1. New Language

I'm in the process of developing a Euphoria-based OOP language. It will be
essentially similar to my Method Euphoria library, but will have a much cleaner
syntax and should execute faster. In particular, I am developing a pure Eu
complier which will be able to remove much of the OO overhead when the code
allows. For example, if I define class X in a program and it has no subclasses
then I call a method on a variable declared as X, no method lookup needs to be
done: the method call can be translated into a direct routine call. I have
translated the Method Eu standard library into the syntax of the new language and
it is quite clean and readable.

The open sourcing of Eu 3.0 opoens the possibility of a custom interpreter by
modifying the fronmt end and attaching it to the C backend. I will be looking
into this possibiltity as well--one that was not realistic before due to the
speed limitations of the PD interpreter.

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2. Re: New Language

Mike Nelson wrote:
> I'm in the process of developing a Euphoria-based OOP language. It will be
> essentially
> similar to my Method Euphoria library, but will have a much cleaner syntax and
> should execute faster. In particular, I am developing a pure Eu complier which
> will be able to remove much of the OO overhead when the code allows. For
> example,
> if I define class X in a program and it has no subclasses then I call a method
> on a variable declared as X, no method lookup needs to be done: the method
> call
> can be translated into a direct routine call. I have translated the Method Eu
> standard library into the syntax of the new language and it is quite clean and
> readable. 
> The open sourcing of Eu 3.0 opoens the possibility of a custom interpreter by
> modifying the fronmt end and attaching it to the C backend. I will be looking
> into this possibiltity as well--one that was not realistic before due to the
> speed limitations of the PD interpreter.

Hi Mike,

Yeah, the speed of the current Eu/in/Eu source held me back from
doing anything too serious with it also.  I built a nice debugger
but it takes forever to load a big program (5 or more seconds
sometimes).  Done in the Open Eu C source this would probably
be much much better.

Take care,

E boa sorte com sua programacao Euphoria!

My bumper sticker: "I brake for LED's"

 From "Black Knight":
"I can live with losing the good fight,
 but i can not live without fighting it".
"Well on second thought, maybe not."

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3. Re: New Language

On Sun, 24 Sep 2006 13:41:01 -0700, Mike Nelson
<guest at RapidEuphoria.com> wrote:

>I'm in the process of developing a Euphoria-based OOP language. It 
>will be essentially similar to my Method Euphoria library, but will 
>have a much cleaner syntax
Do you have any specs/design/examples? In particular side-by-side
demos which extol the virtues, eg:
return call_method(o,"length",{})

if o[tag]=CAR then return o[CAR_LENGTH]
	elsif o[tag]=BOAT then return o[BOAT_LENGTH]

Though obviously a bit more involved. Possibly start with the very
first program you hope to get running and the coolest example you can
think of that will only start working sometime nearer the release date
perhaps with some example mods or bugfixes which are trivial in OO but
fiddly and all over the place in the equivalent procedural code?

Not that I'm a particular fan of OO programming or anything...


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4. Re: New Language

Pete Lomax wrote:

> Do you have any specs/design/examples? In particular side-by-side
> demos which extol the virtues, eg:
> OO:
> }}}
> 	return call_method(o,"length",{})
> </eucode>

> procedural:
> }}}
> 	if o[tag]=CAR then return o[CAR_LENGTH]
> 	elsif o[tag]=BOAT then return o[BOAT_LENGTH]
> 	...
> </eucode>

> Though obviously a bit more involved. Possibly start with the very
> first program you hope to get running and the coolest example you can
> think of that will only start working sometime nearer the release date
> perhaps with some example mods or bugfixes which are trivial in OO but
> fiddly and all over the place in the equivalent procedural code?
> Not that I'm a particular fan of OO programming or anything...
> Regards,
> Pete

We already have:
return call_method(o,"length",{})

this is the correct Method Euphoria syntax.

My new language will render it as the much more readable
return o.length()

There will still be support for the advantage of the former sytax: the method
name might be a variable, allowing indirect calling:
string x="length"
 	return System.call(o,x)

Here are two classes to whet the appetite while I'm working on the project:
class Container_Extension extends General_Container

General_Container base  

method shared Container_Extension new(General_Container base)
    Container_Extension me
    if base=nothing then throw Null_Reference.new() end if
    return me
end method

method Container_Extension clone()
    Container_Extension me
    return me
end method

method boolean base_is(type t)
    if this.base.is(Container_Extension) then
        return this.base.base_is(t) 
        return this.base.is(t)
    end if
end method

method type base_type()
    if this.base.is(Container_Extension) then
        return this.base.base_type()
        return this.base.type() 
    end if
end method

method protected call_failed(Exception reason,string name,array parameters)
    if reason.is(Undefined_Method) then
    end if
end method

end class

class Locking_Container extends Container_Extension

public integer locked

method Locking_Container clone()
    Locking_Container me
    return me
end method

method integer insert(array parameters)
    if this.locked then
        throw Locked_Container.new()    
        return super(paramters)
    end if
end method 

method any remove(array prameters)
    if this.locked then
        throw Locked_Container.new()    
        return super(parameters)
    end if
end method 

method clear()
    if this.locked then
        throw Locked_Container.new()    
        return super()
    end if
end method 

method lock()
end method

method unlock()
end method

end class

The Container_Extension class is a framework to facilitate the writing of
wrapper classes to add functionality to containers. The Locking_Container class
is a specific implementation--pass a Queue or a Map to its constructor and you
add the capabilty to lock and unlock the container. Only the methods which are
affected by locking are defined. Any other methods of the underlying container
result in the call_failed method bieng invoked with a Undefined_Method exception.
The call_failed method uses System.call to indirectly call the method on the
underlying container. This allows a kind of multiple inhertience or runtime
inheritence without all the problems of building it into the basic class

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5. Re: New Language


Should this new euphoria based OOP language be considered
a fork of Euphoria or an actual new language written in Euphoria?

