1. Methodica

Mario Steele wrote:
> My question is really, is Methodica going to have the ability
> to create IL Files, and be able to bind to an executable, like Euphoria has
> now, or OOEU has?  Also, open source, closed source, or what have ya?
Yes. Methodica will have the ability to create IL and bound executables when it
is fully developed. I will release Methodica under an open source license to be
determined later.

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2. Methodica

Derek Parnell's detailed post deserves a detailed reply.

> I fully encourage you with this idea Mike.

Thank you. Coming from someone you has contributed so much to the Eu community,
your encouragement is particularly appreciated.
> However, being the intrusive bastard that I am, I have a couple of suggestions
> for you blink

I think that is a national trait in Oz--to be (openly) intrusive bastards. Here
in America it is customary to be an intrusive bastard while carefully pretending
not to be.

> Have you considered making all members (data and methods) 'private' by
> default?
> This makes objects a lot more robust as access from outside the class must be
> explicitly granted by the class designer. 

This makes some good sense. I defaulted methods to public as these seem to be
the most frequent, therefor saving the most typing. It is not necessary for there
to be any default, and this would simplify the parser a bit as well.
Similarly, methods default to instance rather than shared (class) because of the
much greater frequency

> Have you considered implementing 'class properties'? These behave to the
> outside
> as if they are data members but are actually implemented as member functions.
> Each property can have multiple 'setter' and 'getter' functions.

Multiple getters and setters does not fit the current design philosopy, but I
can see advantages to implementing properties. VB.Net which I use at work is
actually a good model for properties.
If properties are implemented, no access specifiers will be needed for data
members--these will be attached to the property getters and setters.

I'm going to play around with the syntax a bit and see where it leads me. At
this stage changes are quite easy--I've written no code except some proof of
concept items. Getting the specifications exactly as I want them first will make
the project more managable. Had I just jumped in and started coding, I might have
painted myself into a corner in several areas.

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3. Re: Methodica


I am eager to see your latest OOP effort encoded.  For some reason I have
always been fascinated by OOP; however I am still clueless as to how it
works.  Yet, I do believe that sometimes in this strange world comments,
suggestions, questions and observations by the clueless can be helpful.

Will Methodica implement an OOP version of your extended tasking library
such as you had envisioned for Method Euphoria?

Perhaps you, Matt and Derek should work together... that'd be something
like the Euphoria OOP equivalent of the Traveling Wilbury's. hehe, just a 

My impression is that Methodica will be implemented at a lower level
in the Euphoria source than previous OOP efforts implemented solely
al libraries.  Will Methodica be easier to interface/wrap external GUI 
libraries written in C++? 

I was teasing you a bit about calling Methodica, "Mantra" - you had
mentioned some doubt about the Open Source, "All bugs appear shallow
to many eyes" mantra.

Hope to see Methodica soon... these are interesting times.

Ken Rhodes
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4. Re: Methodica

Kenneth Rhodes wrote:

> Will Methodica implement an OOP version of your extended tasking library
> such as you had envisioned for Method Euphoria?
Yes that is in the design, implemented via a Task class. I will problaby save
this for a later release to allow myself time to familiarize myself with how Eu
3.0 handles tasking.

> My impression is that Methodica will be implemented at a lower level
> in the Euphoria source than previous OOP efforts implemented solely
> al libraries.  Will Methodica be easier to interface/wrap external GUI 
> libraries written in C++? 

This is a correct impression. I haven't yet figured out the details, but a lot
more could be automated. In particular, it should be transparent to the users of
the classes which wrap an external routine: the programmer shouldn't need to know
whether or not a method wraps an API call in order to use it.
Linkage for external C libs will be easy and included in the first version; C++
will likely follow later.

> I was teasing you a bit about calling Methodica, "Mantra" - you had
> mentioned some doubt about the Open Source, "All bugs appear shallow
> to many eyes" mantra.

Actually a fairly nice name, but taken. It is also somewhat analogous--Mantra
extends and improves Java and is compiled into Java.

> Hope to see Methodica soon... these are interesting times.

Soon is too much to hope for with my life and work as busy as they are. I'm
thinking of a January 2007 realese target.

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