Re: Backspace doesn't work in 4.1.0 programs?
- Posted by ghaberek (admin) May 05, 2022
It's been a long time since I've been here - all those years, all things I needed always worked well. Sorry if this here has been discussed before - if so, I couldn't find it.
I have recently updated from 4.05 to 4.1.0 (64 bit), and now I find that the Backspace key doesn't work anymore with input from the console using gets(0), and thus also not with prompt_string(). Whether this is by design or a bug, it is seriously annoying as users will not expect this behavior, and may not be able to guess that they can use the left arrow key instead.
Thanks for any help! Robert
It looks like this was fixed somewhere along the way but I'm unable to track down exactly where. I get the same behavior with the 2015-02-02 (57179171dbed) build on Windows, but not Linux.
I've got GitHub running builds when the repo changes (effectively, "nightly" builds) so you can try the binaries available here: