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<< 7 Included Tools | < 8.19.2 Time/Number Translation | Up: 8 API Reference | 8.20.1 Introduction > | 9 Release Notes >> |
8.19.3 Constants
Windows locale names:
af-ZA | sq-AL | gsw-FR | am-ET | ar-DZ | ar-BH | ar-EG | ar-IQ |
ar-JO | ar-KW | ar-LB | ar-LY | ar-MA | ar-OM | ar-QA | ar-SA |
ar-SY | ar-TN | ar-AE | ar-YE | hy-AM | as-IN | az-Cyrl-AZ | az-Latn-AZ |
ba-RU | eu-ES | be-BY | bn-IN | bs-Cyrl-BA | bs-Latn-BA | br-FR | bg-BG |
ca-ES | zh-HK | zh-MO | zh-CN | zh-SG | zh-TW | co-FR | hr-BA |
hr-HR | cs-CZ | da-DK | prs-AF | dv-MV | nl-BE | nl-NL | en-AU |
en-BZ | en-CA | en-029 | en-IN | en-IE | en-JM | en-MY | en-NZ |
en-PH | en-SG | en-ZA | en-TT | en-GB | en-US | en-ZW | et-EE |
fo-FO | fil-PH | fi-FI | fr-BE | fr-CA | fr-FR | fr-LU | fr-MC |
fr-CH | fy-NL | gl-ES | ka-GE | de-AT | de-DE | de-LI | de-LU |
de-CH | el-GR | kl-GL | gu-IN | ha-Latn-NG | he-IL | hi-IN | hu-HU |
is-IS | ig-NG | id-ID | iu-Latn-CA | iu-Cans-CA | ga-IE | it-IT | it-CH |
ja-JP | kn-IN | kk-KZ | kh-KH | qut-GT | rw-RW | kok-IN | ko-KR |
ky-KG | lo-LA | lv-LV | lt-LT | dsb-DE | lb-LU | mk-MK | ms-BN |
ms-MY | ml-IN | mt-MT | mi-NZ | arn-CL | mr-IN | moh-CA | mn-Cyrl-MN |
mn-Mong-CN | ne-IN | ne-NP | nb-NO | nn-NO | oc-FR | or-IN | ps-AF |
fa-IR | pl-PL | pt-BR | pt-PT | pa-IN | quz-BO | quz-EC | quz-PE |
ro-RO | rm-CH | ru-RU | smn-FI | smj-NO | smj-SE | se-FI | se-NO |
se-SE | sms-FI | sma-NO | sma-SE | sa-IN | sr-Cyrl-BA | sr-Latn-BA | sr-Cyrl-CS |
sr-Latn-CS | ns-ZA | tn-ZA | si-LK | sk-SK | sl-SI | es-AR | es-BO |
es-CL | es-CO | es-CR | es-DO | es-EC | es-SV | es-GT | es-HN |
es-MX | es-NI | es-PA | es-PY | es-PE | es-PR | es-ES | es-ES_tradnl |
es-US | es-UY | es-VE | sw-KE | sv-FI | sv-SE | syr-SY | tg-Cyrl-TJ |
tmz-Latn-DZ | ta-IN | tt-RU | te-IN | th-TH | bo-BT | bo-CN | tr-TR |
tk-TM | ug-CN | uk-UA | wen-DE | tr-IN | ur-PK | uz-Cyrl-UZ | uz-Latn-UZ |
vi-VN | cy-GB | wo-SN | xh-ZA | sah-RU | ii-CN | yo-NG | zu-ZA | w32_names
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public constant w32_names w32_name_canonical
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public constant w32_name_canonical
Canonical locale names for WINDOWS:
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa | Afrikaans_South Africa |
Basque_Spain | Basque_Spain | Belarusian_Belarus |
Belarusian_Belarus | Belarusian_Belarus | Belarusian_Belarus |
Belarusian_Belarus | Belarusian_Belarus | Catalan_Spain |
Catalan_Spain | Catalan_Spain | Catalan_Spain |
Catalan_Spain | Catalan_Spain | Catalan_Spain |
Catalan_Spain | Catalan_Spain | Catalan_Spain |
Danish_Denmark | Danish_Denmark | Danish_Denmark |
Danish_Denmark | Danish_Denmark | English_Australia |
English_United States | English_United States | English_United States |
English_United States | English_United States | English_United States |
English_United States | English_United States | English_United States |
English_United States | English_United States | English_United States |
English_United States | English_United States | English_United States |
English_United States | English_United States | English_United States |
Finnish_Finland | French_France | French_France |
French_France | French_France | French_France |
French_France | French_France | French_France |
French_France | French_France | French_France |
French_France | French_France | French_France |
French_France | French_France | French_France |
French_France | French_France | French_France |
Hungarian_Hungary | Hungarian_Hungary | Hungarian_Hungary |
Hungarian_Hungary | Hungarian_Hungary | Hungarian_Hungary |
Hungarian_Hungary | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy | Italian_Italy |
Italian_Italy | Romanian_Romania | Romanian_Romania |
Russian_Russia | Russian_Russia | Russian_Russia |
Russian_Russia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia |
Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia |
Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia |
Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia |
Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia |
