1. international language support

I think that one thing that would help to popularize
euphoria would be international language support.
When I talk to people here about Euphoria - which
is pretty often - they are interested, but are put off
by the english. So would I be if I had to program in
german, say, or chinese or something. So I thought
that it might be a 'simple thing' to write a preprocessor
that would substitute the keywords, builtin commands,
and common library routines from one language to
another. A simple list something like:

{"while","enquanto"}} etc.

This would allow a portuguese programmer to write
code in his native language. The preprocessor would
look for these words and substitute them for the english
equivalent then run the program.
The list could be an include file, that could be replaced
by any other language that you would care to. French
Russian, Arabic, Swahili, Malay. etc.
OK. The problem is the word 'simple'. Simple for some
but I'm not up to it. Does anybody else think this is a
good idea and does anybody want to tackle It? I've got
the translation/substitution list for Portuguese (one of the
top ten spoken languages in the world) if anybody would
like to try.
Or maybe its already been done and I just didn't find it,
in which case, inform me please.

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2. Re: international language support

On 12 Aug 2001, at 20:04, John McAdam wrote:

> I think that one thing that would help to popularize
> euphoria would be international language support.
> When I talk to people here about Euphoria - which
> is pretty often - they are interested, but are put off
> by the english. So would I be if I had to program in
> german, say, or chinese or something. So I thought
> that it might be a 'simple thing' to write a preprocessor
> that would substitute the keywords, builtin commands,
> and common library routines from one language to
> another. A simple list something like:
> {{"end","fim"},
> {"include","incluir"},
> {"to","ate"},
> {"by","por"},
> {"exit","sair"},
> {"type","tipo"},
> {"constant","constante"},
> {"for","para"},
> {"while","enquanto"}} etc.
> This would allow a portuguese programmer to write
> code in his native language. The preprocessor would
> look for these words and substitute them for the english
> equivalent then run the program.
> The list could be an include file, that could be replaced
> by any other language that you would care to. French
> Russian, Arabic, Swahili, Malay. etc.
> OK. The problem is the word 'simple'. Simple for some
> but I'm not up to it. Does anybody else think this is a
> good idea and does anybody want to tackle It? I've got
> the translation/substitution list for Portuguese (one of the
> top ten spoken languages in the world) if anybody would
> like to try.
> Or maybe its already been done and I just didn't find it,
> in which case, inform me please.

I had suggested this be done natively, if the include lang.ini was in the bin 
dir, Eu could read the program code in whatever language was in that ini file. 
Send me a list of the keywords you want translated.


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3. Re: international language support

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4. Re: international language support

Hi all,

is it really true that international language support is important for a
programming language (PL) ? I never found a major PL written in an other
language than English. 
Could anyone give me examples of PLs (not IDE's) to be used in other
languages than English?

Have a nice day, Rolf

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5. Re: international language support

Hi Rolf,

>it really true that international language support
>is important for a programming language (PL) ?
>I never found a major PL written in an other
>language than English. 
>Could anyone give me examples of PLs (not IDE's)
>to be used in other
>languages than English?

Yes,  C  for personal computers ES system 
with Alpha-DOS supports Russian identificators,
but, for compatibiliti, has only latinic reserved
key words.

Now, imagine you write your program in Russian,
simply, yes ?

Now, imagine Russian schoolboy/girl writes
his/her program in English, hard, no ?

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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6. Re: international language support

Rolf wrote:

> Hi all,
> is it really true that international language support is important for a
> programming language (PL) ? I never found a major PL written in an other
> language than English. 
> Could anyone give me examples of PLs (not IDE's) to be used in other
> languages than English?

IIRC Eiffel is French. But don't quote me on that... :)


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7. Re: international language support

Hi John again:

> OK. The problem is the word 'simple'. Simple for some
> but I'm not up to it. Does anybody else think this is a
> good idea and does anybody want to tackle It? I've got
> the translation/substitution list for Portuguese (one of the
> top ten spoken languages in the world) if anybody would
> like to try.
> Or maybe its already been done and I just didn't find it,
> in which case, inform me please.

I have standard Eu editor ed.ex, which works in Russian
syntax. Only editor, not Eu, naturally.

See please, really this is a very simple thing.
Just compare your ed.ex and my red.ex
with DOS command fc to extract differencies.

