1. Future of Euphoria

Srry if you get this twice. I sent in half a day ago and still haven't
got it back.                                                          
The Future for Euphoria                                               
I first started Euphoria 3 years ago and had come from a background of
Basic, ASM and Pascal. Althought I could see the advantages of this   
langauge, I wasn't sure on how much could actually be achieved with   
it. With time my respect for Eu grew greatly with librarys like       
truecolr.e, asm.e, and through some of the games (like lemon). Last   
year I was used Eu for my major project in Software Design &          
Development (A new "Higher School Certificate" course) where it was   
worth 40% of my mark for the year. I really needed time profile to    
optimise my program (it was 20+ printed pages) and since I could not  
afford the Complete Ed, I asked if the school could purchase it.      
Before they would agree I had to convince the teacher that I would    
benefit by using this as a opposed to Delphi 4 like most of the other 
students. After downloading heaps from the contrib page I finally     
convinced him (Rob will know the guy as Brett Hughes).                
My Grandfather works at Kaz Computing in Australia as a programmer. He
got interested in Eu after seeing me use it, so I made a CD with      
Euphoria with some of the more popular librarys and games.            
I can't speak for all the you, but being young I would like to think  
that I can make a living with Euphoria just like a programmer using   
C++ can. Rob has done a fantastic job with Euphoria with it truly     
world-wide, but I sure most people would agree, that for Euphoria to  
go to the popularity of the more know languages is that Euphoria needs
to more widely know in the programming community, and hence have more 
First, I believe that there should be a second standard zip that can  
be downloaded with the Euphoria Pub. Ed. with some of the most used   
librarys and programs, such as WinLib all setup for you. That we,     
people who join Euphoria can easily download libraries the will most  
probilibly be of use, and hence more likely to continue using         
I have found two companies that may be of use in making Euphoria      
The first is a company called 'SoftWrap' It provides a way of         
distributing your program to a large market of users through such     
things as magizines. You wrap your software in the Softwrap installer,
then Softwrap distributes it. The installer gives you two options,    
enabling you two distribute a trial version, if the user wishes to    
purchase the full version, they then pay by credit card and recieve a 
code to activite the full version installion. This could be used to   
distribute Euphoria, or programs that we write with it. (They take    
less then 10% of the profits, more profits, less % taking)            
The second company is Asynchrony. It's a company that is acts as a    
very large meeting point for all people in software development. You  
make, or join a project, finish the software and Asynchrony will do   
all the marketing and sell and give you a large cut of the profits. I 
joined back in it's beta days and quite like it's layout and format.  
The only thing is that the programmers that are their are all C++, VB 
or Delphi. Maybe we could make Euphoria a presence their and start    
some Euphoria projects.                                               
Ah, well. Just so ideas to think about. Let me hear you comments      
Dan McG                                                               
to see what I'm talking about visit                                   
www.softwrap.com ?? i think                                           

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2. Re: Future of Euphoria

Hi Dan,

> Îò: dm31 at uow.edu.au
> Êîìó: EUforum <EUforum at topica.com>
> Òåìà: Future of Euphoria
> Äàòà: âîñêðåñåíüå, Ìàé 26, 2002 13:18

<snipped many useful ideas>

Just I think the Future of Euphoria may be wonderful
without any special artificial efforts and measures
for more promotion of this new and young language.
Just wait for more clever hard ones and do not force
the soft ones.

C language's history comes from 1972, imagine
please Euphoria language in 1993 + 30 = 2023.

Euphoria is just from 1993, what is incomplete
9 years for the language and the interpreter,
developed from scratch? 4 platforms now,
translators Eu2C, interpreters, about 1000
packages of the excellent software by 300 authors
in the Archive, is it too small stuff? 

See please, new CPUs copy Euphoria's technology
on the internal hardware level.

What is MMX? The main idea of MMX is
Single Instruction - Multiple DATA, SIMD for short.
Remember Eu's operations on sequences, that SIMD
is very similar to the Eu's sequences, no?

Pentium III, IV have SSE (Streaming SIMD Extentions).
What is that SSE? Just *sequence* of 4 sets of operands,
executed with a single instruction, as far as I know.

