Re: EuGTK - GtkListStore - color?
- Posted by irv Sep 12, 2010
We can simplify the list view greatly with the use of a small include file. Here's a simple list program, following it is the include:
include GtkEngine.e include ListView.e as List include machine.e enum NAME, AGE, PET object names = { {"Jerry S. Smith",21,"Rover"}, {"Jonnie B. Goode",44,"Fluffy"}, {"Susan Black",33,"none"}, {"Fred Flintstone",55,"Dino"}, {"George Burns",112,"cigar"} } constant win = create(GtkWindow) connect(win,"destroy",quit) constant panel = create(GtkVBox) add(win,panel) constant tv = List:View({"#","Name","Age","Pet name"}) -- {column headings} add(panel,tv) object store = List:Store(gINT,gSTR,gINT,gSTR) -- (column data types) set(tv,"model",store) for i = 1 to length(names) do -- load the list store with data List:Row(store,i & names[i]) end for show_all(win) main()
Code below handles the dirty work:
-- listview.e include GtkEngine.e object renderer = create(GtkCellRendererText) object iter = allocate(32) export function Column(atom tv, sequence title, integer datacolumn) set(tv,"insert column with attributes",-1,title,renderer,"text",datacolumn) return 1 end function export function View(object cols) atom tv = create(GtkTreeView) for i = 1 to length(cols) do Column(tv,cols[i],i-1) end for return tv end function export function Store(atom p1=0, atom p2=0, atom p3=0, atom p4=0, atom p5=0, atom p6=0, atom p7=0, atom p8=0) atom store = create(GtkListStore,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8) return store end function export function Row(atom store, object data) set(store,"insert",iter,99999) for i = 1 to length(data) do set(store,"set",iter,i-1,data[i],-1) end for return 1 end function
The above works fine as long as there is only one list in operation - too bad we don't have some object-oriented abilities, so we could "include ListView.e as ..." more than one instance. As you may remember, some years ago, this accidentally worked, but was soon removed.