Re: Euphoria MVC updates

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Icy_Viking said...

This is all good news!

Is Eu MVC at a point where you could make something like this:

Probably! Most of the work would be in the design and layout of the front end and back end parts, mainly the page templates, CSS, etc. as well as the database layout and business logic.

Icy_Viking said...

I have a similar idea, but being able to use Euphoria for the database/web parts would be nice.

I wouldn't recommend the Euphoria EDS database but otherwise this is entirely doable. EDS is fine for local storage with single-user applications, but I'd avoid it for anything large-scale and/or multi-user. It's going to be a performance bottleneck, you'll have to set up a lock/polling mechanism to do writes, and it's not atomic you could very accidentally corrupt or overwrite the wrong data.

I'd still like to go back and rework both the database and model routines to better accommodate multiple database backends (currently MySQL is "mostly" supported and SQLite support is "started") and make for easier database instantiation and migrations from code. It's just not "there" yet and I'm open to input. But you could just use the database wrappers I've made to call MySQL or SQLite directly.

I think we're going to need a command line tool to do some of the heavy lifting and boilerplate things, like artisan or dotnet. Then you could do eumvc create [project] to create a new project from a template, and then eumvc migrate to create your tables from scratch or perform any required changes over time.


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