Re: inpout32

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katsmeow said...

And i am curious about you assuming i'd be divulging every detail of my life and aspirations.

And I am curious about you assuming that I'd ask you to be divulging every detail of your life and aspirations.

I simply stated that request because that knowledge helps me determine what might and might not be relevant or helpful to you. Naturally I respect your desire for privacy and do not require a response to every question asked or statement made - but also keep in mind that the less we (the community here) knows, the less effectively we are able to assist you.

With that in mind, I'll reiterate my request for clarification, so I can see how the Ultimate64 or a similar device can be made to work - or failing that what other alternative options may exist. Again though - will respect a non-response in the interests of your time and privacy - but hey, don't say that I didn't try to help!

jimcbrown said...

I'm curious if it's specifically the lawn mower step that you saw it not working (which might be a good example of sneaking in a "move the goal posts" sort of thing), or did you see an issue with the earlier steps discussed too (like turning a fan on the roof, or stuff related to your car engine)? In the car engine case I'm curious as to why that wouldn't have been mentioned earlier in the other thread when it was first brought up.

katsmeow said...

There's some generic pata-to-ram modules floating around.

jimcbrown said...

If you have any good links, I would love to learn more about this. A few searches couldn't find anything useful...

katsmeow said...

... and presto, you have gone off on web searches to prove i have no knowledge of this,

Not at all, I'm not sure how one jumps from "couldn't find anything useful" to "prove .. have no knowledge". If anything, the opposite was true - I was asking for help from you to fill the information gap (so that I could in turn assist you better).

katsmeow said...

Saying anything only muddies the waters, and this has happened many times!

I mean sure, but I wonder if that's describing you mostly. Like in the above - really how did you make that jump in meaning?

katsmeow said...

Watch another example....

and it will be a primary methodology of how i desire to interface to the computer.

Hmm, Good point - I didn't mean to imply that this would be the primary method, but I can see how a reasonable person might get that impression. Mostly I was just astonished at the irony (since Linux really does make it so so so easy to use that method).

katsmeow said...

Ok, take it so far off in left field

Me mentioning the usb/sata-pata-ram-dual-port-ram = pseudo-parport interface as the sole method of communications? Well, whatever it takes!,

Ah gotcha. So basically the ebay searches are of devices that are essentially USB flash sticks - except they connect via PATA rather than USB (so minus the USB part). I think I have an idea of what you meant now - to connect the PATA to the computer on one hand, but then to somehow modify the device so that it's able to connect and talk to what you're really interested in downstream and pass that along.

petelomax said...

(At this point I think it's fair to say that Euphoria/Phix almost certainly simply ain't gonna play any part in the solution you seek.)

katsmeow said...

Are you both saying that desktop computers [...] has "advanced" so far that it's _now_ impossible for communications on sata, usb, old fashioned serial or parports?

In a word, no. See below:

jimcbrown said...

Agreed. It's a shame that Euphoria/Phix must be tied to windoze for this particular user to be useful, since Linux in particular makes it really easy to directly access physical memory like so:

mem = open("/dev/mem", "rw") 


katsmeow said...

And at this point i am cussing out loud. Very loud.

...why? It's pure Eu, no C, the only nixism is in one file name. And even that can be changed - would prefer a DOS-style open("MEM:") along the lines of the old open("COM1") and such?

katsmeow said...

Are you both saying that desktop computers and windows has "advanced" so far that it's no impossible for communications on sata, usb, old fashioned serial or parports?

Until, someone remembers i said "relay", and in the methods of today, that means "plugging a relay directly into the desktop computer's motherboard". Holy carp!

that you totally escape the point of the freaking OS sending and recieving communications from a device plugged into it.

but i didn't need to do that to comm with this keybd or vga lcd screen!

In the olden daze i'd bit bang the parport. From Apple, zx80, vic20, C64, 8086, 80286, all could do this. NOW, we are too cussed "advanced".


I think "advanced" is the wrong term here. More like, Windoze locked things down to only the chosen few (C coding device driver developers) to protect the tide pod eaters.

katsmeow said...

The male-dominated thread is telling me windose is unable to gets(), getkey(), puts(), or call bat file to do similar i/o or whatever physical device that is not bolted to the mobo.

I think the only accurate part of this is the term "male-dominated" ;)

katsmeow said...

thread is telling me windose is unable to gets(), getkey(), puts(), or call bat file to do similar i/o or whatever physical device that is not bolted to the mobo.

