Re: work begins on RedyCode 2.0
- Posted by ryanj Dec 01, 2021
Well...almost a year has passed and I still haven't worked on RedyCode 2.0, except for a few minor new features in some of the widget classes. However, I have been thinking a lot about what improvements to make on 2.0 while working on two other Euphoria projects in the real world.
- I made a temperature sensor monitor that runs on the Raspberry Pi for Kat and myself. It is still a work in progress. I will add the ability to control outputs soon (for controlling fans, for example). I am having trouble figuring out a good way to control/monitor it remotely. I'll probably have to spend some time making a proper network interface so a Redy-based GUI program on a Windows PC can connect to the program running on the Raspberry Pi.
- I am currently working on an unusual XML-based database intended for managing inventory, contacts, projects, or other general information. It uses the redylib to generate forms, lists, buttons, etc to view/edit records based on the db.xml file that defines properties of tables and fields. It has a unique feature of letting you browse an automatically-generated folder for each record to store files such as datasheets, design files, source code, etc.
I learned a lot working on the XML parser. It works better than the hack-job that highlights XML in RedyCode 1.0. I will definitely take what I learned from my new parser and incorporate that into a new real-time syntax parser (for various types of files) and context-sensitive help system in version 2.0.
I'd be happy to release the source code for both projects if anyone is interested. But they both need more work first.