Euphoria file structure
- Posted by jondolar <lavigne.s at> Jul 18, 2003
Hi all My main interest with Euphoria is DBMS. If i'm going to put my efforts in that direction, I have to make a decision about a major issue: work with the native internal Euphoria file format using a single file for program data etc, when using EDS, or work with external data files. The more serious DBMS use the design/data separation model. It make sense. If you modify your design like adding a different input screen, it does not affect the data in any way. Yet popular DBMS such as FileMakerPro uses the "all in one file approach" very successfully. However if the file get corrupted, you don't know what is corrupted: design or data? Using the internal format of Euphoria is appealing. It's easier and you readily benefit of the flexible structures of the language. The file is in binary format I believe. My main question then is: How can you examin in a human readable format the data of an EDS in an editor to verify its integrity if something turns sour. A comma delimitted file is easilly visible in a simple text editor. Is such facility posslble with an Euphoria file? TIA Serge Lavigne