1. Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

Euphoria is an elegant programming language that has the potential to compete with other programming languages. Sadly, for many years, it has been lacking libraries and tools necessary for people to take it seriously as anything other than a hobby language. One of the major areas it is lacking in is Graphical User Interface libraries. Although there are several libraries available, they are all somewhat difficult to use because they wrap the complex Win32 API or third-party libraries that are written in C.

FluidAE is an exciting new GUI library that makes it easier than ever to design a graphical user interface in the Euphoria programming language. It is written from scratch in pure Euphoria code to take full advantage of Euphoria's sequences, namespaces, and other syntax features with minimal overhead. Internally, FluidAE hides the complexities of low-level operating-system-specific APIs with an “operating system window” layer of code. On top of this layer is a special system of Widgets that you control through a unique, elegant, and intuitive API. This API has several major advantages.

I am happy to announce that after 8+ years of experimentation, research, and rewriting code multiple times, FluidAE 3.0.alpha1 has finally been released! I sincerely hope that this project will help the Euphoria community to create high-quality software.

If you are interested in GUI programming, you can download it from http://fluidae.com/. Also, you can join the #fluidae channel on irc.freenode.net where I am available to chat about this project.

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2. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

What OSs does it support? Does it require the installation of any 3rd party toolkits?

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3. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

m_sabal said...

What OSs does it support?

It currently runs on Windows, but I plan to add support for other platforms, too.

m_sabal said...

Does it require the installation of any 3rd party toolkits?

No, it doesn't require any other libraries at all! It accesses win32 api directly.

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4. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

Hi Ryan

I've been sort of following you efforts with FluidAE ever since its inception, and I'd just like to say I am impressed, both wit the product and your dedication to it. This has much promise. However, if I may few (hopefully) constructive criticism.

I consider myself a long term newbie, and like to play with the new programs that come without necessarily getting stuck into the nitty gritty of them. As such I consider myself the perfect beta tester.


The startup is quite slow for the demo - 30 seconds on my (old) 2Ghz Xp system. Is there a reason for this, and are there any plans to speed it up? Perhaps the library could be put into a dll for speedier access - I have no idea if that would help or not (or even if it's possible)

You have obviously spent a considerable time thinking about the API - but to me, and I may be just me - it isn't as intuitive as you suggest. Perhaps some more hand holding in the manual, or more commented single and few widget demos would go a long way to help.

The layout system is similar to GTK and wxwidgets, again perhaps a little more detail in the manual, or demos would be helpful.

Any way, keep up the excellent work, with its simplicity of installation it will certainly be a useful addition to the Euphoria tool set.


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5. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

There is a gotcha in it: all the widgets must be different, you cannot reuse code even with a different-named widget. Ry has not yet said what the penalty is for doing so. Or why it is this way.


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6. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ChrisB said...

The startup is quite slow for the demo - 30 seconds on my (old) 2Ghz Xp system. Is there a reason for this, and are there any plans to speed it up? Perhaps the library could be put into a dll for speedier access - I have no idea if that would help or not (or even if it's possible)

I didn't think it would be that slow...wow. I haven't tested it on an older XP computer yet. I'm curious, do you know how long it takes for a win32lib application to start up on that machine? It looks like win32lib source code is about 1.78 MB, but FluidAE is only 659KB. Still, that's alot of code for the interpreter to convert to IL. I don't know how much I can speed it up. FluidAE is actually going to grow in size as I add more features. I was thinking about experimenting with separating the gui into a separate process that communicates with the application through shared memory. That's what FluidAE was going to be like originally, but I had to narrow my focus on my overly-ambitious project, lol.

ChrisB said...

You have obviously spent a considerable time thinking about the API - but to me, and I may be just me - it isn't as intuitive as you suggest. Perhaps some more hand holding in the manual, or more commented single and few widget demos would go a long way to help.

The layout system is similar to GTK and wxwidgets, again perhaps a little more detail in the manual, or demos would be helpful.

I admit, the API isn't explained as well as it should be. In the next few releases, I will be adding more smaller demos and examples in the manual. When I said "intuitive", I was referring to the fact that there aren't as many arguments for routines. There are fewer routines to begin with, plus, the data you pass to them clearly labels each property with a string. Also, I believe that once you get used to the FluidAE API, you will find it is pretty easy to build complex GUIs. (I am writing a few some-what complex applications with FluidAE right now to test my theory.)

I understand that things like menus and lists can be hard on the eyes, due to long nested sequences. I'm open to suggestions. After all, this is the very first Alpha version. blink

Thanks for your constructive criticism.

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7. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless_ said...

There is a gotcha in it: all the widgets must be different, you cannot reuse code even with a different-named widget.

I'm sorry, I do not understand what you mean by "you cannot reuse code". It should be possible to create multiple instances of dialogs, or even multiple instances of groups of widgets that can be placed wherever you want. I am in the process of writing an application that will demonstrate this.

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8. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

I forgot to mention something in the Manual.

In fluidae.e there is a procedure:

export procedure call_task(integer rid, sequence args) 
    void = task_create(routine_id("temp_task"), {rid, args}) 
    task_schedule(void, {0.001, 0.1}) 
end procedure 

It makes it super easy to start a separate task. For example, say you want a splash screen to appear for a few seconds as the program is starting. First, create the main window, then start the splash screen task, then continue loading things into the main window.

procedure start() 
        {"name", "winMain"}, 
        {"class", "window"}, 
        {"title", "FluidAE Demo Application"}, 
        {"size", {640, 480}} 
    call_task(routine_id("show_splash"), {}) 

In the show_splash() routine, you create a window that displays an image, task_delay() for a few seconds, then destroy that window. This happens while the start() procedure continues to run.

FluidAE can do much more with multitasking than that. For example, you could write a procedure that creates a dialog with a progress bar and a cancel button and then starts processing a large file (call task_yield() often, of course). While it is processing the file, it can update the progress bar. You could start multiple instances of this procedure, all while the rest of your application is still able to respond to events from any widget. It doesn't matter what tasks are running, all the event handlers still work, and any task can make changes to the GUI, as long as every task is calling task_yield() frequently so that the GUI's tasks can keep processing things. I will write an application that demonstrates this.

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9. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ryanj said...
useless_ said...

There is a gotcha in it: all the widgets must be different, you cannot reuse code even with a different-named widget.

I'm sorry, I do not understand what you mean by "you cannot reuse code". It should be possible to create multiple instances of dialogs, or even multiple instances of groups of widgets that can be placed wherever you want. I am in the process of writing an application that will demonstrate this.

From the irc logs of 10/10/2013 :

[21:01] <rywilly_> if you are curious, i wrote a really detailed API manual (pdf file) and there's a demo application, too
[21:02] <useless-afk> i *was* curious, until you said i couldn't run two or more widgets of the same code
[21:03] <rywilly_> i still am not sure what you were trying to say, i don't know if it can do what you want or not getlost
[21:11] <useless-afk> how is FAE going to know i amrunning the same code twice, and what is the penalty i am subjected to?

And you had said regarding using the same code in multiple widgets, that FAE wasn't that OO.


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10. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless_ said...

[21:02] <useless-afk> i *was* curious, until you said i couldn't run two or more widgets of the same code

I don't understand what you meant there. You don't "run" widgets, and you don't put code "in" them. You tell the gui to create them, and you create event handlers that the gui calls when a widget sends an event. Any code that the widgets "have" is in the widget library and the individual widget class libraries, not in your application. You can create multiple instances of things, as long as each widget has a unique name ("winDownload1", winDownload2", etc.). Because widget names are strings, you can use normal string handling techniques to deal with them.