So, I think, the next steps may be not 4 but 8 sets,
16 sets, 32 sets and so on.
On the CPU crystals and on the multiCPU system boards.

Euphoria sequences as a HARDWARE implementation!

Cool, no?

I am sorry about yours top secrets, Intel, AMD, Cyrix,
VIA, IBM, IDT - just become euphorians, register 
iterpreter's source code, learn inside Euphoria,
ask this list and you'll know what to do to make 
a more rapid hardware just for $49.
(Software is ready, see Archive, Contribution page smile

Fantastic future of software & hardware Euphoria!

Then I'll upgrade my 386 mainframe without any questions.
Yes yes yes, why not?   blink

Because it is just impossible thing - to be without 
questions, says one my friend. 
(And without answers too, says another my friend ;)

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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3. Re: Future of Euphoria

This is all nice and good, but for the popularity to spread we'd have
to do things unoffically.

We could create an unoffical Euphoria Consortium (my apologizes for any
misspellings) in which group could be organized to create improvements
for the language, create the needed wrappers for popular or needed
and a group which decides on how to spread the word around about
(members could freely participate in more than one group of course, nor
need these be the only groups in the Consortium). It would become
offical as soon as Rob decided to endorse it. There are a few issues
need to be dealt with though.

First, who decides who gets to join the group?

I think we should allow anyone to join freely, but this may not
be the best option.

Second, how do we add improvements Euphoria which RDS does not want
to endorse?

I once wrote on how we could take development partly out of Rob's hands
by setting up a Standard Preprocessor written in pure Eu (and which
would convert the Euphoria Preprocessor code to pure Eu and call the
real interpreter/translator/binder on the converted data) and then
modifing that to add new features. This would keep the core Eu while
allowing one to add more to the Euphoria language, keeping both
the user happy and RDS's pockets full :)

This is no longer necessary. RDS now sells the source code to Euphoria
(with a non-disclosure agreement) and others can create a new language
based on the heart and core of Euphoria (one person has already done
(Of course, we should still keep RDS in business, an idea is further
explained below.)

However, the following featurs are unavaliable in a modified Euphoria:
tracing, profiling, binding, and shrouding. These are also absent
in the trial version of Euphoria, and only registered users can
get them. Fair enough. Also, those with source code can not duplicate
any of Euphoria's reserved abilites (the ones only avaliable to
registered users) so that they can't cause RDS to go backrupt.
Again, fair enough. However, what is needed is a way to give these
features to registered users who want to use a modified
(Even if Rob does not want to do this for a modified interpeter such
as BLISS, he should do it for, as an example, a plain Eu interpreter
ported to Mac OS.) Hopefully this will get resolved, otherwise
the Consortium will fail. (My idea: perhaps RDS could issuse liceneses
to those who want it to add the registered features of Eu to their
interpreter, and then get royalties on each sale made.)

Finally, who gets to be in control of things?

Hard to say. If the group is endorsed by RDS, then
Robert and Junko obviously, but its not clear who else should be in

I'd also like to add the following projects which the Consortium could
work on:

continuing development of Win32Lib
a clone of Win32Lib for Linux Users
http_lib, ftp_lib, telnet_lib, etc. for BOTH Linux and Windows users
Win32Lib IDE (most likely Judiths), hopefully will eventually work for
Linux too
emulation (or true support) of threads under Windows and Linux

but thats merely a meger start.


