- Posted by Robsz2 at Mar 19, 2002
--part1_d.23d29755.29c96f2b_boundary Hello. I am new to programming with Euphoria. I just started 3/14 and I need some resources for good tutorials. I could use as many as you know. I am looking for tutorials for the Windows version and some tutorials for win32lib and tutorials that focus on "For" and "If". I am more used to perl and their fors and ifs are a lot different. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have. Also, maybe an idea for a program that is some what useful and not to hard to develop. Thank you. --part1_d.23d29755.29c96f2b_boundary Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>Hello. <BR> <BR> I am new to programming with Euphoria. I just started 3/14 and I need some resources for good tutorials. I could use as many as you know. I am looking for tutorials for the Windows version and some tutorials for win32lib and tutorials that focus on "For" and "If". I am more used to perl and their fors and ifs are a lot different. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have. Also, maybe an idea for a program that is some what useful and not to hard to develop. <BR> --part1_d.23d29755.29c96f2b_boundary--