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11. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ryanj said...
useless_ said...

[21:02] <useless-afk> i *was* curious, until you said i couldn't run two or more widgets of the same code

I don't understand what you meant there. You don't "run" widgets, and you don't put code "in" them. You tell the gui to create them, and you create event handlers that the gui calls when a widget sends an event. Any code that the widgets "have" is in the widget library and the individual widget class libraries, not in your application. You can create multiple instances of things, as long as each widget has a unique name ("winDownload1", winDownload2", etc.). Because widget names are strings, you can use normal string handling techniques to deal with them.

So we cannot edit the widget library? What are the penalties for doing so?


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12. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless_ said...

So we cannot edit the widget library? What are the penalties for doing so?

Yes, you could make your own custom widget classes, but it has to be done a specific way or it won't work correctly with the other widget classes. My intention is to provide a complete set of standard widgets classes so that people don't need to make their own. Things like setting the mouse cursor, drawing widgets in the correct order, getting/loosing focus, resizing, and arranging widgets have to be handled in a certain way. All these operations are internal, hidden from the application.

The Document widget is the next piece that I am working on. In a way, it can create custom "widgets" inside it. It lets you create custom objects that each have their own drawing scripts which the user can interact with using the keyboard and mouse. These objects don't have to rectangular, they can be any shape (using a "layer" or "z-depth" bitmap to identify what object the mouse is over). It could display events on a calendar, a spreadsheet, vector-drawing objects with handles, flow charts, etc. The objects send events to a special document object event handler.

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13. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ryanj said...
useless_ said...

So we cannot edit the widget library? What are the penalties for doing so?

Yes, you could make your own custom widget classes, but it has to be done a specific way or it won't work correctly with the other widget classes. My intention is to provide a complete set of standard widgets classes so that people don't need to make their own.

I applaud your attitude. It is better to give the application programmer a reasonably complete set of functions and tell him not to meddle with those rules. He/she could then concentrate on creating a good application without worrying about the GUI and without worrying abolut any absent features.
I will even say that it is best to give a reasonably complete set of GUI functions and tell him to take it or leave it.
There are too many people writing too many functions and modifications to Euphoria, and not enough programmers using the language. The time spent (wasted) in these so called modifications is better spent on promoting the language in forums and areas where it matters.
One of the reasons I was suggesting many "includes" into one and building a "no entry" wall around it was this concern.

ryanj: My suggestion to you is to go ahead and finish the task the way YOU want to finish it, and then spend some time in giving us the demos and documentations. You then look at it later only when there are significant changes in windows APIs

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14. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

EUWX said...
ryanj said...
useless_ said...

So we cannot edit the widget library? What are the penalties for doing so?

Yes, you could make your own custom widget classes, but it has to be done a specific way or it won't work correctly with the other widget classes. My intention is to provide a complete set of standard widgets classes so that people don't need to make their own.

I applaud your attitude. It is better to give the application programmer a reasonably complete set of functions and tell him not to meddle with those rules.

I have encouraged Ryan over the years in his work on FAE, i have not said a bad word about it until this last week. I think FAE is a landmark feature addition to Euphoria in the world of gui OSs like windows and nix.

Before Ryan announced in this forum that FAE was complete enough to make a release, i believe i spotted yet another large leap FAE could make, but Ryan has shut me down, even to the point of not saying what sanctions i get if i make use of FAE as i would like (even tho it's licensed in such a way i could).

Oddly, contradicting himself, EUWX goes on to say:

EUWX said...

He/she could then concentrate on creating a good application without worrying about the GUI and without worrying abolut any absent features.
I will even say that it is best to give a reasonably complete set of GUI functions and tell him to take it or leave it.

You mean Ry should not have written FAE, when there is already various other gui libraries in the archives, including the crossplatform Tk interfaces?

EUWX said...

There are too many people writing too many functions and modifications to Euphoria, and not enough programmers using the language. The time spent (wasted) in these so called modifications is better spent on promoting the language in forums and areas where it matters.

Right. Lets struggle with what we have, not make any improvements. We should be begging other people to use whatever we have, instead of providing what they'd want to use. Shame on you Ryan!

EUWX said...

One of the reasons I was suggesting many "includes" into one and building a "no entry" wall around it was this concern.

Right, stop all progress on FAE right now, and make it proprietary and encrypted and impossible to tweak and improve!

EUWX said...

ryanj: My suggestion to you is to go ahead and finish the task the way YOU want to finish it, and then spend some time in giving us the demos and documentations. You then look at it later only when there are significant changes in windows APIs

Ryan has worked on FAE on and off for many years. I've encouraged a release before it was finished. I believe he's done the right thing in releasing now, and i suggest more demos now. I thought FAE would be just the thing to get me to leave a 32,000 byte dos/basic interpreter environment behind and program for a gigabyte gui operating system, but my last conversations with him in #euphoria ended badly, and he's going to stop short of the next step. I had hoped he could add 10 more lines of code to FAE to make all my dreams come true, and add even more functionality to OOEU-gui-tasks. And now EUWX is also saying i should be forbidden to add to FAE. So, i remain:


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15. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless said: "I had hoped he could add 10 more lines of code to FAE to make all my dreams come true"

That attitude is exactly what I am concerned about. If every developer or user has that attitude, he will never be able to finish. The right attitude is what I suggested. Let him finish the way he wants to do it. Add your own functions in YOUR own application programs ad lib, but please don't clutter the library with extras.

A woman with a baby can get presents of all kinds of toys and clothes from friends and relatives, but don't force her to use those toys and clothes on HER BABY, and when the baby is to be presented to the outside world for a competition or just a trip, let the mother decide what clothes the baby wears and what toys she takes with her.

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16. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

EUWX said...

useless said: "I had hoped he could add 10 more lines of code to FAE to make all my dreams come true"

That attitude is exactly what I am concerned about. If every developer or user has that attitude, he will never be able to finish. The right attitude is what I suggested. Let him finish the way he wants to do it. Add your own functions in YOUR own application programs ad lib, but please don't clutter the library with extras.

A woman with a baby can get presents of all kinds of toys and clothes from friends and relatives, but don't force her to use those toys and clothes on HER BABY, and when the baby is to be presented to the outside world for a competition or just a trip, let the mother decide what clothes the baby wears and what toys she takes with her.

The problem is Ry said i cannot, he didn't build it to do that, and both you and he want no changes to it. Again, he hasn't said what the penalties to me are if i change anything.


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17. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless_ said...
EUWX said...

useless said: "I had hoped he could add 10 more lines of code to FAE to make all my dreams come true"

That attitude is exactly what I am concerned about. If every developer or user has that attitude, he will never be able to finish. The right attitude is what I suggested. Let him finish the way he wants to do it. Add your own functions in YOUR own application programs ad lib, but please don't clutter the library with extras.

A woman with a baby can get presents of all kinds of toys and clothes from friends and relatives, but don't force her to use those toys and clothes on HER BABY, and when the baby is to be presented to the outside world for a competition or just a trip, let the mother decide what clothes the baby wears and what toys she takes with her.