On  0, dm31 at uow.edu.au wrote:
> Srry if you get this twice. I sent in half a day ago and still haven't
> got it back.                                                          
> The Future for Euphoria                                               
> I first started Euphoria 3 years ago and had come from a background of
> Basic, ASM and Pascal. Althought I could see the advantages of this   
> langauge, I wasn't sure on how much could actually be achieved with   
> it. With time my respect for Eu grew greatly with librarys like       
> truecolr.e, asm.e, and through some of the games (like lemon). Last   
> year I was used Eu for my major project in Software Design &          
> Development (A new "Higher School Certificate" course) where it was   
> worth 40% of my mark for the year. I really needed time profile to    
> optimise my program (it was 20+ printed pages) and since I could not  
> afford the Complete Ed, I asked if the school could purchase it.      
> Before they would agree I had to convince the teacher that I would    
> benefit by using this as a opposed to Delphi 4 like most of the other 
> students. After downloading heaps from the contrib page I finally     
> convinced him (Rob will know the guy as Brett Hughes).                
> My Grandfather works at Kaz Computing in Australia as a programmer. He
> got interested in Eu after seeing me use it, so I made a CD with      
> Euphoria with some of the more popular librarys and games.            
> I can't speak for all the you, but being young I would like to think  
> that I can make a living with Euphoria just like a programmer using   
> C++ can. Rob has done a fantastic job with Euphoria with it truly     
> world-wide, but I sure most people would agree, that for Euphoria to  
> go to the popularity of the more know languages is that Euphoria needs
> to more widely know in the programming community, and hence have more 
> programmers.                                                          
> First, I believe that there should be a second standard zip that can  
> be downloaded with the Euphoria Pub. Ed. with some of the most used   
> librarys and programs, such as WinLib all setup for you. That we,     
> people who join Euphoria can easily download libraries the will most  
> probilibly be of use, and hence more likely to continue using         
> Euphoria.                                                             
> I have found two companies that may be of use in making Euphoria      
> 'Bigger'                                                              
> The first is a company called 'SoftWrap' It provides a way of         
> distributing your program to a large market of users through such     
> things as magizines. You wrap your software in the Softwrap installer,
> then Softwrap distributes it. The installer gives you two options,    
> enabling you two distribute a trial version, if the user wishes to    
> purchase the full version, they then pay by credit card and recieve a 
> code to activite the full version installion. This could be used to   
> distribute Euphoria, or programs that we write with it. (They take    
> less then 10% of the profits, more profits, less % taking)            
> The second company is Asynchrony. It's a company that is acts as a    
> very large meeting point for all people in software development. You  
> make, or join a project, finish the software and Asynchrony will do   
> all the marketing and sell and give you a large cut of the profits. I 
> joined back in it's beta days and quite like it's layout and format.  
> The only thing is that the programmers that are their are all C++, VB 
> or Delphi. Maybe we could make Euphoria a presence their and start    
> some Euphoria projects.                                               
> Ah, well. Just so ideas to think about. Let me hear you comments      
> Regards,                                                              
> Dan McG                                                               
> ps                                                                    
> to see what I'm talking about visit                                   
> www.softwrap.com ?? i think                                           
> www.asynchrony.com                                                    

http://fastmail.fm - 100% lightning

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4. Re: Future of Euphoria

----- Original Message -----
From: <archetype at synaptiq.com>

> I'll be honest and tell you that I took one look at the 'officially
> sponsored' editor and said "I'm not going to spend six months or a year in
> this working environment just to be able to create an appropriate working
> environment just so I can THEN begin work on an actual application - I'd
> rather learn C++ with all that time since it's a given that I'll be able
> accomplish what I wish with it."

I agree: Good windows editor written in Euphoria so users can customize it
which would come with official Eu package would be very good for Euphoria's
future. Many new people give up because of that dos editor. After all editor
is the first thing you start up when you start learning new language.

When I first got Euphoria I had a feeling that I will delete it in a few
days (I don't remember why exactly), but after seeing that SB.EX demo I
tried it a little more. I meant I would use it to write DOS graphics demos
mainly with it.

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5. Re: Future of Euphoria

Too True. I had the same feelings when I started using Euphoria. In   
fact, I did give Euphoria up, but tried again several weeks later     
after been annoyed that I couldn't use the Sound Card in QB. I stayed 
using Euphoria BECAUSE I found David Cuny's Dos editor, and the Sound 
Blaster library.                                                      
Dan McGrath                                                           
>I agree: Good windows editor written in Euphoria so users can        
>customize it                                                         
>which would come with official Eu package would be very good for     
>future. Many new people give up because of that dos editor. After    
>all editor                                                           
>is the first thing you start up when you start learning new language.
>When I first got Euphoria I had a feeling that I will delete it in a 
>days (I don't remember why exactly), but after seeing that SB.EX     
>demo I                                                               
>tried it a little more. I meant I would use it to write DOS graphics 
>mainly with it.

