CGI and bound .exw
- Posted by axtens at Dec 07, 2001
Dear List I'm using bound .exws for CGI processing, using a derivate of Stachon's (?spelling?) cgi.e. Is there any way of telling a bound .exw not to open up a console window even if you do a 'puts( 1, ... )'? As it stands, even with the use of free_console(), the server gets a dose of the flashes every time someone clicks on a CGI link. Something on the lines of without console would be great. I suppose with the feature set of 2.3 already set in concrete I'll just have to put up with it until 2.4. Rob? Bruce M. Axtens. -- Middle-age is when everything starts to click -- your elbows, knees and neck. -- Robert Orben.