Re: Exercism maintainers

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Went thru all the hassle of signing up, (far more work than signing up for on-line banking for some reason) just to find out that it is apparently useless. 404, and Euphoria is not listed among the languages available. But that's ok, it's only been a few years.... give 'em time.

Instead, let's try one which is listed: C. I know there'll be some useful examples there, right?

#include "hello_world.h" 
// Define the function itself. 
const char *hello(void) 
   return "Hello, World!"; 

Press the test button. It passes.

OK, change the message to "Hello, world!" and it fails, even though there is nothing wrong with the code or the program.

Expected 'Hello, World!' Was 'Hello, world!' 

How is this going to help anyone who is trying to learn a programming language?

I'll bet half the people who try it just laugh at that point and go elsewhere.

And yeah, I know it is just a test to see how well "you vill follow orders!" Bunch of control freaks, apparently, given how much trouble it is to even sign up.

Way too much crap to go thru, not worth my time.

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