Re: Thanx for the warm welcome...
- Posted by Karl Wagner <karl at TLD1.TLD.NET> Sep 14, 1996
Hi Michael: You sent: > >would you be interested in a top down crash course in game design and >production? We could do a series of weekly(?) installments where we go >from game design 101 to a finished, playable work. I'm thinking maybe >starting with the basic design issues and algorithms, then opening it up to >the group to discuss how best to do the code. I think it would make for a >flurry of ideas going back and forth and everyone could contribute what >they know or discover, and everybody will get something out of it. > >What do you think? > >Michael Packard >Lord Generic Productions >lgp at > > Great. Why don't you start with something like space invaders, the clasic game!, i think it would be a great example. Karl