Re: Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

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I would definetly use euphoria, to write a game in.
Just for one or two reasons:
Very good profiling, so you can tell what needs to be optimised,
garbage collection, very easy variable(array/sequence) handling.
Routine ids to handle different variables, availability of networking,
opengl/direct3d, openal/sound. And scripting for units/players,
interrprocess comunications. You really have everything you need to
make a great/fast game easily. And all these aspects are all
tutorialed/demonstrated in user contributions on
And you can ask everyone for help with any aspect and draw on lots of

I make games to, but not enough free time to finish them(yet).

On Fri, 01 Oct 2004 02:41:39 -0700, StrawHatBoy <guest at>
> posted by: StrawHatBoy <lamsipui at>
> I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find
> them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between
> Euphoria and c++.

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