Re: Euphoria MVC updates

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I would suggest using following function instead of url_parse():

include std/regex.e as re 
include std/pretty.e 
include std/filesys.e 
include std/sequence.e 
include std/convert.e 
include std/console.e 
--include sqlite3.e 
constant URLS = { 
constant re_url = re:new("([a-z]+):(//+)(.*)") 
function parse_url(sequence url) 
  sequence s = "", user="", pass="", host="", path = "", query = "" 
  integer port=0 
  object matches = re:matches(re_url, url) 
  --pretty_print(1, matches, {2}) 
  --puts(1, "\n") 
  if equal("file", matches[2]) then 
    return {matches[2], mapping(matches[4], "/", {SLASH})} 
    if find('/', matches[4]) then 
      s = stdseq:split(matches[4], '/') 
      path = s[2] 
      url = s[1] 
      url = matches[4] 
    end if 
    if find('@', url) then 
      s = stdseq:split(url, '@') 
      {user, pass} = stdseq:split(s[1], ':') 
      url = s[2] 
    end if 
    if find(':', url) then 
      s = stdseq:split(url, ':') 
      host = s[1] 
      port = to_number(s[2]) 
      host = url 
    end if 
    if find('?', path) then 
      s = stdseq:split(path, '?') 
      path = s[1] 
      query = s[2] 
    end if 
    return {matches[2], user, pass, host, port, path, query} 
  end if 
end function 
for i = 1 to length(URLS) do 
  puts(1, URLS[i] & "\n") 
  sequence matches = parse_url(URLS[i]) 
  pretty_print(1, matches, {2}) 
  puts(1, "\n") 

  if equal(matches[1], "file") then 
    atom db = sqlite_open( matches[2] ) 
    puts(1, "DB is opened!\n") 
    sqlite_close( db ) 
  end if 
end for 

Using my own sqlite3 wrapper, sqlite_open() does work.

If I use openeuphoria-mvc sqlite3_open(), database opening fails.


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