Re: Backspace doesn't work in 4.1.0 programs?

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Ok, there's a lot of guff in here, and most of it is plagerised from other programs, but this will read every key on the keyboard that you press, and return an integer

global object VOID 
--eu only 
include graphics.e -- color names 
include dll.e 
include wildcard.e 
include misc.e 
include get.e 
include image.e 
without warning 
global constant EU_VERSION = 3, 
                PLAT = platform()         
constant COLORS = 1,  FGND = 1, BKGND = 2,   -- box structure 
         COORDS = 2,  ROW = 1, COL = 2, 
         SIZE   = 3,  HEIGHT = 1, WIDTH = 2, MINH = 4, MINW = 8,     
         STYLE  = 4,       
         SHADOW = 5, 
         HINT   = 6, 
         HINTCOLORS = 7, 
         BUFFER = 8 
global integer  SGL, DBL, DHL, DVL, NONE, 
                up, dn, left, right, ENTER, ESC, SP, 
                pgup, pgdn, home, endd, insert, bksp, del, tab, 
                F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12         
global sequence Lines, Divider, Shadow 
global integer TL, HL, TR, VL, BL, BR 
global object ENV = "Windows" 
ESC = 27 
global constant KEY_UP = {ESC, 91, 65}, 
                KEY_DOWN = {ESC, 91, 66}  
tab = '\t' 
TL = 1  HL = 2  TR = 3  VL = 4  BL = 5  BR = 6 
if platform() = LINUX then                
        SGL = 1 DBL = 2  DHL = 3  DVL = 4  NONE = 5  -- border styles 
        --key defines 
        up = 259  dn = 258  left = 260  right = 261  ENTER = 10  ESC = 27  SP = 32   
        pgup = 339  pgdn = 338  home = 262  endd = 360  insert = 331  bksp = 263 del = 330 
        F1 = 265 F2 = 266 F3 = 267 F4 = 268 F5 = 269 F6 = 270 F7 = 271 F8 = 272 F9 = 273 F10 = 274 F11 = 275 F12 = 276 
        --these have been changed from the 'graphic' character set 
        Lines = {{'+','-','+','|','+','+'}, -- single line borders 
                        {'+','-','+','|','+','+'}, -- double line borders 
                        {'+','-','+','|','+','+'}, -- double horizontal 
                        {'+','-','+','|','+','+'}, -- double vertical 
                        {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '} } -- none 
        Divider = {{'+','-','+'}, -- single style divider line 
                        {'+','-','+'}, -- double horizontal 
                        {' ',' ',' '}} 
        Shadow = {' ',' ',' '}  -- 3 different shadow backgrounds 
        ENV = getenv("TERM") 
        if sequence(ENV) and match(upper(ENV), "XTERM") = -10 then --set to -10 to ignore it for now 
                --xterms seem to work differently - try Windows set 
                Lines = {{218,196,191,179,192,217}, -- single line borders 
                                {201,205,187,186,200,188}, -- double line borders 
                                {213,205,184,179,212,190}, -- double horizontal 
                                {214,196,183,186,211,189}, -- double vertical 
                                {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}} -- none 
                Divider = {{195,196,180}, -- single style divider line 
                                {198,205,181}, -- double horizontal 
                                {' ',' ',' '}} 
                Shadow = {176,177,178}  -- 3 different shadow backgrounds 
        end if 
        SGL = 1 DBL = 2  DHL = 3  DVL = 4  NONE = 5  -- border styles 
        --key defines wim32 / dos 
        up = 328  dn = 336  left = 331  right = 333  ENTER = 13  ESC = 27  SP = 32  
        pgup = 329  pgdn = 337  home = 327  endd = 335  insert = 338  bksp = 8 del = 339 
        F1 = 315 F12 = 316 F3 = 317 F4 = 318 F5 = 319 F6 = 320 F7 = 321 F8 = 322 F9 = 323 F10 = 324 F11 = 325 F12 = 326 
        --redefining for windows version 
        up = 1016400  dn = 1016432  left = 1016384  right = 1016416 
        pgup = 1016320  pgdn = 1016336 
        --have to work out codes for lines       
--    Lines = {{'?,'?,'¿','³','?,'?}, -- single line borders 
--                {'?,'?,'»','º','?,'¼'}, -- double line borders 
--                {'?,'?,'¸','³','?,'¾'}, -- double horizontal 
--                {'?,'?,'·','º','?,'½'}, -- double vertical 
--                {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}} -- none 
--    Divider = {{'?,'?,'´'}, -- single style divider line 
--                  {'?,'?,'¹'}, 
--                  {'?,'?,'µ'}, -- double horizontal 
--                  {'?,'?,'¶'}, 
--                  {' ',' ',' '}} 
--    Shadow = {'°','±','²'}  -- 3 different shadow backgrounds 
    Lines = {{218,196,191,179,192,217}, -- single line borders 
                  {201,205,187,186,200,188}, -- double line borders 
                  {213,205,184,179,212,190}, -- double horizontal 
                  {214,196,183,186,211,189}, -- double vertical 
                  {' ',' ',' ',' ',' ',' '}} -- none 
    Divider = {{195,196,180}, -- single style divider line 
                    {198,205,181}, -- double horizontal 
                    {' ',' ',' '}} 
    Shadow = {176,177,178}  -- 3 different shadow backgrounds 
end if 
global atom SCREEN_BKGND 