You can get this package just now at


Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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8. Re: international language support

On Sunday 12 August 2001 15:04, John McAdam wrote:
> I think that one thing that would help to popularize
> euphoria would be international language support.
> When I talk to people here about Euphoria - which
> is pretty often - they are interested, but are put off
> by the english. So would I be if I had to program in
> german, say, or chinese or something. So I thought
> that it might be a 'simple thing' to write a preprocessor
> that would substitute the keywords, builtin commands,
> and common library routines from one language to
> another. 

Don't forget that you need a different sort order, as well.


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9. Re: international language support

Hi all English understanding folks on this list!

If one likes English or not: one advantage of writing a PL (programming
language) only in English is the exchangeability worldwide, i.e., on
this mailing list! For beginners it seems to be an advantage (Igor
mentioned russian pupils), but the key words of a PL should never be
transcripted to other languages. I'm sure, (I know it from my children
from preschool times) children will easily keep the few English items
like 'for while do next if then else ...', much faster the adults.

Let me state it plain: I's nonsense (at least today) to transcribe a PL
into an other language, times of Babylon are gone at least for PLs!

Have a nice day, Rolf

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10. Re: international language support

Hi Rolf,

>Hi all English understanding folks on this list!

Why only "English understanding folks" for programming ?

>I'm sure, (I know it from my children
>from preschool times) children will easily keep
>the few English items like
>'for while do next if then else ...',
>much faster the adults.
>Let me state it plain:
>I's nonsense (at least today)
>to transcribe a PL into an other language,
>times of Babylon are gone at least for PLs!

Do you remember Babel's intention ?
We have what we have now.
We just live under times of Babylon now.

I understand your points very well, but I know excellent
expert in the area of other science (non computer area)
who is absolutely *dull* in foreign languages, but wants
use computer and programming in his job very much.
He is real END USER. EUPHORIA is his language.

There are about 360 persons in this list, why some
of them don't write to us ? Think please.

Then, switching among different native languages
for programming language doesn't require any
translations or transcribeings (is it correct?),
you just change one table to another.
The inner *order* of key words in these tables is
important, not sense of these words.
Try red.ex for idea.

I think John is correct, and I like this idea
of preprocessor, editor is ready.

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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11. Re: international language support

Since you've asked for opinions from the peanut gallery (the rest of
the group).  Here's mine.

Using a straight word substitution between languages won't work for the
following reasons:

1. You may be able to translate the keywords, but all error messages
   are still going to be in English.  So the user must still know
   English to develop the program.
2. Syntax translation is just the beginning.  Grammatical & linguistic
   translations must be done as well which can't be done with a simple
   table approach.
3. Many languages (chinese, korean, japanese, russian, etc.) need more
   than the 7 bit ASCII character set.  My understanding is that EU as
   well as most PL's (prog. Langs.) aren't designed to handle the 8 bit
   UNICODE standard as part of their language keywords.  Although a
   preprocessor if correctly written could handle this.  But this makes
   the preprocessor much more complex.
4. Then there's what was mentioned before about words in 1 language
   after being translated conflicting with other parts of the prog.

This subject was wrestled with many years ago in Bell Laboratories
by people I worked with (who were MUCH MUCH MUCH smarter then me) who
finally gave up this idea and decided to leave their C compilers in
English. Since even at that time (~1980) they felt that English was
becoming the universal language in computer programming.

In retrospect, this was very egotistical of them.  But I suspect it was
more of an excuse for them to get out of having to solve a problem they
couldn't se a solution for.

Just my 2 cents (my opinion)

Brian Keene

--- Igor Kachan <kinz at peterlink.ru> wrote:
> Hi Rolf,
> >Hi all English understanding folks on this list!
> Why only "English understanding folks" for programming ?
> <snip>
> >I'm sure, (I know it from my children
> >from preschool times) children will easily keep
> >the few English items like
> >'for while do next if then else ...',
> >much faster the adults.
> >Let me state it plain:
> >I's nonsense (at least today)
> >to transcribe a PL into an other language,
> >times of Babylon are gone at least for PLs!
> Do you remember Babel's intention ?
> We have what we have now.
> We just live under times of Babylon now.
> I understand your points very well, but I know excellent
> expert in the area of other science (non computer area)
> who is absolutely *dull* in foreign languages, but wants
> use computer and programming in his job very much.
> He is real END USER. EUPHORIA is his language.
> There are about 360 persons in this list, why some
> of them don't write to us ? Think please.
> Then, switching among different native languages
> for programming language doesn't require any
> translations or transcribeings (is it correct?),
> you just change one table to another.
> The inner *order* of key words in these tables is
> important, not sense of these words.
> Try red.ex for idea.
> I think John is correct, and I like this idea
> of preprocessor, editor is ready.
> Regards,
> Igor Kachan
> kinz at peterlink.ru

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12. Re: international language support

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13. Re: international language support

On Thursday 16 August 2001 06:29, Igor Kachan wrote:

> I understand your points very well, but I know excellent
> expert in the area of other science (non computer area)
> who is absolutely *dull* in foreign languages, but wants
> use computer and programming in his job very much.
> He is real END USER. EUPHORIA is his language.