I have a suggestion for a name which should appeal to both open
source and OOP fans... why not call it, "Mantra". blink

Ken Rhodes
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6. Re: New Language

Hey Mike,

Interesting design, very similar to the way Ruby does it's OOP design.  I take
it the following definitions are:

method protected call_failed(Exception reason, string name, array parameters)
public integer locked

protected means that it can only be called within the Class itself, and public
integer means that it's an Instance Variable?

I'd be interested in seeing how this language evolves, as I'd like to see where
it goes from here.

Mario Steele
Attaining World Dominiation, one byte at a time...

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7. Re: New Language

Mario Steele wrote:

> Interesting design, very similar to the way Ruby does it's OOP design.  I take
> it the following definitions are:
> }}}
> method protected call_failed(Exception reason, string name, array parameters)
> public integer locked
> </eucode>

> protected means that it can only be called within the Class itself, and public
> integer means that it's an Instance Variable?
> I'd be interested in seeing how this language evolves, as I'd like to see
> where
> it goes from here.
Protected means callable from the class itself or a subclass; private speciefies
callable from the class only.
Methods may also use the "public" keyword, but methods are public by default.

Instance variables are private by default; a public or protected designation
autogenerates an accessor (get) method
which has the same name as the variable and returns its value. Mutator (set)
methods must be coded explicitly. So
the above declaration is sytactic sugar for:
integer locked

method integer locked }}}

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8. Re: New Language

Kenneth Rhodes wrote:

> Should this new euphoria based OOP language be considered
> a fork of Euphoria or an actual new language written in Euphoria?
> I have a suggestion for a name which should appeal to both open
> source and OOP fans... why not call it, "Mantra". blink

I consider it a new Euphoric language. There will be no attempt at backward
compatibiltity with Eu itself or even the Method Eu library. What I am
envisioning is a language which is OOP from the ground up but has much of the
essential power and flavor of Eu.

The suggestion of Mantra is a very good one but I googled it and found the name
already taken. For the moment, I am going with the name Methodica: this is
inspired by Method Euphoria which is the primary inspiration for the language
(with important secondary influences from Ruby and Eiffel).

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9. Re: New Language

Mike Nelson wrote:

> I consider it a new Euphoric language. There will be no attempt at backward
> compatibiltity with Eu itself or even the Method Eu library. What I am
> envisioning
> is a language which is OOP from the ground up but has much of the essential
> power and flavor of Eu.

I fully encourage you with this idea Mike.

However, being the intrusive bastard that I am, I have a couple of suggestions
for you blink

Have you considered making all members (data and methods) 'private' by default?
This makes objects a lot more robust as access from outside the class must be
explicitly granted by the class designer.

Have you considered implementing 'class properties'? These behave to the outside
as if they are data members but are actually implemented as member functions.
Each property can have multiple 'setter' and 'getter' functions.
For example:
   class Quad
      integer h
      integer l
      integer a

      procedure  ctor()
         h = 0
         l = 0
         a = 0
      end procedure

      procedure  ctor(integer pH, integer pL)
         h = pH
         l = pL
         a = h * l
      end procedure

      procedure  ctor(integer pA)
         h = floor(power(pA, 0.5))
         l = h
         a = h * l
      end procedure

      property height
         function get() 
            return h
         end function

         function get(sequence)
            return sprintf("%d", h)
         end function

         function set(integer pH)
             if pH > 0 then 
                h = pH
                a = h * l -- recalc area
                throw exception("Height must be +ve")
             end if
         end function
      end property

      property length
         function get() 
            return l
         end function

         function get(sequence)
            return sprintf("%d", l)
         end function

         function set(integer pL)
             if pL > 0 then 
                l = pL
                a = h * l -- recalc area
                throw exception("Length must be +ve")
             end if
         end function
      end property

      property area
         function get() 
            return a
         end function

         function get(sequence)
            return sprintf("%d", a)
         end function

      end property
end class

and used thus ...

   object f
   f = Quad(7,8)
   ? f.area -- displays 56
   f.length = 5
   ? f.area -- displays 35
   f.length += 1
   ? f.area -- displays 42
   ? f.height -- displays 7
   ? f.length -- displays 6
   ? f.h   -- Not accessible error.
   f.area = 36 -- Member is read-only

Properties add more robust abstraction without making coding onerous.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
Skype name: derek.j.parnell

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10. Re: New Language

Mike Nelson wrote:
> I consider it a new Euphoric language. There will be no attempt at backward
> compatibiltity with Eu itself or even the Method Eu library. What I am
> envisioning
> is a language which is OOP from the ground up but has much of the essential
> power and flavor of Eu.
> The suggestion of Mantra is a very good one but I googled it and found the
> name
> already taken. For the moment, I am going with the name Methodica: this is
> inspired
> by Method Euphoria which is the primary inspiration for the language (with
> important
> secondary influences from Ruby and Eiffel).

Interesting.  My question is really, is Methodica going to have the ability to
create IL Files, and be able to bind to an executable, like Euphoria has now, or
OOEU has?  Also, open source, closed source, or what have ya?

Mario Steele
Attaining World Dominiation, one byte at a time...

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