The problem is Ry said i cannot, he didn't build it to do that, and both you and he want no changes to it. Again, he hasn't said what the penalties to me are if i change anything.


ryanj has already said in his reply: "Yes, you could make your own custom widget classes, but it has to be done a specific way or it won't work correctly with the other widget classes"

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18. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

eukat said...

I have encouraged Ryan over the years in his work on FAE, i have not said a bad word about it <snip> I think FAE is a landmark feature addition to Euphoria in the world of gui OSs like windows and nix.


eukat said...

Before Ryan announced in this forum that FAE was complete enough to make a release, i believe i spotted yet another large leap FAE could make, not saying what sanctions i get if i make use of FAE as i would like (even tho it's licensed in such a way i could).

I support such leaps!

eukat said...

Oddly, contradicting himself, EUWX goes on to say:

EUWX said...

He/she could then concentrate on creating a good application without worrying about the GUI and without worrying abolut any absent features.
I will even say that it is best to give a reasonably complete set of GUI functions and tell him to take it or leave it.

You mean Ry should not have written FAE, when there is already various other gui libraries in the archives, including the crossplatform Tk interfaces?

Excellent point! I agree in full (and disagree completely with EUWX).

eukat said...
EUWX said...

There are too many people writing too many functions and modifications to Euphoria, and not enough programmers using the language. The time spent (wasted) in these so called modifications is better spent on promoting the language in forums and areas where it matters.

Right. Lets struggle with what we have, not make any improvements. We should be begging other people to use whatever we have, instead of providing what they'd want to use. Shame on you Ryan!

EUWX said...

One of the reasons I was suggesting many "includes" into one and building a "no entry" wall around it was this concern.

Right, stop all progress on FAE right now, and make it proprietary and encrypted and impossible to tweak and improve!

You are so right here. I fully agree with having FluidAE supporting the ability to make custom widgets and allow other end-developers (as opposed to the end-user, who may not be a programmer and who just deals with the final application, not knowing it's FluidAE or Euphoria) to make addition tweaks and improvements.

Thus, I am heartened to see ryanj say that this is in fact allowed:

ryanj said...

Yes, you could make your own custom widget classes,

The Document widget is the next piece that I am working on. In a way, it can create custom "widgets" inside it.

eukat said...
EUWX said...

ryanj: My suggestion to you is to go ahead and finish the task the way YOU want to finish it, and then spend some time in giving us the demos and documentations. You then look at it later only when there are significant changes in windows APIs

Ryan has worked on FAE on and off for many years. I've encouraged a release before it was finished. I believe he's done the right thing in releasing now, and i suggest more demos now.

I was there, and it's true. I saw this. I agree (that it is the right thing).

eukat said...

I thought FAE would be just the thing to get me to leave a 32,000 byte dos/basic interpreter environment behind and program for a gigabyte gui operating system, but my last conversations with him in #euphoria ended badly, and he's going to stop short of the next step. I had hoped he could add 10 more lines of code to FAE to make all my dreams come true, and add even more functionality to OOEU-gui-tasks.

I hope he does too! If anyone could add those 10 lines, it's certainly ryanj.

eukat said...

And now EUWX is also saying i should be forbidden to add to FAE.

For the record, I completely and entirely disagree with EUWX.

eukat said...

Ryan has shut me down,

The problem is Ry said i cannot, he didn't build it to do that, and both you and he want no changes to it.

Perhaps he's just having a busy weekend, or got called into the office at the last minute at some emergency issue from his employer, and hasn't had time to respond yet?

I'm confident that ryanj will come back and say that he will allow custom widgets in FluidAE, and that he will add those 10 lines (once he figures out what they are), or I'll eat the paper used to write this post.

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19. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

EUWX said...
ryanj said...

Yes, you could make your own custom widget classes, but it has to be done a specific way or it won't work correctly with the other widget classes. My intention is to provide a complete set of standard widgets classes so that people don't need to make their own.

I applaud your attitude. It is better to give the application programmer a reasonably complete set of functions and tell him not to meddle with those rules.

I'd like to see ryanj clarify this, but that's not quite my interpretation of what he said.

Here's my interpretation:

"You can do this, just make sure you figure out what the hidden rules are or things may break in surprising ways. If this sort of thing is not fun for you though, I hope to spare you as much of this pain as possible by doing my best to make sure you'd never need to make your own."

ryanj didn't explictly state this, but I thought the following was implied: "If his sort of thing is fun for you though, go ahead and have fun!"

Perhaps the most useful, or interesting, custom widgets will even be adopted by ryanj into the next release of FluidAE!

It'd be nice if ryanj could explicitly spell out what rules need to be followed, and what the exact consequences for violating each one is, however

A) You get what you pay for. AFAIK, although ryanj has been paid to develop at least one application, which involved work on and using FluidAE, he's not being paid to develop docs for custom widget writing.

B) This is an alpha version, so the rules and the consequences may have changed between now and the final release. "Internals" tend to change more frequently than a solid, external API.

EUWX said...

He/she could then concentrate on creating a good application without worrying about the GUI and without worrying abolut any absent features.

There's always the occasional, odd, exotic app that needs its own custom widget though.

EUWX said...

I will even say that it is best to give a reasonably complete set of GUI functions and tell him to take it or leave it.

I strongly disagree with this. People should be free to tweak things. Maybe this library meets 95% of my needs, but if I can't add the missing 5% myself then I have to spent 100% of the effort doing it from scratch. That's a far cry from best.

EUWX said...

There are too many people writing too many functions and modifications to Euphoria, and not enough programmers using the language. The time spent (wasted) in these so called modifications is better spent on promoting the language in forums and areas where it matters.

A programming language is a tool. Most, if not every single one of those functions and modifications were done to address a specific need encountered in real life by someone.

I agree with you on the promotion and stuff, but for me, I haven't done it because that's no fun.

EUWX said...

ryanj: My suggestion to you is to go ahead and finish the task the way YOU want to finish it, and then spend some time in giving us the demos and documentations. You then look at it later only when there are significant changes in windows APIs

I agree with this, but at the same time, I'd recommend that ryanj keep an open mind about new ideas to improve his grand masterpiece. You never know who might suggest what to make this GUI easier to use or develop or more fun to deal with.

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20. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

EUWX said...

I applaud your attitude. It is better to give the application programmer a reasonably complete set of functions and tell him not to meddle with those rules. He/she could then concentrate on creating a good application without worrying about the GUI and without worrying abolut any absent features.
I will even say that it is best to give a reasonably complete set of GUI functions and tell him to take it or leave it.

I'm believe there should be a standard set of widget classes, but with lots of options (properties that you can adjust) to hopefully cover every possible scenario. Just like there is a standard library. You are free to write your own, but the standard is there so people don't need to reinvent the wheel every time they write a program.

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21. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless_ said...

I thought FAE would be just the thing to get me to leave a 32,000 byte dos/basic interpreter environment behind and program for a gigabyte gui operating system, but my last conversations with him in #euphoria ended badly, and he's going to stop short of the next step. I had hoped he could add 10 more lines of code to FAE to make all my dreams come true, and add even more functionality to OOEU-gui-tasks.

I still don't understand what missing feature you are talking about. I'm not opposed to what you want, I'm just having a hard time understanding what you want. I designed FluidAE a certain way, but I'm open to suggestions. Perhaps if you explain an exact scenario, rather than a vague analogy. What exactly are you wanting to do that FluidAE can't do?

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22. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...

