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8.30 Flags
8.30.1 Routines which_bit
include std/flags.e namespace flags public function which_bit(object theValue)
Tests if the supplied value has only a single bit on in its representation.
- theValue : an object to test.
An integer, either 0 if it contains multiple bits, zero bits or is an invalid value, otherwise the bit number set. The right-most bit is position 1 and the leftmost bit is position 32.
? which_bit(2) --> 2 ? which_bit(0) --> 0 ? which_bit(3) --> 0 ? which_bit(4) --> 3 ? which_bit(17) --> 0 ? which_bit(1.7) --> 0 ? which_bit(-2) --> 0 ? which_bit("one") --> 0 ? which_bit(0x80000000) --> 32 flags_to_string
include std/flags.e namespace flags public function flags_to_string(object flag_bits, sequence flag_names, integer expand_flags = 0)
Returns a list of strings that represent the human-readable identities of the supplied flag(s).
- flag_bits : Either a single 32-bit set of flags (a flag value), or a list of such flag values. The function returns the names for these flag values.
- flag_names : A sequence of two-element sub-sequences. Each sub-sequence is contains {FlagValue, FlagName}, where FlagName is a string and FlagValue is the set of bits that set the flag on.
- expand_flags: An integer. 0 (the default) means that the flag values in flag_bits are not broken down to their single-bit values. eg. #0c returns the name of #0c and not the names for #08 and #04. When expand_flags is non-zero then each bit in the flag_bits parameter is scanned for a matching name.
A sequence. This contains the name(s) for each supplied flag value(s).
- The number of strings in the returned value depends on expand_flags is non-zero and whether flags_bits is an atom or sequence.
- When flag_bits is an atom, you get returned a sequence of strings, one for each matching name (according to expand_flags option).
- When flag_bits is a sequence, it is assumed to represent a list of atomic flags. That is, {#1, #4} is a set of two flags for which you want their names. In this case, you get returned a sequence that contains one sequence for each element in flag_bits, which in turn contain the matching name(s).
- When a flag's name can not be found in flag_names, this function returns the name of "?".
include std/console.e sequence s s = { {#00000000, "WS_OVERLAPPED"}, {#80000000, "WS_POPUP"}, {#40000000, "WS_CHILD"}, {#20000000, "WS_MINIMIZE"}, {#10000000, "WS_VISIBLE"}, {#08000000, "WS_DISABLED"}, {#44000000, "WS_CLIPPINGCHILD"}, {#04000000, "WS_CLIPSIBLINGS"}, {#02000000, "WS_CLIPCHILDREN"}, {#01000000, "WS_MAXIMIZE"}, {#00C00000, "WS_CAPTION"}, {#00800000, "WS_BORDER"}, {#00400000, "WS_DLGFRAME"}, {#00100000, "WS_HSCROLL"}, {#00200000, "WS_VSCROLL"}, {#00080000, "WS_SYSMENU"}, {#00040000, "WS_THICKFRAME"}, {#00020000, "WS_MINIMIZEBOX"}, {#00010000, "WS_MAXIMIZEBOX"}, {#00300000, "WS_SCROLLBARS"}, {#00CF0000, "WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW"}, $ } display( flags_to_string( {#0C20000,2,9,0}, s,1)) --> { --> "WS_BORDER", --> "WS_DLGFRAME", --> "WS_MINIMIZEBOX" --> }, --> { --> "?" --> }, --> { --> "?" --> }, --> { --> "WS_OVERLAPPED" --> } --> } display( flags_to_string( #80000000, s)) --> { --> "WS_POPUP" --> } display( flags_to_string( #00C00000, s)) --> { --> "WS_CAPTION" --> } display( flags_to_string( #44000000, s)) --> { --> "WS_CLIPPINGCHILD" --> } display( flags_to_string( #44000000, s, 1)) --> { --> "WS_CHILD", --> "WS_CLIPSIBLINGS" --> } display( flags_to_string( #00000000, s)) --> { --> "WS_OVERLAPPED" --> } display( flags_to_string( #00CF0000, s)) --> { --> "WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW" --> } display( flags_to_string( #00CF0000, s, 1)) --> { --> "WS_BORDER", --> "WS_DLGFRAME", --> "WS_SYSMENU", --> "WS_THICKFRAME", --> "WS_MINIMIZEBOX", --> "WS_MAXIMIZEBOX" --> }