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>        I am new to programming with Euphoria.  I just started 3/14 and I need
>  some resources for good tutorials.  

As a first port of call, try which is
the "A Beginner's
Guide To Euphoria"

> I could use as many as you know.  I am
>  looking for tutorials for the Windows version and some tutorials for
>  win32lib 

Win32lib comes with many sample programs and a reasonable set of Docs.  However,
we probably should
create an annotated edition of all the samples plus "tips". 

> and tutorials that focus on "For" and "If".  I am more used to perl

  you have our sympathy blink

> and their fors and ifs are a lot different.  

  'for' sytax is:
       FOR <loop_index> = <start> TO <end> (BY <incr>) DO <body> END FOR

The FOR, TO, DO, and END FOR keywords are mandatory. <loop_index> is the
  *name* of a variable that
Euphoria sets and controls during the looping code. You cannot change its value
at any time. The
trick to 'for' is that the loop index must not be already declared and its scope
is restricted to
inside the loop. <start> is the initial value that the loop index receives and
<end> is the last
value that it can have. The BY clause is optional. If omitted, <incr> is assumed
to be 1. At the end
of each iteration and before your loop body code gets control, Euphoria adds the
<incr> value to the
<loop_index>. If this cause the loop index to go beyond the <end> value, the
loop is completed and
the next line of code after the END FOR is executed. Between the Do and END FOR,
you can have any
number of statements, however some specific statements are not allowed (such as 
procedure/function/constant/ etc...).

  'if' syntax is:
      IF <boolean_test> THEN <true_code> (ELSE <false_code>) END IF

In other words the IF, THEN and END IF key words are mandatory. If you have
   an ELSE clause, it
must appear after the THEN clause and before the END IF statement.
<boolean_test> must be an
expression that results in an atom; zero means the test failed, non-zero means
the test succeeded.
<true_code> only gets executed if the test succeeded, and <false_code> only gets
executed if the
test failed. There can be any number, including zero, statements in either the
<true_code> and
<false_code>, however some specific statements are not allowed (such as

> I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Try the contributions section of , there are hundreds of
great ideas there.

> Also, maybe an idea for a program that is some
>  what useful and not to hard to develop. 

How about a text-based adventure game?

Derek Parnell 
ICQ# 7647806

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