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6. Re: Future of Euphoria

Hi Dan,
> Îò: dm31 at uow.edu.au
> Êîìó: EUforum <EUforum at topica.com>
> Òåìà: RE: Future of Euphoria
> Äàòà: ïîíåäåëüíèê, Ìàé 27, 2002 04:42
> Sorry, I forgot to ask. Did anyone look 
>  at www.asynchrony.com         
> Dan                                                                   

Yes, I did.

The interesting enough thing:

Current Site Statistics
      (asynchrony)                RapidEuphoria site

Members:          30,310     315 (known software authors)
Projects:          1,649     948 (all contributed Eu software)
Active projects    1,238     112 (just contrib page)
Completed Projects    21     836 (just archive pages)
Open Job Postings  1,675                ---

Do you see the ratio "completed projects" / "members"
on asynchrony and on euphoria?

asynchrony  21/30,310 = 0,0007
euphoria      836/315 = 2,6539  

euphoria / asynchrony = 2,6539 / 0,0007 = 3791

Our Euphoria, it seems to be, is much more productive
community than Asynchrony community is. smile

Almost 4000/1, no?

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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7. Re: Future of Euphoria

True, but Completed Projects are full projects that have been marketed
and sold, hence have made people real money. Active Projects are      
projects that are currently being developped. Also, I was a beta      
member, and this company has only truly being going for about 2 years.
You must a agree that 21 projects completed AND in MASS production is 
a decent feat, No? This isn't a programming community like EuCom but  
is a place for you to make and develop software in whatever langauge  
you like. It is quite impressive in side.                             
ps Hope this makes sense because it's late, and I'm frustrated with   
having to use strings in my c++ assignment when I could be using those
great sequences ;)                                                    
>> Sorry, I forgot to ask. Did anyone look                            
>>  at www.asynchrony.com                                             
>> Dan                                                                
>Yes, I did.                                                          
>The interesting enough thing:                                        
>Current Site Statistics                                              
>      (asynchrony)                RapidEuphoria site                 
>Members:          30,310     315 (known software authors)            
>Projects:          1,649     948 (all contributed Eu software)       
>Active projects    1,238     112 (just contrib page)                 
>Completed Projects    21     836 (just archive pages)                
>Open Job Postings  1,675                ---                          
>Do you see the ratio "completed projects" / "members"                
>on asynchrony and on euphoria?                                       
>asynchrony  21/30,310 = 0,0007                                       
>euphoria      836/315 = 2,6539                                       
>euphoria / asynchrony = 2,6539 / 0,0007 = 3791                       
>Our Euphoria, it seems to be, is much more productive                
>community than Asynchrony community is. smile                          
>Almost 4000/1, no?                                                   
>Igor Kachan                                                          
>kinz at peterlink.ru                                                    

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8. Re: Future of Euphoria

Hi again Dan,

> Îò: dm31 at uow.edu.au
> Êîìó: EUforum <EUforum at topica.com>
> Òåìà: Re: Future of Euphoria
> Äàòà: ïîíåäåëüíèê, Ìàé 27, 2002 15:56

> True, but Completed Projects are full projects that 
> have been marketed and sold, hence have made people 
> real money. Active Projects are projects that are 
> currently being developped. Also, I was a beta      
> member, and this company has only truly being 
> going for about 2 years.

OK, but C language is 30 years old, I can not ever imagine how
many C programmers just do not want to learn *any* new word.
And I can not imagine how many C teachers just do not want 
to teach *any* new word. 
So Euphoria competes hardly and wins.

> You must a agree that 21 projects completed 
> AND in MASS production is a decent feat, No? 

I do not know what are these 21 projects *inside*, how many
new things they include, maybe just delays for the new CPUs.
Who knows?
But you can see full source code of Eu projects on RDS site. 

> This isn't a programming community like EuCom
> but is a place for you to make and develop software 
> in whatever langauge you like. 
> It is quite impressive in side.

What a problem? Try Euphoria there in a new cool project smile

> Regard's                                                              
> Dan                                                                   
> ps Hope this makes sense because it's late, 
> and I'm  frustrated with having to use strings 
> in my c++ assignment when I could be using 
> those great sequences ;)

OK. Good luck just tomorrow and forever !

