Re: Euphoria MVC updates

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Hi Greg,

To avoid any development server crashes and problems with web server versions, I decided to use lighttpd which is light, cross platform and allows to use dedicated configuration files per project.

In each project folder, I only need to create 4 sub-folders:


logs and tmp are empty. conf contains a copy of lighttpd conf subfolder with parameters specific to the project.

cgi.assign = (  
#-- Most relevant line:  
  ".ex"  => "C:\euphoria4.1_32\bin\eui",   
#-- Shrouded Euphoria scripts as CGI, runs faster:    
  ".il"  => "C:\euphoria4.1_32\bin\eub",   
  ".cgi" => "",  

Euphoria files are located in www. In the project root folder, I create a file to launch lighttpd with the specific configuration.

C:\data\euphoria\v4\Perso\server>type lighttpd.bat 
"C:\WinApps\lighttpd\lighttpd.exe" -D 

It never crashes and reports OEU errors as usual.

Unfortunately, it shows errors with example3.ex on Windows:

C:\data\euphoria\v4\Perso\server>"C:\WinApps\lighttpd\lighttpd.exe" -D 
2021-10-26 08:41:18: (server.c.1083) trying to read configuration (test mode) 
2021-10-26 08:41:18: (server.c.1471) server started (lighttpd/1.4.48) 
<0074>:: Errors resolving the following references: 
    'hwnd' (C:\euphoria4.1_32\include\mvc\utils.e:188) has not been declared. 
    'TRUE' (C:\euphoria4.1_32\include\mvc\utils.e:188) has not been declared. 
    c_func( xShellExecuteA, {hwnd,allocate_string("open",TRUE),allocate_string(url,TRUE),NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWNORMAL} ) 
Press Enter 

With example4.ex and last line replaced by app:run(), there is one more error:

    'LOG_ALL' (example4.ex:45) has not been declared. 

If I comment the unneeded start_url procedure in mvc/utils.e, I get an HTTP 500 Internal error with following warnings first time:

2021/10/26 09:05:04  WARN getenv@utils.e:54 Environment variable not found: "SERVER_SIGNATURE" 
2021/10/26 09:05:04  WARN getenv@utils.e:54 Environment variable not found: "PATH_INFO" 
2021/10/26 09:05:04  WARN getenv@utils.e:54 Environment variable not found: "QUERY_STRING" 

On next attempts, warnings are not displayed anymore but this error:

2021-10-26 09:05:53: (mod_cgi.c.1031) CGI pid 6088 died with signal 11 


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