Re: Action game!

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Reaper & MP wrote:

> >Check out
> >We've released 5 fast action arcade-type games for the PC's.  All of them
> >run full speed on a 486dx2-66, a couple run fine even on a 486-33.
> I don't know about that. Invaders ran pretty darn slow on my 486-75. Still,
> your other games ran good and fast.
> Using the memory funtions on mode 19, I made a bunch of little demo games
> (though I never released any), which were designed on my 486 and are fast.
> Being on this topic, what is a simple way to control the frame rate (so
> games won't burn on faster computers)? Anyone?
        Control Timed environment... that is for each MOVEMENT calculate how
may time has been passed and how many pixels it should move per sec.
Then calculate the REAL value position in a different place and save
a floored version somewhere else which you use for all drawing and
other stuff. If you calculate your next position you should use the
real flooting point value.
        This technique is used for example in most 3D games, since their
framerate is depending on objects... i mean a car with screamer
should go twice as fast when there are no other cars, it just is ABLE
to UPDATE the screen more often, and thus looks more realistic at
those moments.

> P.S. Has anyone else had trouble with some of the new games on the Official
> Page, trying to get them to run?
        No, U?

~~~~>> Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen <<~~~~
 ~~~>> nieuwen at <<~~~~

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