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru
> >> Sorry, I forgot to ask. Did anyone look                            
> >> at www.asynchrony.com                                             
> >> Dan                                                                
> >                                                                     
> >Yes, I did.                                                          
> >                                                                     
> >The interesting enough thing:                                        
> >                                                                     
> >Current Site Statistics                                              
> >      (asynchrony)                RapidEuphoria site                 
> >                                                                     
> >Members:          30,310     315 (known software authors)            
> >Projects:          1,649     948 (all contributed Eu software)       
> >Active projects    1,238     112 (just contrib page)                 
> >Completed Projects    21     836 (just archive pages)                
> >Open Job Postings  1,675                ---                          
> >                                                                     
> >Do you see the ratio "completed projects" / "members"                
> >on asynchrony and on euphoria?                                       
> >                                                                     
> >asynchrony  21/30,310 = 0,0007                                       
> >euphoria      836/315 = 2,6539                                       
> >                                                                     
> >euphoria / asynchrony = 2,6539 / 0,0007 = 3791                       
> >                                                                     
> >Our Euphoria, it seems to be, is much more productive                
> >community than Asynchrony community is. smile                          
> >                                                                     
> >Almost 4000/1, no?                                                   
> >                                                                     
> >Regards,                                                             
> >Igor Kachan                                                          
> >kinz at peterlink.ru

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9. Re: Future of Euphoria

Hi Igor,

For my tuppence, you're absolutely right, just wait until my idea=
 of making Euphoria a `must`for both programmers and end-users of=
 any software is to be seen on this forum. I know for a fact, I=
 can come up with an idea that WILL PUT even BG's Macro$hit out=
 of business. It will be a project, where all of us would have to=
 put in their specific knowledge though.

BTW, if you read my IOUmore, you will know, who's saying it, and=
 what his word is worth.

EUrs antoine tammer

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10. Re: Future of Euphoria

Ray Smith wrote:

> Since there are no "solid" cross platform GUI's available in 
> Euphoria it is near impossible to write a cross platform editor 
> or IDE. Which brings me to my major "wish" ... a cross platform 
> GUI library!

I've made this point before: in my highly biased opinion, wxWindows is simply 
the best cross-platform library that's out there:


wxWindows runs under Windows, Linux, OS X, and even DOS. It even wraps Scite, 
a color-coding editor:


This would make it simple to create a cross-platform editor for Euphoria. 

I know that wxWindows can be used in a C scripting language, since I've used 
it to write my own cross-platform interpreter, wxBasic:


which is (excepting for some C++ glue) written in plain old C.

I made an attempt to write a version of "wxEuphoria", but ran into trouble 
getting the C++ compiler to handle the Euphoria source. But I'm not really a 
C/C++ wizard, and makefiles leave me baffled, so I ran into a brick wall 
pretty quickly. 

If someone is interested in creating wxEuphoria, I'd be glad to lend a hand.

-- David Cuny

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11. Re: Future of Euphoria

So, it seems the main problem is not that there are not good tools in EU,
but that them do not come with the basic official distribution.
Personally, for me the inadequacies of the Ed editor were not important; in
a few minutes I was comfortable with it. And the main reason why I use EU is
its ease of programming and debugging. Even though, I think that exactly the
debugging is the main aspect to be improved, especially the trace()
facility: the variables to be shown should be specified only by the user,
not a mix of user and interpreter; expressions should be allowed; even
manually modifying variables during trace, writing new functions, modifying
the ones not being pending or executing at the moment, and saving the status
of the program to restart it later just in case it crashes after executing a
few more sentences.
----- Original Message -----
From: <dm31 at uow.edu.au>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: Future of Euphoria

Too True. I had the same feelings when I started using Euphoria. In
fact, I did give Euphoria up, but tried again several weeks later
after been annoyed that I couldn't use the Sound Card in QB. I stayed
using Euphoria BECAUSE I found David Cuny's Dos editor, and the Sound
Blaster library.

