Re: Phix segfault when wildcard_match file between 1.5 and 2 million lines

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lib9 said...

I've already uploaded the file, compressed.

That's nice. Reminds me of a brilliant phone prank I once heard: guy gets a call from a satelite dish salesman, so pretends to be a detective at a murder scene, with a proper deep southern drawl:
(after warning him not to hang up, asking him how he knows the victim, and generally scaring the pants off him and not letting him get a word in edgeways)
Detective: Whe're you now?
Terrified Salesman: At work.
Detective: You tryin to be funny? What would I need to put on the OUTSIDE of an envelope to get a letter t'yr sorry ass?

lib9 said...

It makes no sense now as I stripped it, but it's still segfaulting.

Let's try a different tack. Does it still crash if you remove object txt = read_lines(t_file)?
Does wildcard_match("*some string*",line) ==> match("some string",line) (ditto other) work?
How about (undoing that then, and) if you remove buffer = append(buffer, line)?
If you then add ?i after incrementing it, does it always crash at the same place?
Assuming it does, on line NNNNNN, what does if i>=NNNNNN then ?line end if show?
And is the ex.err that generates small enough to be pasted here?

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