New Language
- Posted by Mike Nelson <mikestar13 at> Sep 24, 2006
I'm in the process of developing a Euphoria-based OOP language. It will be essentially similar to my Method Euphoria library, but will have a much cleaner syntax and should execute faster. In particular, I am developing a pure Eu complier which will be able to remove much of the OO overhead when the code allows. For example, if I define class X in a program and it has no subclasses then I call a method on a variable declared as X, no method lookup needs to be done: the method call can be translated into a direct routine call. I have translated the Method Eu standard library into the syntax of the new language and it is quite clean and readable. The open sourcing of Eu 3.0 opoens the possibility of a custom interpreter by modifying the fronmt end and attaching it to the C backend. I will be looking into this possibiltity as well--one that was not realistic before due to the speed limitations of the PD interpreter.