Dan McGrath

>I agree: Good windows editor written in Euphoria so users can
>customize it
>which would come with official Eu package would be very good for
>future. Many new people give up because of that dos editor. After
>all editor
>is the first thing you start up when you start learning new language.
>When I first got Euphoria I had a feeling that I will delete it in a
>days (I don't remember why exactly), but after seeing that SB.EX
>demo I
>tried it a little more. I meant I would use it to write DOS graphics
>mainly with it.

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12. Re: Future of Euphoria

Ray Smith wrote:

> FOX has a much broader array of Widgets, with trees,
> grids, MDI etc and is an excellent toolkit. It has one 
> benefit over wxWindows as it sits directly on top of 
> XWindows and is much smaller.

Fox is a nice library, and (as you mention) more lightweight than wxWindows. 
Fox and FLTK is that they draw their own controls instead of using native 
controls. This can be good or bad depending on your point of view.

> The big stumbling block in wrapping FOX is that it is "highly" 
> object oriented and I'm not sure how to wrap it correctly 
> for Euphoria.

If you read the documentation for SWIG, you can get a good idea of how C++ 
classes can be wrapped. Basically, you have two problems to deal with:

  1. Routines that accept variable numbers of parameters
  2. Routines that have the same name in different classes

In wxBasic, I solve this by pusing the parameters onto a temporary stack, 
along with the argument count, and doing a dynamic lookup of each routine at 
runtime, walking down the inheritance tree. So if you called:

   baz = foo.bar( 1, 2, 3 )

it would look something like:

   pushValue( 1 )
   pushValue( 2 )
   pushValue( 3 )
   pushArgCount( 3 )
   call_routine( foo, "bar" )
   baz = popValue()
> I have stayed away from wxWindows as I have been 
> waiting (and hoping!) that one day I'd read my email and 
> see a message from Mr Cuny with an announcement of 
> his success in wrapping wxWindows!!!! :)

I've been heading down the Open Source path, and it's hard enough to get 
people to contribute to your project when you use a mainstream language, to 
say nothing of Euphoria! 

There are, of course, exceptions to the rule. For example, Wings3D is written 
in Erlang, and is such a good application that people are willing to learn an 
entirely new language just to support it.

I've also moved away from a number of the Euphoria philosophies. For example, 
passing by reference is not supported in Euphoria. Yet it's essential to much 
of the code that I write. So instead, I have to create a global to hold my 
sequences, and then pass the index into that global. That is, instead of:

   procedure foo( sequence s )
      s[Name] = "Foo"
      s[Age] = 32
   end procedure

(which won't work), I'd end up writing something like:

   global sequence the

   procedure foo( index i )
      the[index][Name] = "Foo"
      the[index][Age] = 32
   end procedure

Virtually all my programs would end up with some scheme like this to get 
around the pass by reference problem.

And don't get me started on 'compare()'...

Not being able to link into C libraries was also a pain. It forced many 
things to be 'reinvented' for Euphoria when a free C library with that 
functionality already existed. 

With the release of the source code, there's a different problem: I can't 
release an "improved" version of Euphoria without significant limitations. I 
understand the reasons for this, and I'm *very* happy that Robert chose to 
release the source code. But for me, it's just not worth the hassle.

Still, I'd love to see Euphoria support wxWindows, and will do what I can to 
help make that happen.

-- David Cuny

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13. Re: Future of Euphoria

Hi all,

Just joining in the line, because my post did go by unnoticed or=
 incorrectly evaluated I guess. It's about this topic of course.=
 I was very serious with my entry after Igor's last entry in the=
 thread. Some where hidden in my house lurks an old 5"1/4 flop=
 with a shell on it that , and I correct the words I wrote to Rob=
 on it, so he will know it was not a Win 3.0 emulator, has the=
 potential of the core-shell-functions of Windows. I even didn't=
 know Windows existed when I wrote it. If I can find it, and it=
 must be there, I will 'port' the whole lot to Euphoria ( It was=
 under DbaseIII and Clipper???). Euler I will send you a copy=
 with a request to do some parts of it, you'll understand with my=
 limited time to put in, it could take weeks before I finished=
 it. We then could build in a multi-tasker, lots of nice=
 Euphoria-routines and launch that item, Rob permitting us, to do=
 something for the Future of Euphoria.  For Derek : This=
 shell_frame_work is meant to be my open and unlimited contrib to=
 Eucom. Don't ever tell me again you don't like to be in my=
 'club' , 'cause you would tell me you don't like to be in EuCom,=
 where both of us are equal members!!!