On the other hand, some people use APL, 
a language which not one single person in the whole 
world learned as a child.  There's also one written 
in Vulcan, if I'm not mistaken. 
Anyway, you may want to follow this thread on Slashdot:


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14. Re: international language support

Hi John,

>I just get my mail once a day, so I will answer
>everybody all at once.

I agree with your thoughts, such flexible
international EUPHORIA programming language
may be very useful.
And Eu allows to develop needed tools just now.

Best Regards,
Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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15. Re: international language support

On Thursday 16 August 2001 08:46, freeplay at mailandnews.com wrote:

> This is an easy one to do and has been done in many applications (a
> compiler is really just an application yes?).  UNIX has had NLS (Natural
> Language Support) for ages now.  The idea for program dialogue (prompts,
> error messages, report names, column titles etc.) is that you write message
> catalogues with all this information.  You write one for each language you
> want to support.  When the program runs it detects which language to run in
> (UNIX uses the LANG environment variable for this) and then consults the
> appropriate message catalogue.
> The programmer has more work to do (on top of writing the message
> catalogue) because they have to consult the message catalogue (through an
> API I guess) to get message text as opposed to hard coding it into printf
> statements and the like.  Issues such as message lengths differing from
> language to language have to be addressed.  It can get quite complex to say
> the least.

What about languages that read from right to left? 
Or from top to bottom? 
Doesn't that make parsing  er.. more interesting?


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16. Re: international language support

Hi Irv,

> On Thursday 16 August 2001 06:29, Igor Kachan wrote:
> > I understand your points very well, but I know excellent
> > expert in the area of other science (non computer area)
> > who is absolutely *dull* in foreign languages, but wants
> > use computer and programming in his job very much.
> > He is real END USER. EUPHORIA is his language.
> On the other hand, some people use APL, 
> a language which not one single person in the whole 
> world learned as a child.  There's also one written 
> in Vulcan, if I'm not mistaken. 
> Anyway, you may want to follow this thread on Slashdot:
> http://www.slashdot.org/askslashdot/00/08/08/195240.shtml
> Regards,
> Irv

Thanks for useful link.

There are more than 2500 programming languages
in the World now.
Do you remember that *your* Russian link?...oop.Other.ru ?

For example, is Ruby good ? Yes it is.
But if I use Eu I **know**  --  this is a language
of my dream just now.

Is Lua good ? Yes it is.
But ... just see above. And so on.

Is Euphoria INTERNATIONAL community growing ?
Yes it is.
There were 51 countries with registered
users in August 2000,
there is 58 now.

Why not international Eu ?

There is international C for PC ES Alpha-DOS in Russia,
this C must work with any national code page and allow
any *native* identificators just now, if it allows

I have no this C (it seems like to QC, I have a books),
it is too expensive for me and I don't like C at all
for perpetuale VOID, VOID, VOID and ;;; after any 
operator. My that program has 35000 operators in Eu,
so, in such the program, I'll have 35K just of ;;;
(semicolons) without any sense.

Very well, no?
Good language, just semicolons and a good speed.

APL is good, yes, but see please above.

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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17. Re: international language support

On Thursday 16 August 2001 11:14, freeplay at mailandnews.com wrote:

> Parsing isn't the issue with NLS.  NLS is a way to help you code an
> application once (single source) and have it run in as many different
> languages you have the time to translate a message catalogue into.  Not
> sure if it handles reading text right to left.  I guess you just put the
> message text in the catalog right to left.  The other biggie is character
> sets.

Parsing would be an issue if keywords were translatable.
If you look at any number of Linux programs which can run in multiple 
languages, you'll see that the source code still uses "English-ish" 
keywords. Lots of if ()  printf(), etc.

I think Logo has been translated into French. and Applescripts worked 
when written in French.

