Re: CamelCase on euforum

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ryanj said...

I don't know about anyone else, but i get really tired of words like RedyCode making dozens of links on every forum post unless i manually disable them. Is there a reason to have CamelCase automatically create links on the forum? I'd say probably 90% of these go to pages that don't exist. It really clutters up the forum, in my opinion.

Also, C should be ignored. Look, i just broke it. Does anyone else feel this way?

could we just reverse the use of Tilde '~"? if you want to underline, then ~++ if you want a ~CamelCase wiki link

the idea is, that it's automatic in a wiki to simplify creating a new page the first time someone uses a link you get the offer to edit the page. I agree, it should be off in the forum. or at least you should get a titletip that the page doesn't exist yet. there may even be a Ticket feature request on this already.

we managed to get it shut off in eudoc while creating the html, so it is possible. (or maybe the Tilde '~' was the workaround?)

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