Re: Action game!

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At 02:49 AM 7/10/97 -0700, you wrote:

>On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, Eduardo Uemura Okada wrote:
>>  Now , this is for you, Robert (Craig), and all that can answer it: can a
>> programmer, with Euphoria, create and run an action game, like Videogame's
>> games? A game, created in a pentium 166Mhz can run in a 486 - 66 Mhz with
>> the same speed and playability?
>>  And finally, can I write my own music in Euphoria, but please, without
>> sound() routine?
>>  I wait answer...

>Check out
>We've released 5 fast action arcade-type games for the PC's.  All of them
>run full speed on a 486dx2-66, a couple run fine even on a 486-33.

I don't know about that. Invaders ran pretty darn slow on my 486-75. Still,
your other games ran good and fast.
Using the memory funtions on mode 19, I made a bunch of little demo games
(though I never released any), which were designed on my 486 and are fast.
Being on this topic, what is a simple way to control the frame rate (so
games won't burn on faster computers)? Anyone?

P.S. Has anyone else had trouble with some of the new games on the Official
Page, trying to get them to run?

The Reaper  (J. Lays)
reaper at      Check out my Euphoria Games page at:
     . .. -||..........__......  "If a demon wore wings,
      . /  ||......../-- \\.::::  Would it be called a angel?
   . ..|   ||...... /    | |.:::  Or are they the people we know,
     .|  _-||.......||   / /.:::: Of whom we mingle?"
    ..| |..||...... -\_- \ |\-.:::
     .| |.[< \ .../            \.::
      .||.|||\|\ |  -      - .  \.::::
     ...|.\|| |  \  |        |   |.:::.

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