Re: Methodica

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Kenneth Rhodes wrote:

> Will Methodica implement an OOP version of your extended tasking library
> such as you had envisioned for Method Euphoria?
Yes that is in the design, implemented via a Task class. I will problaby save
this for a later release to allow myself time to familiarize myself with how Eu
3.0 handles tasking.

> My impression is that Methodica will be implemented at a lower level
> in the Euphoria source than previous OOP efforts implemented solely
> al libraries.  Will Methodica be easier to interface/wrap external GUI 
> libraries written in C++? 

This is a correct impression. I haven't yet figured out the details, but a lot
more could be automated. In particular, it should be transparent to the users of
the classes which wrap an external routine: the programmer shouldn't need to know
whether or not a method wraps an API call in order to use it.
Linkage for external C libs will be easy and included in the first version; C++
will likely follow later.

> I was teasing you a bit about calling Methodica, "Mantra" - you had
> mentioned some doubt about the Open Source, "All bugs appear shallow
> to many eyes" mantra.

Actually a fairly nice name, but taken. It is also somewhat analogous--Mantra
extends and improves Java and is compiled into Java.

> Hope to see Methodica soon... these are interesting times.

Soon is too much to hope for with my life and work as busy as they are. I'm
thinking of a January 2007 realese target.

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