"You can do this, just make sure you figure out what the hidden rules are or things may break in surprising ways. If this sort of thing is not fun for you though, I hope to spare you as much of this pain as possible by doing my best to make sure you'd never need to make your own."

ryanj didn't explictly state this, but I thought the following was implied: "If his sort of thing is fun for you though, go ahead and have fun!"

Perhaps the most useful, or interesting, custom widgets will even be adopted by ryanj into the next release of FluidAE!

It'd be nice if ryanj could explicitly spell out what rules need to be followed, and what the exact consequences for violating each one is, however

A) You get what you pay for. AFAIK, although ryanj has been paid to develop at least one application, which involved work on and using FluidAE, he's not being paid to develop docs for custom widget writing.

B) This is an alpha version, so the rules and the consequences may have changed between now and the final release. "Internals" tend to change more frequently than a solid, external API.

That is correct, i want there to be a complete set of widgets so you don't need to make your own. Currently, creating a new widget class requires a complete understanding of the internal workings of the widget library. It's easy to break if you don't know what you are doing. I could have made it completely object-oriented, but I felt that would be too complex and bloated. I kept it as simple as possible, but it requires following certain rules. I would document them, but there are going to be some internal changes to fix some inconsistencies.

jimcbrown said...

I agree with this, but at the same time, I'd recommend that ryanj keep an open mind about new ideas to improve his grand masterpiece. You never know who might suggest what to make this GUI easier to use or develop or more fun to deal with.

Yes, I am open to ideas. FluidAE is only about 25% complete at this point, so there is plenty of room for trying different things.

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23. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ryanj said...
useless_ said...

I thought FAE would be just the thing to get me to leave a 32,000 byte dos/basic interpreter environment behind and program for a gigabyte gui operating system, but my last conversations with him in #euphoria ended badly, and he's going to stop short of the next step. I had hoped he could add 10 more lines of code to FAE to make all my dreams come true, and add even more functionality to OOEU-gui-tasks.

I still don't understand what missing feature you are talking about. I'm not opposed to what you want, I'm just having a hard time understanding what you want. I designed FluidAE a certain way, but I'm open to suggestions. Perhaps if you explain an exact scenario, rather than a vague analogy. What exactly are you wanting to do that FluidAE can't do?

I don't think i was being that vague. I'll try to provide more details.

You have FAE set up so there's a root widget, and child-widgets, and those child-widgets can have child-widgets of their own. Each widget must have a unique name, and the names can contain numerals, so a root widget named "reality" can have a child-widget named "elephant", which can have child processes named "elephant-joe's" and "elephant-345". Any restrictions in the gui in "reality" are also restrictions to the elephants, as they are part of reality. Anything done in "elephant-joe's" doesn't affect what goes on in "elephant-345". That includes the gui onscreen, the Eu_tasking going on for the child, and the native windows OS msging, anything else going on.

It's that "anything else" i want to take advantage of, and from the description of Ry's FAE, the root "reality" widget can send messages to each child separately, as well as globally. So all i need to is have Ry insert code which i can edit as needed to specify what other Eu code to load into each widget.

For now, I can use Eu's tasking to do "elephant-joe's" and "elephant-345", not a problem, it's very easy to run that code, but all output goes to one console box on-screen. It looks like an irc window on a single channel. If i run a separate Eu program for each elephant, it gets as unwieldy as running a separate computer for each elephant and merging the on-screen guis to one monitor.

But FAE has wrapped up a programmable windows gui in such a way that if i add (estimated) 10 lines to the root widget, praps "procedure do_external(sequence what)" and "include external_xxxxx.e", and the program itself can copy/edit/save a new external_xxxxx.e before opening a widget, each widget will have a different do_external(). This means when the root "reality" sends a wmsg(?) to a child, each child, in it's own little widget, will process and display according to it's own code, bounded ultimately by FAE. FAE will handle the "where/how/when onscreen", the underlying OS messaging, the timeslicing, the popups, the "active onscreenwindow" keybd and mouse routing, everything in the "reality" directly related to the gui, while everything not related to the gui is handled by external_xxxxx.e as that widget included it. I can open "reality" and by virtue of the requested code, cause a new widget to open called "tree", and it includes an Eu file i write containg tree properties.

So while Ry didn't intend for FAE to be "object oriented", each widget is and can be a fully gui'd separate onscreen device, doing it's own thing in only one Eu program, and FAE provides the means for each device (note i am not using the word "object"?) has FAE to provide keybd input, on-screen output, and coordination with reality (thru the wm_msging) of the elephants (and any other active children of reality).

Lets say i had elephant_9876 and a tuft of grass_2345 widgets onscreen, and the tuft of grass popped up an alert window saying it cannot complete command "stand up on hind legs" sent to it by reality (or whatever the wm_msging in FAE is called). The external_xxxxx.e in grass_2345 send the error msg also to reality, which can halt the "time" in every child under reality, until i close the alert. I can write new code to prevent that from happening, save it, then in the gui provided by FAE, i check "restart" and "import history" for a "new" whatever caused that erroneous msg, the code in question is restarted, imports the relevant history file, and reality resumes the progression of time.

I do not know if the programmable background in a FAE window includes moving pictures, but if i had the realtime point-of-view graphics of a elephant reaching for a tuft of grass in the elephant_87465 window, and the realtime pov of the grass in the grass_xxxx window, i'd say Eu can now take full advantage of a gui OS.

Of course there's other ways of doing this narrow of an example, but FAE wraps all the stuff related to the widgets' on-screen interaction with the programmer in one tidy package, in one program, one app. The same can be applied to any multi-variable database or process. You get to pick what's onscreen, where, make changes, see results with your choice of what and how, in real time. One app may have widget "transmitter", "antenna array", and "recievers". One app may have widgets "input", parts xxxxx, and "output". You could plan a "garden" with various plants widgets, and tomatoes includes a tomato.e file, insects are included, and there can be a dirt.e widget, a sun.e and rain.e, all with a appropriate guis and parameters, even pictures, and you can run them forward and backwards in "time" (if the code you write, which each widget includes, can do that).

No elephants were harmed in the making of this post. Elephants were only a stand-in, they could have been mice or men or white whales or transistors or atoms or planets. FAE was leveraged to glue together all the widgets in "reality".


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24. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ryanj said...
EUWX said...

I will even say that it is best to give a reasonably complete set of GUI functions and tell him to take it or leave it.

... but the standard is there so people don't need to reinvent the wheel every time they write a program.

I agree. Same thing said differently.
Give the programmer a standard library which is reasonably complete so they do not have to reinvent the wheel.

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25. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

EUWX said...
ryanj said...
EUWX said...

I will even say that it is best to give a reasonably complete set of GUI functions and tell him to take it or leave it.

... but the standard is there so people don't need to reinvent the wheel every time they write a program.

I agree. Same thing said differently.
Give the programmer a standard library which is reasonably complete so they do not have to reinvent the wheel.

I believe what i detailed is using FAE as if it is almost Win3.11, asking for ~10 lines of code hooks to allow "user" code to be called and run by each widget. I am not asking to change the gui itself. I am not asking to change anything to Ry's code. I am asking only for two "hooks": to load a .e file, and a target procedure name for the FAE wm_msg'er to send a msg to. I believe a standardised set of hooks, known to interface to FAE properly, is needed, to eliminate the need for the user to hack these into FAE. And i am making the assumption that the .e file can call what widget internals needed to send wm_msgs back to the FAE msg handler, and do it's own widget popups and text input/output box, and interactions to it's own display (which can also be done by sending a wm_msg to itself, i presume).

