To save a gif file...
- Posted by Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen <nieuwen at XS4ALL.NL> May 17, 1997
Saving a gif file in Euphoria... I have seen two different routines to read a gif file, but none to save a gif file, why??? Same goes for the pcx -reader. There was also someone asking how to import 16-bit assembler to Euphoria.. ..well get from the Robert's Craig official site. It needed to be 32-bit, it just runs in 32-bit protected mode, so some things will not be allowed by the extender. Also, thanks goes to Joseph Martin, i'm now downloading Pegasus Mail since the version of Eudora i got has a time limit and has no option to turn it off with a serial. (Found one on the net) Hope it's good. I'm know trying to get the latest bugs out of my maze generator, wich works totally different that any i've seen, and ... .. it's pretty quick too!! (compared to some i've seen in QBasic...) Well, i've never seen any maze generator so customizable as mine but i've only seen about three. Might be handy for some games.. ..instead of those fixed levels on a disk.. Also ... ... is there any way to fake a file number to a memory buffer?? (so you needn't to have all those .wav files with the Sound Blaster code) (or any other file using routine like the font-lib) The best would be to have a function called each time a new character/sequence is read. If not, it might be a good idea for future releases of Euphoria, to increase its flexibilities. Also there's a bug in the new version of the Text-Gui, don't know what, but it happened after an error in my program. The first time i got an error cause my line was too long, (if ex.exe doesn't support very long lines, why should the editor?) Well, after that error in my program, (the lines describing the error were about 3) returning to the editor caused some error. The second time was after an ' that function requires that many arguments' error, then also returning to the editor caused an error. Hope you got an idea what's causing the error, try simulation the event (<-- idea) Also i'm 15, not 14 like the comment on the 'users contribution' says (and the describtion in edm.e) It was because when i wrote it i was 14, that why the code doesn't make much sence to me too. Have you ever seen such ugly code as that.. ..well it does protect you from someone stealing your code :) Also an idea for some of the done-it-all&known-it-all'ers, try making an routine wich can replace with wildcards. (This is very hard.. ... i tried) (Not that me trying & failling means that it's hard but..) A routine with (for exemple) a search string like this: "[*]" and an argument like this: "(@1)" The routine would then replace the braces and whatever is in them with these: '(' and ')' <-- Don't know the word for them And putting the first wildcard value (value where the * stands for in the text being searched) between the '( and ')' cause that's where the AT 1 is located. if it's at 1 you could use '@1' if it's at 2 you could use '@2' and so on... With this a very customizable preprocessor comes to live, simple adding new features with a replace and search string. (They would be like macro's if you think about it, but i don't want to compare Euphoria with C, it would insult Euphoria. Oops, it's a long document now, sorry... .. won't do it again (promize, angel face and crossed fingers) Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen nieuwen at