Re: Why do People Use Euphoria?

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RobertS said...

Now I've "discovered" Phix, and I'm happy again, because for me, this works — so, thank you!

I thank you back.

RobertS said...

This will not be of much interest to you, but here is my console RPN calculator —

I must say that web page is very nicely written, and I figured I may as well give it a spin. Unfortunately Windows Defender blocks it, presumably a false positive. My advice is to upload a copy of it to - they're usually reasonably quick (<1 week) about dealing with things. Meanwhile, were you to upload a source-only zip, I'd take a gander at that. - scratch that, I've got it now (via temporarily allowing that threat, deleting the exe, then re-enabling that threat and re-scanning [the rest of] it, which was all fine).

Regards, Pete

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