Re: I want fast graphics...
- Posted by mark honnor <m.honnor at XTRA.CO.NZ> Jun 05, 1997
You should download my graphics routines from the official euphoria page. It is labled some basic source code to my XP3 game but its actually all my cool graphics libraries. It can do about 20 frames per second on my pentium 100 when there are quite a lot of sprites to display and 50 fps when theres only a handfull of small sprites. It uses a virtual screen thing like Jiri's but mine stores the screen buffer in a sequence so that it doesnt waste time poking all the graphics to a memory buffer so mine should be a small bit faster?? It also has masking (see-through sprites) and clipping (sprites can be drawn half on and half off the screen without a problem!) ********************* SO GO GET IT!! ********************* And i've asked the creator of a c++ music/sound player if he would be interested in making a version of it for Euphoria. Just have to wait and see what he sais!! --Augorian / Liquid-Nitrogen;