global atom LIST_KEY  
global integer LISTBOXINDEX_INITIAL_FLAG        --flag to set searching for first letter in list 
LISTBOXINDEX_INITIAL_FLAG = 0                   --doesn't always respond to this 
                                                --hence flag 
global integer INSERT_MODE                      --can set insert mode on and off from outside FDialogs 
global sequence DefaultBox 
         DefaultBox = {{BRIGHT_WHITE,BLUE},  -- default colors 
                       {1,1},                -- coordinates top left corner 
                       {5,10},               -- box size 
                        SGL,                 -- single line border 
                        1,                   -- light shadow 
                        "Press any key...",  -- hint text 
                        {GREEN,BLACK},       -- hint colors 
                        {}}                  -- buffer for save screen 
--to accomodate usage in xterm or konsole that hasn't been set to 25 lines 
--if you know it has, then set it to 25, to appear at bottom of screen 
        SCREEN_LINES = 24 
        SCREEN_COLS = 80 
global sequence vid_conf 
integer TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0 
global integer BKGRND_HIGHLIGHT_SWITCH = 1, 
        WITH_SHADOW = FALSE                     --sets whether a box should have a shadow or not 
vid_conf = video_config() 
global function resolve_queue(sequence kq) 
if match(kq, {27,79,70}) then return endd end if 
if match(kq, {27,79,72}) then return home end if 
for i = 1 to length(kq) do 
        if kq[1] =  ESC then 
                if kq[2] = -1 then 
                        return ESC 
                elsif kq[2] = 79 then 
                        if kq[3] = 0 then return home 
                        elsif kq[3] = 101 then return endd 
                        elsif kq[3] = 80 then return F1 
                        elsif kq[3] = 81 then return F1 + 1 
                        elsif kq[3] = 82 then return F1 + 2 
                        elsif kq[3] = 83 then return F1 + 3 
                        end if 
                elsif kq[2] = 91 then 
                        if kq[3] >= 65 and kq[3] <= 68 then 
                                if kq[3] = 65 then return up 
                                elsif kq[3] = 66 then return dn 
                                elsif kq[3] = 67 then return right 
                                else return left 
                                end if 
                        elsif kq[3] = 49 then 
                                if kq[4] = 126 then return home end if 
                        elsif kq[3] = 50 then 
                                if kq[4] = 126 then return insert end if 
                        elsif kq[3] = 51 then return del 
                        elsif kq[3] = 52 then return endd 
                        elsif kq[3] = 53 then return pgup 
                        elsif kq[3] = 54 then return pgdn 
                                return F1 + kq[3] - 49 
                        end if 
                end if 
        end if 
end for 
return -1 
end function 
global function wait_key_nn() 
--new non ncurses wait_key replacement for eu 3 
--returns a single character, like versions previous to eu25t3 
--will also return a single character with versions prior to eu25t3 
--note lot of scrounging from ed.ex, RDS 
atom key 
sequence kq 
object characters 
kq = {}  
--wait for the first key - less computing time! 
key = wait_key() 
--pre eu 3.0 compatability 
if EU_VERSION < 3 or PLAT = WIN32 then return key end if 
kq = {key} 
--now get the rest of the keys 
while 1 do 
        key = get_key() 
        if key = -1 then 
        end if 
        kq &= key 
end while 
--thats filled the sequence, now process it 
if length(kq) = 1 then 
        if kq[1] =  127 then kq[1] = bksp end if  
        return kq[1] 
end if  
--puts(1, "Key pressed") 
--for i = 1 to length(kq) do 
--        printf(1, "%d,", {kq[i]}) 
--end for 
key = resolve_queue(kq) 
return key 
end function 
global function get_key_nn(object c) 
--replaces original get_key function for n0 ncurses eu version 
--this won't work if there are too many key presses too quickly, better to use a match 
atom key 
sequence kq 
if EU_VERSION < 3 or PLAT = WIN32 then return c end if 
kq = {c}        --the first element 
--now get the rest of the keys 
while 1 do 
        key = get_key() 
        if key = -1 then 
        end if 
        kq &= key 
end while 
--thats filled the sequence, now process it 
if length(kq) = 1 then 
        if kq[1] =  127 then kq[1] = bksp end if  
        return kq[1] 
end if  
--puts(1, "Key pressed") 
--for i = 1 to length(kq) do 
--        printf(1, "%d,", {kq[i]}) 
--end for 
key = resolve_queue(kq) 
return key 
end function 
integer c 

object k 
while 1 do 
    k = wait_key() 
    printf(1, ": %d\n", {k}) 
end while 
while 1 do 
    c = wait_key_nn() 
    printf(1, " - Returned key : %d\n", {c}) 
end while 

It's from a heavily modded dialog.ex, for a menu system, which actually looks quite nice on windows



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