Consider the windose desktop to be the root gui. Consider each icon on the desktop to be a mouse-able selection in FAE's root gui. I can write an app in Eu and put a shortcut to it on the winxp desktop, i can have a gui window on FAE show a list of programs in a hdd directory. I can click on and launch a winxp desktop shortcut or a FAE list item(?). Each application i launch (either way) "inherits" the characteristics of the parent: the "skin" if you prefer, unless that widget or program changes it. I believe the comparison of FAE to win3.11 is quite appropriate.

Mirc has the same ability: it can write new executeable code, it can include or drop executeable code (Eu can do that to DLLs now), it presents a gui with runtime-programmable popups and programmable backgrounds, it's child windows can be separate and placed anywhere onscreen, so it is like FAE also. Mirc has two huge problems: it runs dreadfully slowly, and has very restrictive lengths to variables.

I think FAE hands us win3.11 on a silver platter, written and therefor 100% compatable with Eu code, very easily understood, with all the options of every other gui lib in the archives plus some, and potentially cross-platform. It literally gives me goosebumps. I am only asking for the two hooks, which you may use or not, as you like.


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26. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

eukat said...

I don't think i was being that vague. I'll try to provide more details.

You have FAE set up so there's a root widget, and child-widgets, and those child-widgets can have child-widgets of their own. Each widget must have a unique name, and the names can contain numerals, so a root widget named "reality" can have a child-widget named "elephant", which can have child processes named "elephant-joe's" and "elephant-345". Any restrictions in the gui in "reality" are also restrictions to the elephants, as they are part of reality. Anything done in "elephant-joe's" doesn't affect what goes on in "elephant-345". That includes the gui onscreen, the Eu_tasking going on for the child, and the native windows OS msging, anything else going on.

It's that "anything else" i want to take advantage of, and from the description of Ry's FAE, the root "reality" widget can send messages to each child separately, as well as globally. So all i need to is have Ry insert code which i can edit as needed to specify what other Eu code to load into each widget.

For now, I can use Eu's tasking to do "elephant-joe's" and "elephant-345", not a problem, it's very easy to run that code, but all output goes to one console box on-screen. It looks like an irc window on a single channel. If i run a separate Eu program for each elephant, it gets as unwieldy as running a separate computer for each elephant and merging the on-screen guis to one monitor.

I think I follow you so far...

eukat said...

But FAE has wrapped up a programmable windows gui in such a way that if i add (estimated) 10 lines to the root widget, praps "procedure do_external(sequence what)" and "include external_xxxxx.e", and the program itself can copy/edit/save a new external_xxxxx.e before opening a widget, each widget will have a different do_external().

Dynamically generated include files? This sounds like it's using the same trick that "e!" uses, and which stopped working back in 2.5 ... this is fine if you are using multiple processes I guess. Hard to see it working in a single process though...

I guess it'd work if the program ran in two phases (and using ifdefs to avoid errors about missing include files in the first phase), generating the external_xxxxx.e's in the first phase then loading them (after re-executing itself via system() or something) for the second phase.

Maybe an easier way to implement this would be to allow each widget to have a do_external() routine that simply called a routine id - but stored in a way so that there's one such routine id per widget, and unique to that widget only. When you create the widget, you'd have the chance to set that routine id to whatever you wanted, making each widget effectively have its own do_external() routine through a thin wrapper.

eukat said...

This means when the root "reality" sends a wmsg(?) to a child, each child, in it's own little widget, will process and display according to it's own code, bounded ultimately by FAE. FAE will handle the "where/how/when onscreen", the underlying OS messaging, the timeslicing, the popups, the "active onscreenwindow" keybd and mouse routing, everything in the "reality" directly related to the gui, while everything not related to the gui is handled by external_xxxxx.e as that widget included it. I can open "reality" and by virtue of the requested code, cause a new widget to open called "tree", and it includes an Eu file i write containg tree properties.

So while Ry didn't intend for FAE to be "object oriented", each widget is and can be a fully gui'd separate onscreen device, doing it's own thing in only one Eu program, and FAE provides the means for each device (note i am not using the word "object"?) has FAE to provide keybd input, on-screen output, and coordination with reality (thru the wm_msging) of the elephants (and any other active children of reality).

So basically, if FluidAE recognizes this windoze api message, then handle it normally with its own internal logic, but if it doesn't, then pass it along by calling do_external() to the (custom, per-widget) code? Sounds simple enough.

eukat said...

Lets say i had elephant_9876 and a tuft of grass_2345 widgets onscreen, and the tuft of grass popped up an alert window saying it cannot complete command "stand up on hind legs" sent to it by reality (or whatever the wm_msging in FAE is called). The external_xxxxx.e in grass_2345 send the error msg also to reality, which can halt the "time" in every child under reality, until i close the alert. I can write new code to prevent that from happening, save it, then in the gui provided by FAE, i check "restart" and "import history" for a "new" whatever caused that erroneous msg, the code in question is restarted, imports the relevant history file, and reality resumes the progression of time.

I do not know if the programmable background in a FAE window includes moving pictures, but if i had the realtime point-of-view graphics of a elephant reaching for a tuft of grass in the elephant_87465 window, and the realtime pov of the grass in the grass_xxxx window, i'd say Eu can now take full advantage of a gui OS.

So, you also want to add the ability to make a widget send custom messages to other widgets, including its own children (and their children, and so on) when needed? Again, this seems simple enough.

You're referencing considerable extra functionality here - the ability to restart and import (and replay) application specific history. I'm guessing that you mean that it's your application that provides this, and not FluidAE?

eukat said...

Of course there's other ways of doing this narrow of an example, but FAE wraps all the stuff related to the widgets' on-screen interaction with the programmer in one tidy package, in one program, one app. The same can be applied to any multi-variable database or process. You get to pick what's onscreen, where, make changes, see results with your choice of what and how, in real time. One app may have widget "transmitter", "antenna array", and "recievers". One app may have widgets "input", parts xxxxx, and "output". You could plan a "garden" with various plants widgets, and tomatoes includes a tomato.e file, insects are included, and there can be a dirt.e widget, a sun.e and rain.e, all with a appropriate guis and parameters, even pictures, and you can run them forward and backwards in "time" (if the code you write, which each widget includes, can do that).

No elephants were harmed in the making of this post. Elephants were only a stand-in, they could have been mice or men or white whales or transistors or atoms or planets. FAE was leveraged to glue together all the widgets in "reality".

Well, you can do the same today with other widget toolkits (like GTK, if you like C++ that is). I guess the two key features here are: 1) custom widgets can be written easily in Euphoria and 2) having the ability to broadcast and receive custom, application-defined messages between widgets... ?

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27. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless_ said...

It's that "anything else" i want to take advantage of, and from the description of Ry's FAE, the root "reality" widget can send messages to each child separately, as well as globally. So all i need to is have Ry insert code which i can edit as needed to specify what other Eu code to load into each widget.

I think perhaps the issue is confusion about the meaning of "code to load into each widget." In general, a GUI framework allows user programs to provide event handling code that is called when the respective event is fired from the underlying OS / window manager. I haven't heard anything about FAE that is any different in this respect.

Right now, it appears to be a wrapper around Win32, and all of your details don't really clarify for me what you think is deficient in ry's implementation.


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28. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ryanj said...

