8.49 Syntax Coloring

Syntax Color Break Euphoria statements into words with multiple colors. The editor and pretty printer (eprint.ex) both use this file.

8.49.1 Routines set_colors

include euphoria/syncolor.e
namespace syncolor
public procedure set_colors(sequence pColorList) init_class

include euphoria/syncolor.e
namespace syncolor
public procedure init_class() new

include euphoria/syncolor.e
namespace syncolor
public function new()

Create a new colorizer state

See Also:

reset, SyntaxColor reset

include euphoria/syncolor.e
namespace syncolor
public procedure reset(atom state = g_state)

Reset the state to begin parsing a new file

See Also:

new, SyntaxColor SyntaxColor

include euphoria/syncolor.e
namespace syncolor
public function SyntaxColor(sequence pline, atom state = g_state)

Parse Euphoria code into tokens of like colors.

Break up a new-line terminated line into colored text segments identifying the various parts of the Euphoria language. Consecutive characters of the same color are all placed in the same 'segment' - seg_start..seg_end.

A sequence that looks like:
{color1, "text1"}, {color2, "text2"}, ... }