Serbian (Cyrillic)_Serbia | Slovak_Slovakia | Estonian_Estonia |
Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia |
Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia |
Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia |
Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia |
Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia |
Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia |
Estonian_Estonia | Estonian_Estonia | Swedish_Sweden |
Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden |
Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden |
Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden |
Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden |
Swedish_Sweden | Swedish_Sweden | Ukrainian_Ukraine |
Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine |
Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine |
Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine |
Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine | Ukrainian_Ukraine |
Ukrainian_Ukraine | posix_names
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public constant posix_names
POSIX locale names:
af_ZA | sq_AL | gsw_FR | am_ET | ar_DZ | ar_BH | ar_EG | ar_IQ |
ar_JO | ar_KW | ar_LB | ar_LY | ar_MA | ar_OM | ar_QA | ar_SA |
ar_SY | ar_TN | ar_AE | ar_YE | hy_AM | as_IN | az_Cyrl_AZ | az_Latn_AZ |
ba_RU | eu_ES | be_BY | bn_IN | bs_Cyrl_BA | bs_Latn_BA | br_FR | bg_BG |
ca_ES | zh_HK | zh_MO | zh_CN | zh_SG | zh_TW | co_FR | hr_BA |
hr_HR | cs_CZ | da_DK | prs_AF | dv_MV | nl_BE | nl_NL | en_AU |
en_BZ | en_CA | en_029 | en_IN | en_IE | en_JM | en_MY | en_NZ |
en_PH | en_SG | en_ZA | en_TT | en_GB | en_US | en_ZW | et_EE |
fo_FO | fil_PH | fi_FI | fr_BE | fr_CA | fr_FR | fr_LU | fr_MC |
fr_CH | fy_NL | gl_ES | ka_GE | de_AT | de_DE | de_LI | de_LU |
de_CH | el_GR | kl_GL | gu_IN | ha_Latn_NG | he_IL | hi_IN | hu_HU |
is_IS | ig_NG | id_ID | iu_Latn_CA | iu_Cans_CA | ga_IE | it_IT | it_CH |
ja_JP | kn_IN | kk_KZ | kh_KH | qut_GT | rw_RW | kok_IN | ko_KR |
ky_KG | lo_LA | lv_LV | lt_LT | dsb_DE | lb_LU | mk_MK | ms_BN |
ms_MY | ml_IN | mt_MT | mi_NZ | arn_CL | mr_IN | moh_CA | mn_Cyrl_MN |
mn_Mong_CN | ne_IN | ne_NP | nb_NO | nn_NO | oc_FR | or_IN | ps_AF |
fa_IR | pl_PL | pt_BR | pt_PT | pa_IN | quz_BO | quz_EC | quz_PE |
ro_RO | rm_CH | ru_RU | smn_FI | smj_NO | smj_SE | se_FI | se_NO |
se_SE | sms_FI | sma_NO | sma_SE | sa_IN | sr_Cyrl_BA | sr_Latn_BA | sr_Cyrl_CS |
sr_Latn_CS | ns_ZA | tn_ZA | si_LK | sk_SK | sl_SI | es_AR | es_BO |
es_CL | es_CO | es_CR | es_DO | es_EC | es_SV | es_GT | es_HN |
es_MX | es_NI | es_PA | es_PY | es_PE | es_PR | es_ES | es_ES_tradnl |
es_US | es_UY | es_VE | sw_KE | sv_FI | sv_SE | syr_SY | tg_Cyrl_TJ |
tmz_Latn_DZ | ta_IN | tt_RU | te_IN | th_TH | bo_BT | bo_CN | tr_TR |
tk_TM | ug_CN | uk_UA | wen_DE | tr_IN | ur_PK | uz_Cyrl_UZ | uz_Latn_UZ |
vi_VN | cy_GB | wo_SN | xh_ZA | sah_RU | ii_CN | yo_NG | zu_ZA | locale_canonical
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public constant locale_canonical platform_locale
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public constant platform_locale
8.19.4 Locale Name Translation canonical
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public function canonical(sequence new_locale)
Get canonical name for a locale.
- new_locale : a sequence, the string for the locale.
A sequence, either the translated locale on success or new_locale on failure.
See Also: decanonical
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public function decanonical(sequence new_locale)
Get the translation of a locale string for current platform.
- new_locale: a sequence, the string for the locale.
A sequence, either the translated locale on success or new_locale on failure.
See Also: canon2win
include std/localeconv.e namespace localconv public function canon2win(sequence new_locale)
Get the translation of a canoncial locale string for the Windows platform.
- new_locale: a sequence, the string for the locale.
A sequence, either the Windows native locale name on success or "C" on failure.
See Also:
get, set, canonical, decanonical