If you are interested in GUI programming, you can download it from http://fluidae.com/. Also, you can join the #fluidae channel on irc.freenode.net where I am available to chat about this project.

I tried it out. Not surprisingly, it doesn't work in 64-bits. smile When I ran using a 4.1 binary under WINE, the splash screen doesn't go away, though it does on native Windows.


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29. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

mattlewis said...
useless_ said...

It's that "anything else" i want to take advantage of, and from the description of Ry's FAE, the root "reality" widget can send messages to each child separately, as well as globally. So all i need to is have Ry insert code which i can edit as needed to specify what other Eu code to load into each widget.

I think perhaps the issue is confusion about the meaning of "code to load into each widget." In general, a GUI framework allows user programs to provide event handling code that is called when the respective event is fired from the underlying OS / window manager. I haven't heard anything about FAE that is any different in this respect.

Right now, it appears to be a wrapper around Win32, and all of your details don't really clarify for me what you think is deficient in ry's implementation.


Jimcbrown didn't read everything i wrote, but seems to have grasped part of it, which is what Ry did too. Rather than reply at length to him, i'll reply abbreviatedly to this...

FAE isn't the windows message handler, it may or may not use windows msg handler. And FAE's msg handler can send msgs to a specific event reciever in a specific widget, if i understand Ry correctly, as well as broadcast and wildmatch event handler or gui names to send to, if i understand correctly.

As a gui, FAE isn't deficient, or won't be, when it's out of alpha release. It's startlingly versatile and simple to use as is. As a gui, each widget works just fine.

I am asking for a set of oem hooks that do not crash (in and of themselves), which do not need to be hacked in by users, to perform functions in responce to events, like a msg from FAE's msg handler that says "time has now progressed one second". My other option is to write a separate app to send inter-app msgs according to my OS to FAE, simply making such an approach more complex and not cross-platform. By having a single fixed ryan-written include and procedure name for all my user interface other than gui, no new code need be added to any other part of FAE. Lets call that msg hook do_user().

The nature of the include hook isn't to do dynamically included code like has generally been done. If i tell "reality" widget to open an elephant widget, then i have previously written that elephant widget, but it has no gui, and has no interaction to any other gui. Praps that widget is an elephant with 3 legs. So i name my code elephant-3legs.e, and with FAE i launch a widget named "elephant-3legs", it includes elephant-3legs.e, and do_user() calls (or sends msgs to) any procedure in elephant-3legs.e, via FAE's msg handler (no changes there), and recieves msgs sent to it (no changes there). Once launched, FAE doesn't exclude and re-include any more .e files, altho it is obviously possible to close a elephant gui widget and then reopen a new gui widget of the same name.

So no tricks, no changes to anything in FAE as it is now, only adding something like:

include thiswidgetname & ".e" -- but do not crash if not there! 
procedure do_user(sequence what) 
-- what = {function_to_do, it's parameters} 
function_to_do(parameters) -- but do not crash if not there! 
-- call targets are contained in thiswidgetname & ".e" 
end procedure 

Add a few line for not_crashing code. Those lines become the default user interface to each separate widget of FAE. Maybe Ryan say if this feature is already present in some way. Maybe this is what jimcbrown was saying, but FAE currently doesn't allow(?). As i understand from our last conversation in #euphoria, this is pretty much a no-go, non-starter, prohibited use of the lib. If Ryan is not probibiting it, i recommend such a small addition, certified to not crash as if it would if hacked in by the random user who does not understand FAE so well.


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30. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

eukat said...

Jimcbrown didn't read everything i wrote, but seems to have grasped part of it, which is what Ry did too. Rather than reply at length to him, i'll reply abbreviatedly to this...


eukat said...

FAE isn't the windows message handler, it may or may not use windows msg handler. And FAE's msg handler can send msgs to a specific event reciever in a specific widget, if i understand Ry correctly, as well as broadcast and wildmatch event handler or gui names to send to, if i understand correctly.

Sounds right to me, too.

eukat said...

I am asking for a set of oem hooks that do not crash (in and of themselves), which do not need to be hacked in by users, to perform functions in responce to events, like a msg from FAE's msg handler that says "time has now progressed one second".

Sounds reasonable enough. Like Matt says, any GUI toolkit should have some sort of event-driven process like this anyways. I thought FluidAE already had this, though it's been a while since I looked at it.

eukat said...

My other option is to write a separate app to send inter-app msgs according to my OS to FAE, simply making such an approach more complex and not cross-platform. By having a single fixed ryan-written include and procedure name for all my user interface other than gui, no new code need be added to any other part of FAE. Lets call that msg hook do_user().


eukat said...

The nature of the include hook isn't to do dynamically included code like has generally been done. If i tell "reality" widget to open an elephant widget, then i have previously written that elephant widget, but it has no gui, and has no interaction to any other gui. Praps that widget is an elephant with 3 legs. So i name my code elephant-3legs.e, and with FAE i launch a widget named "elephant-3legs", it includes elephant-3legs.e, and do_user() calls (or sends msgs to) any procedure in elephant-3legs.e, via FAE's msg handler (no changes there), and recieves msgs sent to it (no changes there). Once launched, FAE doesn't exclude and re-include any more .e files, altho it is obviously possible to close a elephant gui widget and then reopen a new gui widget of the same name.

So no tricks, no changes to anything in FAE as it is now, only adding something like:

include thiswidgetname & ".e" -- but do not crash if not there! 
procedure do_user(sequence what) 
-- what = {function_to_do, it's parameters} 
function_to_do(parameters) -- but do not crash if not there! 
-- call targets are contained in thiswidgetname & ".e" 
end procedure 

Add a few line for not_crashing code.

I don't think this is possible. You are requiring extensions to the syntax of Euphoria itself now to get your code to do what you want (remember even ifdefs can't check if an include file or a routine exists before attempting to use them).

None of that applies if you use routine ids or translated dlls, however - in that case adding this sort of thing to FluidAE would probably be very easy. But if you're set on this syntax, then nothing short of a preprocessor could help here.

eukat said...

certified to not crash as if it would if hacked in by the random user who does not understand FAE so well.

I don't think this is possible either. function_to_do() could simply call crash("some msg") and crash that way. I think what you want is integrity checking inside of FAE itself (akin to what a kernel does at its syscall interface when being called by user-space code), to reject garbage if garbage is passed in. I agree that this would be a good idea, but I must reluctantly acknowledge that it's difficult to catch all cases - and even more difficult to cerify in any way that has some sort of reliable meaning.

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31. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...
eukat said...

certified to not crash as if it would if hacked in by the random user who does not understand FAE so well.

I don't think this is possible either. function_to_do() could simply call crash("some msg") and crash that way. I think what you want is integrity checking inside of FAE itself (akin to what a kernel does at its syscall interface when being called by user-space code), to reject garbage if garbage is passed in. I agree that this would be a good idea, but I must reluctantly acknowledge that it's difficult to catch all cases - and even more difficult to cerify in any way that has some sort of reliable meaning.

Ok, then the certified code that won't crash in FAE's widget

if sequence(dir elephant_3legs.e) then include elephant_3legs.e end if 
procedure do_user(sequence what) 
  elephant_3legs:gui_interface(what)-- must exist in my elephant_3legs.e 
end procedure 

and elephant_3legs.e must take care of catching invalid procedure calls? Or i need to copy/paste my filename.e into the widget launcher in FAE, with no mistakes? That's ok too, altho an slightly odd name for a widget. But i think you get the idea, i do not know the internals of FAE, so making it happen is up to Ry. I don't want someone to say "i hacked FAE, and now it doesn't work, what a $%^&#$!", because that happened to me and EuBot (why is Creole making a bad link to that?), so i know how it feels.