> I've never coded anything with NLS so I'm no expert.  I'd guess, however,
> that the format of a message catalogue has an "english" feel to it though

Pretty much  the same thing could be done in Euphoria with simple include 
msg1 = "File not found"
msg2 = "Cannot read file"

msg1 = "Fichero no encontrado"
msg2 = "No puede leer el fichero"

(Apologies for the poor spanish)
Just include the desired msg.xx file for your language.
The advantage would be that anyone, not just a programmer, who can 
read one of the existing msg. files could easily translate that into a new 
msg. file in her native language, and your program would be usable.

One disadvantage might be extra work for the programmer, having 
to keep track of all the msg id's, and always using them instead of just 
typing the text in directly.  A pre-processor might be able to 
solve this, by scanning the finished code, extracting and creating a list of 
all the unique strings, saving that list to a msg. file, and then replacing 
those strings in the source with the msg1 .... msg2... etc. pointers.

Of course, this doesn't help much with the other problems, such as 
the translated string being much longer than the original, 
English => German, for instance. 


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18. Re: international language support

On 16 Aug 2001, at 9:55, Irv Mullins wrote:

> On Monday 13 August 2001 18:23, John McAdam wrote:
> > Igor, I am sure that you will agree with me that there are some
> > intelligent people in the world who don't speak english. Probably
> > quite a few in fact.  People who would pay for the ability to write
> > computer programs in their native language. A world full of people.
> > A really big world full of people who want this. I think this would
> > be a truly enormous market and there is no competition. There is
> > no language that does this.
> > Rolf, Just because all other languages are in english doesn't mean
> > that they have to be.
> I was wondering why Eiffel doesn't use French keywords, considering 
> 1. it was developed by French research institutes and universities.
> 2. the well-known emphasis that the French place on using their language,
> even for things that are imported. 
> What about Lua? Why aren't its keywords in Portuguese? 
> It was developed at universities in Brasil. 

Wasn't it originally all in Portugese?
> French was once a basic requirement for someone who wanted to be a 
> diplomat. 
> I suppose English is now a requirement if you want to be a programmer.

Yes, French was one of the unofficial international languages, used as 2nd 
language (after english) even with airline pilots. This is because of the 
equipment they used being supplied either from France or the usa. 
Programming languages have not that critical tho, at least until the internet 
became a world-wide event.

> > Igor, I speak portuguese very well, but if am trying to figure out some
> > complicated algorithm I do it in english because it flows faster for me.
> > I think that new programmers will have an even more difficult time if
> > their language skills are not as good. It turns off their creativity and
> > their enthusiasm - things that we need.
> > I will download the red.ex tonight when the rates go down.
> >
> > Irv, Why do you need a different sort order, as well? I don't understand.
> Because ASCII sorting is based on a very simplistic rule: the letters A...z
> are
> in numeric order, 65,66,67..... making them easy to sort. But what about
> accents? The letter ã isn't anywhere near a in the ascii sequence, meaning
> that
> without customized sort routines, it'll come out at the end of the sort, after
> zebra - not good. Next question: should ã come before or after a ? Such rules
> may vary from one language to the next, even though the letter in question is
> the same in both.  Since there are lots of people on this list who could
> explain
> this more clearly, I'll stop here.

All i can say is i made a function in the metaphone-ish code to translate all 
the upper ascii latinic chars down to 7bits, to eliminate all the lamers on irc 
who like to use "l33t sPeAk"(grrrr). The "leet" translation was easy (see 
below), but the metaphone code wasn't really so great, and still didn't work 
for non-english languages. Anyhow, converting, sorting, then applying the 
conversion order back to the original text would mean a new sort routine isn't 


-- this prolly will not look right in other code pages,, 
-- which is yet another problem

function convertstuff(sequence theword)

integer location
sequence array

for loop = 1 to length(theword) do
-- if theword[loop] > 128 then
  location = find(theword[loop],{"ë","è","é","ê","ë","È","É","Ê","Ë"})
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"e","e","e","e","e","E","E","E","E"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if

  location = 
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"AE","ae","a","a","a","a","a","a","a","A","A","A","A","A","A"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if

  location = find(theword[loop],{"î","ì","í","î","ï","Ì","Í","Î","Ï"})
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"i","i","i","i","i","I","I","I","I"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if

  location = find(theword[loop],{"ß","©","¢","ç","Ç","Ð"})
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"B","c","c","c","C","D"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if

  location = find(theword[loop],{"ø","ö","ð","¤","°","º","Ò","Ó","Ô","Õ","Ø"})
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"o","o","o","o","o","o","O","O","O","O","O"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if

  location = find(theword[loop],{"µ","ù","ú","û","ü","Ù","Ú","Û","Ü"})
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"u","u","u","u","u","U","U","U","U"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if

  location = find(theword[loop],{"ý","ÿ","¥","Ý"})
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"y","y","Y","Y"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if

  location = find(theword[loop],{"£","ñ","Ñ","¶","þ","Þ","®","§","+","¿"})
  if location != 0 then
   array = {"l","n","N","P","p","p","r","S","t","?"}
   theword[loop] = array[loop]
  end if
-- end if
end for

return theword

end function -- convertstuff(sequence theword)

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19. Re: international language support

Hi, everybody.

