Re: Preliminary libffi progress

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ghaberek said...

I also need to do more work to get callbacks working. Right now we've no way of declaring the incoming type for callback parameters and everything is assumed to be a pointer-sized integer. I want to provide a means of specifying and pre-handling the parameter types. This will be especially helpful when dealing with some of the event handlers in IUP.

Another one to consider is libcurl's CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION callback, in the end I had to define completely separate ones for 32 and 64 bit code - libcurl always puts 4 int64s on the stack, but since there is simply no way to tell the legacy call_back() any different, it pulls 32 bits per arg, so the only thing that can currently be done is to stitch together 8 int32s back into 4 int64s when runnning on 32 bit.

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