EUrs antoine

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14. Re: Future of Euphoria

Hi all,

Sorry for the double entry, somehow I copied it back to Out ISO=
 ToEUforum. Not that bright, but then I was still very sleepy=
 when I did that post


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15. Re: Future of Euphoria

On 28 May 2002, at 11:52, a.tammer at hetnet.nl wrote:

> It was under DbaseIII and Clipper???). Euler I will send you a copy with
> a request to do some parts of it, you'll understand with my limited time
> to put in, it could take weeks before I finished it. We then could build
> in a multi-tasker, lots of nice Euphoria-routines and launch that item,
> Rob permitting us, to do something for the Future of Euphoria.  For

I'll try to do my best Antonio. Just don't spend all your tuppence on 
me. ;)

-- Euler

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16. Re: Future of Euphoria

> <SNIP>
>Point 2:
>My view is ... if you want to make Euphoria more popular create=20
>something that will impress other people.  This can include ...
>* Software of any kind, (games, business apps, utilities, libraries,
>web apps).
>* A Web page(s) - there are lots of things you can write about like:
> 1.  An in depth review of contributed software in the archive, screen
>shots, instructions, comparisons with similiar software.
> 2.  Getting started guide.
> 3.  A tutorial on any area of programming ... a good one would be how
>to use DLL's and shared libraries!
> 4.  How to write games
>Ray Smith

Don't forget translating the Euphoria documentation (and perhaps
Euphoria itself) into other languages.  Not everyone in the world
speaks the King's English.   Wouldn't people be more willing to learn
and use a programming language that "spoke" their own language?

Talking about translation, wasn't someone working into translating the
documentation into Portuguese?=20

Ken Orr
Chapada dos Guimar=E3es, MT, Brasil

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17. Re: Future of Euphoria

On 28 May 2002, at 15:17, orr_kenneth at yahoo.ca wrote: 

> Talking about translation, wasn't someone working into translating the
> documentation into Portuguese? 
> Ken Orr
> Chapada dos Guimar=E3es, MT, Brasil

Yes, me! Unfortunately only on my spare time that is shorter every new 
day... :( 

I did a new compilation of EuDocs like Travis' Encyclop=E6dia yet in 
English. When I have it the way I think it should be I'll consider to 
translate it into Portuguese. 

What bugs me is that this is a huge job and I'm not sure it will do any 
good. I would prefer to translate an EuBook that could really bring 
bunches of newcomers into Eu. This would worth the trouble... 

BTW Ken, you found a very nice place to live. :) 

-- Euler

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18. Re: Future of Euphoria

I am working on translating Euphoria 2.3 manuals into Spanish, but now it is
taking too much time. I hope to have a translation of the Reference manual
in one or two months. The other important one is the Library, but it is
----- Original Message -----
From: <orr_kenneth at yahoo.ca>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Subject: Re: Future of Euphoria

> <SNIP>
>Point 2:
>My view is ... if you want to make Euphoria more popular create
>something that will impress other people.  This can include ...
>* Software of any kind, (games, business apps, utilities, libraries,
>web apps).
>* A Web page(s) - there are lots of things you can write about like:
> 1.  An in depth review of contributed software in the archive, screen
>shots, instructions, comparisons with similiar software.
> 2.  Getting started guide.
> 3.  A tutorial on any area of programming ... a good one would be how
>to use DLL's and shared libraries!
> 4.  How to write games
>Ray Smith

Don't forget translating the Euphoria documentation (and perhaps
Euphoria itself) into other languages.  Not everyone in the world
speaks the King's English.   Wouldn't people be more willing to learn
and use a programming language that "spoke" their own language?

Talking about translation, wasn't someone working into translating the
documentation into Portuguese?

Ken Orr
Chapada dos Guimarães, MT, Brasil

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