Well obviously windoze is able to do it. I'm sure you've used a USB mouse and keyboard with windose, ergo windoze is able to do it.

katsmeow said...

And that i am not typing on a keybd with a serial link to the OS

See what I wrote above regarding USB keyboards and windoze;

katsmeow said...

and OE is a figment of my imagination.

Quote please?

katsmeow said...

Furthermore, since the keybd doesn't really exist in real life, i cannot use anything similar, of perhaps a different shape and speed, with relays or CdS cells or mosfets or crosspoint chips, to put the ascii bit pattern of "A" onto a serial usb cable into the computer for OE to gets() and then puts() to the screen, which in my imagination is on a different serial wire, so i can see and supposedly verify the magic happened, and in my wildest nitemares OE can make if-then-else or while() decisions on whether to show me the "A" or something else.

Obviously you can - in fact you already suggested a method below. Just you were displeased with doing things via that method since it was slower than you would like.

katsmeow said...

Maybe i should put relay contacts across every numeric key on this magic keybd [...] and glue CdS cells to places on the monitor [...] and i can read the light and dark under each cell as a bit!

I guess .. whatever works?

katsmeow said...

I think it will be stupidly slow, especially compared to writing to a file on a sata-3 hdd,

I can't disagree, but again ... whatever works I guess?

katsmeow said...

And why must i explicitly tell you what each use is that i put the bit pattern to?

I can't think of a reason.

katsmeow said...

And how can you complain about OE/Phix's falling market share with a requirement like that?

I guess, no requirement, therefore no complaint?

katsmeow said...

Are you going to explain to me the speed difference between a mechanical relay and an ecl chip?


katsmeow said...

Did i ask you to do that?


katsmeow said...

Is such in the AUP for windose or OE or Phix or any cussed thing?

Not that I'm aware of.

katsmeow said...

Why must you be told what device that relay or ram interface or light bulb is seen by?

If anything I'd suggest this would be superfluous to the point of actually reducing our helpfulness (as we'd have to weed through a lot of details to get to a good answer when a brief summary would have done so).

Mostly I just wanted to understand why a USB and ethernet supporting modernized Commodore64 clone couldn't do the job today, when the original Commodore64 was able to do it back in the 1980s.

katsmeow said...

It worked in the 1940's, surely the computers have not advanced such that this cannot work?

Sadly I feel that you may be overestimating the tide-pod eaters of the 21st century.

katsmeow said...

but wth, it beats trying to CUSSWORDS you have made getting data about using windows now as impossible to get and use

Tide pod eaters. What can I say?

katsmeow said...

Thank you Andreas.

It smells like linux.

How? Why? The website and github clearly state it's for Windoze.

katsmeow said...

as the secrets of the 100 flavors linux.


Speaking of which - the diversity of linux is beneficial to the ecosystem as a whole. Especially in terms of my employment (that is, keeping me employed). ;)

katsmeow said...

.VB and Visual Studio

That's hilarious, as if Visual Studio and linux belong in the same paragraph.

katsmeow said...

Instead of "include filename", i must know C++, .NET, .VB and Visual Studio compilers and DLLs, and how to "wrap" in OE.

The .NET and .VB are just examples, and C++ and Visual Studio compilers are just for development of the dll / driver itself.

Really you just need to know about DLL hell and how to wrap DLLs in OE (or Phix?).

katsmeow said...

There's not enough hours in the day.

Well, it's windoze. I can't blame you.

katsmeow said...

The one webpage even mentions it won't run unless it is installed under a 2GB memory location, which i have no hope of setting up.

I double checked that - if you can install and use it, it seems just the open("/dev/mem") feature won't work beyond that limitation. But other ways to talk to parport io and et al seem like they should still work - such as DlPortReadPortUshort.

katsmeow said...

One other point i feel the need to mention, it cannot be encrypted, just to make life easier for me. If this means i must use a hacked keybd and mechanical relays and slow a 8-core 4Ghz machine down to below 100 bytes per minute, so be it.


Yeah. Sadly it seems like the driver, while potentially a good solid choice in the past, has been unsupported since 2015.

katsmeow said...

Then how the heck are my mouse, my keybd, my cameras, my thumb drives, and the dsl modem communicating with the computers?!?

Someone among those C coding device driver developers wrote some C code to make it happen on Windoze... what can I say? It's been long apparent that Windows should have been named Losedows because Windows isn't a WIN but a major LOSE!

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