Re: list problems

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On Thu, 10 Jul 1997 08:18:27 EDT Philip Lettkeman < at JUNO.COM>

>Subject:      list problems

>Being at Juno I can only receive messages up to 60k
>in size.  I think that the digest may have exceeded my limit and in turn
>bounced from my mail server.  I have to have the digest though because I
>really only check my mail twice a day and this would mean way too many
>messages to handle otherwise.

I know what you mean by to many messages. I have the listserv set to
NODIGests for my subscription and am not loosing messages (at least I
don't think so). MIME encoded stuff comes through without a problem also.
If I don't have time to scan the messages received for the day I use DOS
to copy the inbox folder to a new file and then replace the inbox with a
blank one I have for just such purpose. This is not a problem since Juno
stores the messages as ASCII text. I bet a person could even write a
utility with Euphoria to read the messages. from the listserver. (naw I
don't have the time right now, wife and I both got downsized and we are
job hunting.)

Yes Juno's darn adverts are getting annoying and v1.38 has gotten slower
than molasses with its multiple file loads to display the ad banner. This
old 486/33 just can't keep up even with it 32MB of mem and a 10meg disk
cache. I guess that the price for "free" E-Mail.

Larry D. Poos
-[USMC (Retar{bks}{bks}ired) Havelock, NC]-
- Downsized Programming and System Consultant, LTAD Enterprises -
e-mail: ldpoos at
Fido: 1:3629/101.6

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