Re: EuGTK - GtkListStore - color?
- Posted by Jerry_Story Sep 17, 2010
irv said...
We can simplify the list view greatly with the use of a small include file. Here's a simple list program, following it is the include:
include GtkEngine.e include ListView.e as List include machine.e enum NAME, AGE, PET object names = { {"Jerry S. Smith",21,"Rover"}, {"Jonnie B. Goode",44,"Fluffy"}, {"Susan Black",33,"none"}, {"Fred Flintstone",55,"Dino"}, {"George Burns",112,"cigar"} } constant win = create(GtkWindow) connect(win,"destroy",quit) constant panel = create(GtkVBox) add(win,panel) constant tv = List:View({"#","Name","Age","Pet name"}) -- {column headings} add(panel,tv) object store = List:Store(gINT,gSTR,gINT,gSTR) -- (column data types) set(tv,"model",store) for i = 1 to length(names) do -- load the list store with data List:Row(store,i & names[i]) end for show_all(win) main()
Code below handles the dirty work:
-- listview.e include GtkEngine.e object renderer = create(GtkCellRendererText) object iter = allocate(32) export function Column(atom tv, sequence title, integer datacolumn) set(tv,"insert column with attributes",-1,title,renderer,"text",datacolumn) return 1 end function export function View(object cols) atom tv = create(GtkTreeView) for i = 1 to length(cols) do Column(tv,cols[i],i-1) end for return tv end function export function Store(atom p1=0, atom p2=0, atom p3=0, atom p4=0, atom p5=0, atom p6=0, atom p7=0, atom p8=0) atom store = create(GtkListStore,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8) return store end function export function Row(atom store, object data) set(store,"insert",iter,99999) for i = 1 to length(data) do set(store,"set",iter,i-1,data[i],-1) end for return 1 end function
The above works fine as long as there is only one list in operation - too bad we don't have some object-oriented abilities, so we could "include ListView.e as ..." more than one instance. As you may remember, some years ago, this accidentally worked, but was soon removed.
In my current translation project I need 5 lists. Does this mean that I should have 5 instances of ListView.e?
include ListView1 as List1 include ListView2 as List2 include ListView3 as List3 include ListView4 as List4 include ListView5 as List5