 local files. I am trying many ways to indicate to db_connect() where my local sqlite3 database is but _connect() which is called by db_connect() alway fails because url_parse() returns name=0.
I am actually testing url_parse() with different syntaxes to find the right one to use, but I think regex would be best adapted to local files.
44. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 13, 2021
If I remove both "include std/map.e" and "include mvc/mapdbg.e as map" the development server runs. It crashes later while using the script.
If I use only "include std/map.e", the server crashes instantly without any debug trace.
If I use only "include mvc/mapdbg.e as map", the serevr runs and crashes later.
I found the right syntax for sqlite3 local files to comply with url_parse(), thanks to Firefox:
constant DB_URL = "sqlite3:file:///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite"
proto = sqlite3, name = "///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite"
However, the script crashes instantly with no debug trace. I then added flush() to log_messages() and here are the last debug lines after this change:
2021/11/13 10:54:46 DEBUG db_connect@database.e:83 url = "sqlite3:file:///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite", timeout = 5000 2021/11/13 10:54:46 DEBUG _connect@db_sqlite3.e:24 name = "\"///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite\""
45. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 13, 2021
Here is a test script:
include std/net/url.e include std/io.e include std/console.e include db/sqlite3.e constant DB_URL = "sqlite3:file:///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite" atom result, db integer f_debug = open("debug.log", "w") object proto, host, user, passwd, name, port {proto,host,port,name,user,passwd, ?} = url:parse( DB_URL, 1 ) -- name = name[4..$] printf(f_debug, "proto = %s, name = %s\n", {proto, name} ) flush(f_debug) {result,db} = sqlite3_open( name ) puts(f_debug, "DB is opened!\n") sqlite3_close( db ) close(f_debug) maybe_any_key()
It always fails on sqlite3_open(), even if I remove the "///" prefix. I checked with HEXAED: D:\Data\Euphoria\v4\Personnel\mysql_users\users.sqlite is an existing binary sqlite3 file.
46. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 14, 2021
I would suggest using following function instead of url_parse():
include std/regex.e as re include std/pretty.e include std/filesys.e include std/sequence.e include std/convert.e include std/console.e --include sqlite3.e constant URLS = { "http://user:pass@www.debian.org:80/index.html?name=John&age=39", "http://www.debian.org:80/index.html?name=John&age=39", "http://www.debian.org/index.html?name=John&age=39", "http://user:pass@www.debian.org/index.html?name=John&age=39", "http://user:pass@www.debian.org:80", "http://user:pass@www.debian.org:80/", "http://user:pass@www.debian.org:80/index.html", "http://user:pass@www.debian.org/index.html", "http://www.debian.org:80/index.html", "http://www.debian.org/index.html", "file:///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite" } constant re_url = re:new("([a-z]+):(//+)(.*)") function parse_url(sequence url) sequence s = "", user="", pass="", host="", path = "", query = "" integer port=0 object matches = re:matches(re_url, url) --pretty_print(1, matches, {2}) --puts(1, "\n") if equal("file", matches[2]) then return {matches[2], mapping(matches[4], "/", {SLASH})} else if find('/', matches[4]) then s = stdseq:split(matches[4], '/') path = s[2] url = s[1] else url = matches[4] end if if find('@', url) then s = stdseq:split(url, '@') {user, pass} = stdseq:split(s[1], ':') url = s[2] end if if find(':', url) then s = stdseq:split(url, ':') host = s[1] port = to_number(s[2]) else host = url end if if find('?', path) then s = stdseq:split(path, '?') path = s[1] query = s[2] else end if return {matches[2], user, pass, host, port, path, query} end if end function for i = 1 to length(URLS) do puts(1, URLS[i] & "\n") sequence matches = parse_url(URLS[i]) pretty_print(1, matches, {2}) puts(1, "\n") /* if equal(matches[1], "file") then atom db = sqlite_open( matches[2] ) puts(1, "DB is opened!\n") sqlite_close( db ) end if */ end for maybe_any_key()
Using my own sqlite3 wrapper, sqlite_open() does work.
If I use openeuphoria-mvc sqlite3_open(), database opening fails.
47. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 14, 2021
If I remove both "include std/map.e" and "include mvc/mapdbg.e as map" the development server runs. It crashes later while using the script.
If I use only "include std/map.e", the server crashes instantly without any debug trace.
If I use only "include mvc/mapdbg.e as map", the serevr runs and crashes later.