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32. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

eukat said...
jimcbrown said...
eukat said...

certified to not crash as if it would if hacked in by the random user who does not understand FAE so well.

I don't think this is possible either. function_to_do() could simply call crash("some msg") and crash that way. I think what you want is integrity checking inside of FAE itself (akin to what a kernel does at its syscall interface when being called by user-space code), to reject garbage if garbage is passed in. I agree that this would be a good idea, but I must reluctantly acknowledge that it's difficult to catch all cases - and even more difficult to cerify in any way that has some sort of reliable meaning.

Ok, then the certified code that won't crash in FAE's widget

if sequence(dir elephant_3legs.e) then include elephant_3legs.e end if 
procedure do_user(sequence what) 
  elephant_3legs:gui_interface(what)-- must exist in my elephant_3legs.e 
end procedure 

Well, I just tried that out (commenting out the one line in do_user since I don't have a file called elephant_3legs.e) and it crashed.

eukat said...

I don't want someone to say "i hacked FAE, and now it doesn't work, what a $%^&#$!", because that happened to me and EuBot (why is Creole making a bad link to that?), so i know how it feels.

Ouch. Who the heck said that? Having used eubot, I disagree completely.

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33. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...
eukat said...
jimcbrown said...
eukat said...

certified to not crash as if it would if hacked in by the random user who does not understand FAE so well.

I don't think this is possible either. function_to_do() could simply call crash("some msg") and crash that way. I think what you want is integrity checking inside of FAE itself (akin to what a kernel does at its syscall interface when being called by user-space code), to reject garbage if garbage is passed in. I agree that this would be a good idea, but I must reluctantly acknowledge that it's difficult to catch all cases - and even more difficult to cerify in any way that has some sort of reliable meaning.

Ok, then the certified code that won't crash in FAE's widget

if sequence(dir elephant_3legs.e) then include elephant_3legs.e end if 
procedure do_user(sequence what) 
  elephant_3legs:gui_interface(what)-- must exist in my elephant_3legs.e 
end procedure 

Well, I just tried that out (commenting out the one line in do_user since I don't have a file called elephant_3legs.e) and it crashed.

Ok, make it so it doesn't crash? If elephant_3legs.e does exist, and i don't sequence(dir elephant_3legs.e) then why would it crash? [ad infinitum attack removed by jimcbrown]


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34. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

eukat said...
jimcbrown said...
eukat said...
jimcbrown said...
eukat said...

certified to not crash as if it would if hacked in by the random user who does not understand FAE so well.

I don't think this is possible either. function_to_do() could simply call crash("some msg") and crash that way. I think what you want is integrity checking inside of FAE itself (akin to what a kernel does at its syscall interface when being called by user-space code), to reject garbage if garbage is passed in. I agree that this would be a good idea, but I must reluctantly acknowledge that it's difficult to catch all cases - and even more difficult to cerify in any way that has some sort of reliable meaning.

Ok, then the certified code that won't crash in FAE's widget

if sequence(dir elephant_3legs.e) then include elephant_3legs.e end if 
procedure do_user(sequence what) 
  elephant_3legs:gui_interface(what)-- must exist in my elephant_3legs.e 
end procedure 

Well, I just tried that out (commenting out the one line in do_user since I don't have a file called elephant_3legs.e) and it crashed.

Ok, make it so it doesn't crash? If elephant_3legs.e does exist, and i don't sequence(dir elephant_3legs.e) then why would it crash?

In that case, it wouldn't .. but then why present that line in the first place?

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

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35. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


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36. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...

[ad infinitum attack removed by jimcbrown]


You asked me who did it, i reminded you. Where's the attack?


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37. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


How is one include line, and one procedure to call user-supplied code, being a dynamic include that involves huge changes to Eu? To me, this smells like the same people putting it down, until 5 years from now when it becomes a good idea and part of an official release, with a different author.


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38. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

useless_ said...
mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


How is one include line, and one procedure to call user-supplied code, being a dynamic include that involves huge changes to Eu? To me, this smells like the same people putting it down, until 5 years from now when it becomes a good idea and part of an official release, with a different author.

Dynamic include. This looks to me like it's being included at run time, not parse time. Whether you want to believe it or not, this would take a lot of work to make happen, no matter how awesome the idea is, and whether the work is done tomorrow or 5 years from now.


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39. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


Agreed. The only, and I mean _ONLY_, way I could see this last piece being vaguely related to FluidAE is if FluidAE was to include a preprocessor that simulated or emulated some of this stuff. Otherwise, it's a complete non sequitur.

The goalposts seem to keep moving also - at first it seemed like the request was the ability to make minor tweaks to the library, then to add custom widgets, then to be able to deal with custom signals/messages, and now dynamic execution.

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40. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

mattlewis said...
eukat said...
mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


How is one include line, and one procedure to call user-supplied code, being a dynamic include that involves huge changes to Eu? To me, this smells like the same people putting it down, until 5 years from now when it becomes a good idea and part of an official release, with a different author.

Dynamic include. This looks to me like it's being included at run time, not parse time. Whether you want to believe it or not, this would take a lot of work to make happen, no matter how awesome the idea is, and whether the work is done tomorrow or 5 years from now.


That said, I don't think anyone disagrees with the fact that dynamic includes are a good idea and very useful. It's just a lot of work to implement. I wouldn't be surprised to discover that so-and-so author, who finishes implement it 5 years from now and publishes the finished code at that time, actually started 5 years ago (in 2008).

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41. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...
mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


Agreed. The only, and I mean _ONLY_, way I could see this last piece being vaguely related to FluidAE is if FluidAE was to include a preprocessor that simulated or emulated some of this stuff. Otherwise, it's a complete non sequitur.

FluidAE is a gui. How is using FluidAE to provide gui functions to an app a non sequitur? FluidAE handles what's onscreen and routes the keybd and mouse events, and handles message passing between the widgets, how is that not related to handling what's onscreen and routing the keybd and mouse events, and handling message passing between the parts of a program? Because you say so? Because you want to shut me up?

jimcbrown said...

The goalposts seem to keep moving also - at first it seemed like the request was the ability to make minor tweaks to the library, then to add custom widgets, then to be able to deal with custom signals/messages, and now dynamic execution.

The goals are the same, the methodology of making it happen changes as you keep saying this or that method won't work.


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42. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

eukat said...
jimcbrown said...

[ad infinitum attack removed by jimcbrown]

You asked me who did it, i reminded you. Where's the attack?


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43. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...
eukat said...
jimcbrown said...

[ad infinitum attack removed by jimcbrown]

You asked me who did it, i reminded you. Where's the attack?


I know what a non sequitur is, no need to talk down to me and give a url for something else. You asked a question, i answered it.


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44. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

eukat said...
jimcbrown said...
mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


Agreed. The only, and I mean _ONLY_, way I could see this last piece being vaguely related to FluidAE is if FluidAE was to include a preprocessor that simulated or emulated some of this stuff. Otherwise, it's a complete non sequitur.

