Re: sfx2.e bug

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At 23:31 97-05-18 +0100, you wrote:
>---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
>Sender:       Euphoria Programming for MS-DOS <EUPHORIA at
>Poster:       Marcel Kollenaar <M.Kollenaar at SLO.NL>
>Subject:      Re: sfx2.e bug

>Why not checking for a network device first? Then you can decide
>for the next 50% pass or fail SB-detection. I know it is possible
>to detect, in case of a Novell system, if there is an IPX/SPX network
>running. And there must be a way to detect which IRQ they're using
>without crashing the system, Qemm's MFT from Quarterdeck does!

There is certainly a way to do that but I didn`t find it yet.
To detect Novell network I found a snippet on SWAG.

-- detecting novell network snippet

include machine.e

sequence r
integer al
r = repeat(0,10)
r[REG_AX] = #7A00
r = dos_interrupt(#2F,r)
al = remainder(r[REG_AX],256)
if al != 255 then
    puts(1,"No Novell network detected.\n")
elsif r[REG_ES] != 0 or r[REG_DI] != 0 then
   puts(1,"Novell network detected.\n")
end if

Thanks for your offer to test sfx2.e on the network of your enterprise but
you rather
not take that risk. I can't garanti that it will not disrupt all the network.

Jacques Deschenes
Baie-Comeau, Quebec
desja at

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