I found the right syntax for sqlite3 local files to comply with url_parse(), thanks to Firefox:
constant DB_URL = "sqlite3:file:///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite"
proto = sqlite3, name = "///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite"
However, the script crashes instantly with no debug trace. I then added flush() to log_messages() and here are the last debug lines after this change:
2021/11/13 10:54:46 DEBUG db_connect@database.e:83 url = "sqlite3:file:///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite", timeout = 5000 2021/11/13 10:54:46 DEBUG _connect@db_sqlite3.e:24 name = "\"///D:/Data/Euphoria/v4/Personnel/mysql_users/users.sqlite\""
Oh wow I didn't realize this is what you were doing until now. I haven't tried putting paths in URL parameter for SQLite3. The most I've done is "sqlite3://filename.db".
We'll need to update the connect handler in mvc/db_sqlite3.e to accommodate this better, as it's only pulling the name value from the parsed URL.
Does it work if you just give it a single file name without a path?
function _connect( sequence url, integer timeout ) object proto, host, user, passwd, name, port {proto,host,port,name,user,passwd,?} = url:parse( url ) atom result, db {result,db} = sqlite3_open( name ) if result != SQLITE_OK then return 0 end if return db end function add_handler( SQLITE3, DB_CONNECT, routine_id("_connect") )
48. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 15, 2021
With both "sqlite3:test.sqlite" and "sqlite3://test.sqlite", url:parse returns "filename = 0" on Windows 10.
49. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 16, 2021
Usually, when using a DLL with OpenEuphoria and a problem occurs while using the DLL, OEU crashes without traces.
I noticed using multitasking there is a way to avoid this. Let's take an empty SQLite3 database.
procedure task_update() -- update a table here end procedure atom t1= task_create(routine_id("task_update", {}) task_schedule(t1, 1)
If you try to update an non existing table with an SQLite3 wrapper, program will not crash as usual this way.
50. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 16, 2021
With both "sqlite3:test.sqlite" and "sqlite3://test.sqlite", url:parse returns "filename = 0" on Windows 10.
I will do some more testing and make sure the database library knows how to handle this correctly. In the mean time, maybe SQLite3 isn't ready to be used with Euphoria MVC.
Usually, when using a DLL with OpenEuphoria and a problem occurs while using the DLL, OEU crashes without traces.
This is correct. If something causes the DLL to crash, it takes the entire application down with it, and control never comes back to Euphoria to inform you of the crash. Not much can be done about this; it's just the way executables and shared libraries interact with each other. This may require debugging with gdb to determine where the crash occurs and why. Can you reproduce it with a small example using only the SQLite3 wrapper and nothing else?
I noticed using multitasking there is a way to avoid this. Let's take an empty SQLite3 database.
procedure task_update() -- update a table here end procedure atom t1= task_create(routine_id("task_update", {}) task_schedule(t1, 1)
This... is a bizarre solution to the problem. I would advise trying to track down why and where the issue occurs. There's got to be a reason.
If you try to update an non existing table with an SQLite3 wrapper, program will not crash as usual this way.
Is this the reason it's crashing? You need to ensure your tables are created; there's no working around that.
51. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by jmduro Nov 16, 2021
I didn't explain well what I expect. I have intentionally provoked the crash by selecting a non-existing table in the SQLite database.
I'm using OpenEuphoria because of its debugging features. I need to get traces even when a DLL results in a crash. I expect getting an error message by avoiding an external crash caused by a DLL. Instead I want Euphoria to get a return code when possible and then to provoke a crash after logging a message. That is why I tested this "bizarre" method using multitasking. This is how:
integer return_code procedure task_update() sequence cmd = sprintf("UPDATE \"devices\" SET \"%s\" = \"%s\" WHERE \"rowid\" = %d;", {"Last_update", deviceList[selected][LAST_UPDATE], selected}) return_code = sqlite_get_table(sql_db, cmd) end procedure atom t1= task_create(routine_id("task_update", {}) task_schedule(t1, 1) if return_code != SQLITE_OK then error:crash("Update failed!") end if
52. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) Nov 16, 2021
I didn't explain well what I expect. I have intentionally provoked the crash by selecting a non-existing table in the SQLite database.
I'm using OpenEuphoria because of its debugging features. I need to get traces even when a DLL results in a crash. I expect getting an error message by avoiding an external crash caused by a DLL. Instead I want Euphoria to get a return code when possible and then to provoke a crash after logging a message. That is why I tested this "bizarre" method using multitasking. This is how:
Oh okay, that's fair. You're right that we should get back a response from the DLL. Something else may be going on.
Which version and architecture of Euphoria are you using? I have been developing against Euphoria 4.1 64-bit.
53. Re: Euphoria MVC updates
- Posted by AlexXX Nov 17, 2021
I think I've corrected all of these now. Please pull down the latest changes and try it again.
c:\eu4\MY\euphoria-mvc-1.14.0\examples\example4.ex:45 <0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 'hwnd' (..\include\mvc\utils.e:188) has not been declared. 'TRUE' (..\include\mvc\utils.e:188) has not been declared. 'LOG_ALL' (example4.ex:45) has not been declared. set_log_level( LOG_ALL ) ^