FluidAE is a gui. How is using FluidAE to provide gui functions to an app a non sequitur? FluidAE handles what's onscreen and routes the keybd and mouse events, and handles message passing between the widgets, how is that not related to handling what's onscreen and routing the keybd and mouse events, and handling message passing between the parts of a program? Because you say so? Because you want to shut me up?

FluidAE providing gui functions to an app is not a non sequitur. FluidAE providing dynamic execution to an app is a non sequitur.

eukat said...
jimcbrown said...

The goalposts seem to keep moving also - at first it seemed like the request was the ability to make minor tweaks to the library, then to add custom widgets, then to be able to deal with custom signals/messages, and now dynamic execution.

The goals are the same, the methodology of making it happen changes as you keep saying this or that method won't work.

In that case, let's change the methodology slightly more by taking a look at a version of the code that doesn't appear as if it is using dynamic execution:

procedure do_user(sequence what) 
  if length(what) < 1 then return end if 
  call_proc(what[1], what[2..$]) 
end procedure 

Now, instead of passing in the name of the function as a string into the first element of the variable named 'what', the routine_id() from that string is passed instead.

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45. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

jimcbrown said...
eukat said...
jimcbrown said...
mattlewis said...
jimcbrown said...

You seem to be asking for FluidAE to also be a preprocessor. There's nothing wrong with this, though this is typically outside the remit of a GUI toolkit. Still, I know that ryanj has plans to make FluidAE special, and maybe this is just one more method to make it stand out.

I must admit, I'm totally lost. I can't figure out what her requests have to do with FAE. They seem like another round of dynamic code execution ideas that would require a lot of changes to the guts of euphoria, regardless of what other libraries were involved.


Agreed. The only, and I mean _ONLY_, way I could see this last piece being vaguely related to FluidAE is if FluidAE was to include a preprocessor that simulated or emulated some of this stuff. Otherwise, it's a complete non sequitur.

FluidAE is a gui. How is using FluidAE to provide gui functions to an app a non sequitur? FluidAE handles what's onscreen and routes the keybd and mouse events, and handles message passing between the widgets, how is that not related to handling what's onscreen and routing the keybd and mouse events, and handling message passing between the parts of a program? Because you say so? Because you want to shut me up?

FluidAE providing gui functions to an app is not a non sequitur. FluidAE providing dynamic execution to an app is a non sequitur.

eukat said...
jimcbrown said...

The goalposts seem to keep moving also - at first it seemed like the request was the ability to make minor tweaks to the library, then to add custom widgets, then to be able to deal with custom signals/messages, and now dynamic execution.

The goals are the same, the methodology of making it happen changes as you keep saying this or that method won't work.

In that case, let's change the methodology slightly more by taking a look at a version of the code that doesn't appear as if it is using dynamic execution:

procedure do_user(sequence what) 
  if length(what) < 1 then return end if 
  call_proc(what[1], what[2..$]) 
end procedure 

Now, instead of passing in the name of the function as a string into the first element of the variable named 'what', the routine_id() from that string is passed instead.

If, in addition, you want to use the name of the function for some reason (e.g. metadata purposes, like printing out the name of the function in debug code if an error happens), here's a good way to do it:

procedure do_user(sequence name, sequence what, integer rid = routine_id(name)) 
  call_proc(rid, what) 
end procedure 

Then, in your code you can just pass in the name and stuff, without any need to call routine id directly.

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46. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

Wow, this is becoming a long discussion. I'm working right now, so it's hard to keep up. But I'll say this:

To clarify something, you can have multiple "root" widgets. The technical definition of a root widget in FluidAE is a widget that is directly responsible for creating and destroying operating-system-window handles.

Currently, you can assign an event handler procedure for individual widgets if you want. If you assign a handler to a window, or even a container inside a window, then its children will inherit the same handler.

You can put this in a separate file if you want. For example, you could write "status.e" which creates a status window and handles events for it.

If you want to allow multiple instances, you could set up a method to generate id strings to add to the widget name, which you can use for creating widgets and for getting events from them ("winStatus01", "winStatus02", etc.)

--file: status.e 
procedure status_event(object evwidget, object evtype, object evdata) 
    --handle events for winStatus and any widgets you create inside it 
end procedure 
export procedure show_status_window(object whatever) 
    --call this from your main file to create a status window 
        {"name", "winStatus"}, 
        {"class", "window"}, 
        {"title", "Status of " & whatever}, 
        {"handler", routine_id("status_event")} 
    --create other widgets inside "winStatus", put "whatever" data in them 
end procedure 

I will also say this: I am seriously considering adding something that I wanted to do in the original design of FluidAE: the ability to run the GUI as a separate process, which multiple processes can connect to, using shared memory or tcp sockets.

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47. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

I ran the demo on a 2.7g single core Xp and startup was around 5 seconds. if you're online at the time or computer is doing something else there can be a lag, (as you know) you have to run multiple tests to be sure. turn off CPU sucking apps! check the task manager. using some version of eu41.

translated, the demo starts before you can move away from the icon you just double clicked. before I can start counting. That is plenty fast. and less than 2 meg uncompressed. this is massively light weight compared to some others, even those that depend on external dll.

with win32lib there is no mistaking how long that takes to start up. or how long it takes to translate.

thanks for putting this together. I have tried some early versions of FAE and hope you can get back to the virtual OS part, time permitting.

what about serial port/joystick input? or is that in the proprietary extended version?

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48. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

one other thing, the text in the demo, menu, text widget is really tiny compared to other apps. is there a generic way to discover the users theme and pick that size font or is it something you have to do yourself in each app? is there a global setting for default font size I can change in one place?

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49. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ne1uno said...

I ran the demo on a 2.7g single core Xp and startup was around 5 seconds. if you're online at the time or computer is doing something else there can be a lag, (as you know) you have to run multiple tests to be sure. turn off CPU sucking apps! check the task manager. using some version of eu41.

translated, the demo starts before you can move away from the icon you just double clicked. before I can start counting. That is plenty fast. and less than 2 meg uncompressed. this is massively light weight compared to some others, even those that depend on external dll.

That's good to hear. I haven't had time to do much performance testing yet.


I have tried some early versions of FAE and hope you can get back to the virtual OS part, time permitting.

what about serial port/joystick input? or is that in the proprietary extended version?

I do want to add multi-process communication. As far as joystick input, I don't know how to do that. If someone wanted to help with that....

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50. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ne1uno said...

one other thing, the text in the demo, menu, text widget is really tiny compared to other apps. is there a generic way to discover the users theme and pick that size font or is it something you have to do yourself in each app? is there a global setting for default font size I can change in one place?

I plan to add theme support, and detecting system colors and font sizes. But for now, it's all hard-coded. There isn't a global font setting yet, but there will be soon.

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51. Re: Fluid Application Environment 3.0.alpha1 Released!

ryanj said...
ne1uno said...

I ran the demo on a 2.7g single core Xp and startup was around 5 seconds. [...]

That's good to hear. I haven't had time to do much performance testing yet.

fluidAE demo on eeepc w/atom1.6g Xp only slightly slower around 8s interpreted w/eu41 and runs translated ok too.

the splash screen has time to dissapear before the app is fully populated. this is not really a problem.

also, the startup time can be deceptive. something in the win32 api must need to get initilized on the first run maybe some obscure dll are loaded but stay accessible.

the 2nd run starts up faster and populates widgets faster. making testing timeing on multiple runs a bit of an estimate.

the text size is much better on the eeepc for some reason. I have larger screen resolution there.

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