Re: Hypatia 3.0

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jimcbrown said...
katsmeow said...

Like me talking about cell phone in 1975,

Luckily folks like Martin Cooper of Motorola were way ahead of you back on 1973/04/03.

Mobile radio transmission was frequently handed off between fixed land stations routinely with aircraft and ships, but it was manual because the zoned land stations had no transparent cross links. No need to discuss that with you, of course.

Did you have a cell phone in 1975?

Was your sterio remote controlled in 1975?

Were you driving an electric car in 1975?

At any point since 1975, had you programmed a computer system to interact with humans as if it was human, and real humans were unsure if your system was human or not? Were you giving this any thought in 1975?


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