1. Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find 
them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between 
Euphoria and c++.

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2. Re: Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

I would definetly use euphoria, to write a game in.
Just for one or two reasons:
Very good profiling, so you can tell what needs to be optimised,
garbage collection, very easy variable(array/sequence) handling.
Routine ids to handle different variables, availability of networking,
opengl/direct3d, openal/sound. And scripting for units/players,
interrprocess comunications. You really have everything you need to
make a great/fast game easily. And all these aspects are all
tutorialed/demonstrated in user contributions on rapideuphoria.com.
And you can ask everyone for help with any aspect and draw on lots of

I make games to, but not enough free time to finish them(yet).

On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 02:41:39 -0700, StrawHatBoy <guest at rapideuphoria.com>
> posted by: StrawHatBoy <lamsipui at yeah.net>
> I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find
> them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between
> Euphoria and c++.

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3. Re: Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

StrawHatBoy wrote:
> I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find 
> them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between 
> Euphoria and c++.

I suggest (really, this is an honest suggestion) that you first try to 
write your game in C++. 

If you are successful, you will have gained a lot of useful C++ knowledge 
which you could use to get a good job.

If instead you give up in frustration, then you can try Euphoria, and 
will be happy to see how uncomplicated it is, compared to C++. 

If you do this the other way around, and try Euphoria first, you might 
also give up in frustration, but then you'd go round saying how difficult 
Euphoria is. Never realizing that it's not Euphoria's fault - 
writing a good game is very difficult, no matter what language is used.
That's why a game good enough to sell requires a year or two of full-time 
work by dozens of programmers and graphics designers, with a budget of 
many hundreds of thousands of dollars. 


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4. Re: Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

I can think of a few old games that had relativly few man
hours(years). But not anymore, you need 2d artists, 3d artists, sound
studio, programming team, managers, markets, lawers, investors, public
relations, beta testers. For 2 to 5 years, that adds up to millions
real quick dosn't it. I suggest just finding a game you like borrowing
the artwork(for learning purposes only) and making a few mock games
first. Its a good way to learn, and since you already know how that
game works, it should be very simple to duplicate, maybe fully
functional in a matter of 3-9 months.

On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 04:33:04 -0700, irv mullins <guest at rapideuphoria.com>
> posted by: irv mullins <irvm at ellijay.com>
> StrawHatBoy wrote:
> >
> >
> > I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find
> > them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between
> > Euphoria and c++.
> I suggest (really, this is an honest suggestion) that you first try to
> write your game in C++.
> If you are successful, you will have gained a lot of useful C++ knowledge
> which you could use to get a good job.
> If instead you give up in frustration, then you can try Euphoria, and
> will be happy to see how uncomplicated it is, compared to C++.
> If you do this the other way around, and try Euphoria first, you might
> also give up in frustration, but then you'd go round saying how difficult
> Euphoria is. Never realizing that it's not Euphoria's fault -
> writing a good game is very difficult, no matter what language is used.
> That's why a game good enough to sell requires a year or two of full-time
> work by dozens of programmers and graphics designers, with a budget of
> many hundreds of thousands of dollars.
> Irv

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5. Re: Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

> I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find 
> them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between 
> Euphoria and c++.

If you are not very familiar with C++ (or Euphoria for that matter) I would
actually recommend something else completely.  While I love all these
languages (and also direct assembly) game programming is high level stuff.
You have to know *alot* about drawing interfaces, sprites, animation,
media, loop optimizations, hardware acceleration, etc etc...

Its a daugnting task even for accomplished programmers.

However, I have been (for years now) very very happy with Game Maker from
Mark Overmars.  Its a first rate program that can make game coding a snap,
and its free to boot.


Don Phillips - aka Graebel
     National Instruments
     mailto: eunexus @ yahoo.com

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6. Re: Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

StrawHatBoy wrote:
> I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find 
> them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between 
> Euphoria and c++.
I would suggest Euphoria.  It is little wonder that you didn't find any
tutorials in Euhporia.  You might download a graphics library, or a game
from the archives and see how much easier it is to program in Euphoria.

>From Emlyn Merlyn (14)

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