Re: NOT EU RELATED Re: A Dot on the Map
- Posted by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> Sep 29, 1998
>I'm seriously considering trying to implement a game I've been thinking about, >but I'm still lost. >I have no idea how to set about doing a large project. Should I do it all with >.e files? How >do i make sure the sound and mouse and graphics and keyboard all work >together? Well, >those are mainly just programming problems. I guess what I'm really interested >in is the >organization aspect -- how do programmers set up large progs so that it all >comes together >when you actually punch out the code? I kinda always manage to burry myself in over organizing something, so only the work that I completely dont organize actually gets finished. (Mazer, Clone, etc.) You dont need multiple .e files IMHO. I would start with figuring out what the problems are gonna be.. ( how am I gonna do graphics, how sound, how ai). And try to write all kinds of small engines, or use other engines. And write a small game engine on top. Just with that behaviour that you need. And in the end, you can combine all those prototypes together into a program. Maybe just put it all in one .ex file or in multiple .e files. In other words, start small. Make a routine to handle collision detection, for example. Try to figure out how your game environment is timed. Sprite needs to be updated x many times per sec, ai needs to be done every sec, etc. A routine to handle all the sprites drawing. Etc. Lots of small and small pieces. Its safer, and you get a chance to test every small part of your game. Ralf