Re: Does C++ better than Euphoria ?

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StrawHatBoy wrote:
> I want to  write a game.I found a lot of tutorials in c++ .I did't find 
> them in Euhporia.But they most in c++.I don't know how to choose between 
> Euphoria and c++.

I suggest (really, this is an honest suggestion) that you first try to 
write your game in C++. 

If you are successful, you will have gained a lot of useful C++ knowledge 
which you could use to get a good job.

If instead you give up in frustration, then you can try Euphoria, and 
will be happy to see how uncomplicated it is, compared to C++. 

If you do this the other way around, and try Euphoria first, you might 
also give up in frustration, but then you'd go round saying how difficult 
Euphoria is. Never realizing that it's not Euphoria's fault - 
writing a good game is very difficult, no matter what language is used.
That's why a game good enough to sell requires a year or two of full-time 
work by dozens of programmers and graphics designers, with a budget of 
many hundreds of thousands of dollars. 


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