I've been following this thread with some interest. Many interesting
thoughts, nothing really new, basically the old conflict: should x be
translated or should I learn another language? Happens with books, movies
and clothes labels, not just with PLs.

I don't think there's just one clear solution. I believe most people will
feel comfortable with a dual system, as in keeping English-based syntax
along with translated docs (as long as they are well translated -you should
see some Spanish help files, and I do mean MS).

Now, there's a point that this far I haven't seen anybody make, and I feel
it's quite important. English as an almost requisite for programming is
pushing considerably towards the popularisation of an international
language. Never mind it's English, it might have been French, Spanish,
Russian or ..you name it. Never mind it comes along with programming.

The main fact is that we're all talking a common language, sharing ideas and
experience across every line you care to mention, just because we share a
language. This not only makes us comfortable and serves our needs, it's an
enormous intellectual and practical multiplier.

There's ample historical precedent. The huge scientific process that helped
lead Europe through the Middle Ages and the Renaissance would not have been
possible had not every person with intellectual pretensions been profficient
in the use of a common language, namely Latin.

We live in a small, troubled world. As Buckminster Fuller said, a spaceship
that came without the manual. We -the whole human species- are now in the
process, whether we are conscious of the fact or not, of writing that
manual. I'd say that a good grasp of a common language is step number zero
towards that end. English? So be it. Does an English-inspired PL help along
the way? My finger points upwards.

Not that the preprocessor idea is wrong in any way. There are many good
translations around, along with the bad and the ugly. Of books, movies, TV
series, documents of all kinds. If it helps someone to do a better job,
good. But if it gives someone the idea that it's not worth the trouble to
learn another language, seeing that the (translated) world is intent on
beating a path to your particular neck of the woods, then it's doing you and
everyone else a sad disservice.

By the way, here's an unintentional example of the complexity of the whole

----- Original Message -----
From: "Irv Mullins" <irvm at ellijay.com>
To: "EUforum" <EUforum at topica.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: international language support

> Pretty much  the same thing could be done in Euphoria with simple include
> files:
> msg.en
> msg1 = "File not found"
> msg2 = "Cannot read file"
> msg.es
> msg1 = "Fichero no encontrado"
> msg2 = "No puede leer el fichero"
> (Apologies for the poor spanish)
> Regards,
> Irv

No apologies needed. Your Spanish is quite adequate, and your translation
would indeed have made the grade in any important commercial app. However,
therein lies a wolf in sheep's disguise. Your Spanish is truly Spanish, I
mean as in from Spain. Not every Spanish (language) speaker says 'fichero.'
That's actually a Gallicism, a literal translation from the French
'fichier'. Both fichier and fichero actually mean 'file cabinet', and so
would have been more appropriate as equivalences for the English 'archive'.

But that's water under the bridge. Half the Spanish-speaking world says
'fichero', the other half says 'archivo'. Each half understands the other,
the way Americans and Britons understand about lift and elevator, but it's
not their native way, not the way they speak or think. It can be almost like
another language. Literally. I'm from urban Argentina. I once underwent the
daunting experience of not understand two words out of three in what a
Mexican teenager was saying. Tired of speaking to the walls (as we say
here), he sighed and ...switched to English. Great buddies ever since.



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20. Re: international language support

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21. Re: international language support

Hi John,

> > The problem I was worried about - clashing keywords with
> > other people's variable names - doesn't really exist. If the
> > Foreign LAnguage PRogrammer (FLAPR) includes a file
> > that uses variable names that conflict with his version of the
> > keywords it won't be a problem because the preprocessor
> > doesn't translate the included file, just the current document.

I got your efl_edit.zip on the RDS site and attached
with your mail. Thank you very much !

It works for me well both with novo.ex in English
and novo.efl in Portuguese.

smile smile smile

This is Euphoria Programming Language, no ?

(-: (-: (-:

10 days and such the job done !

Now just testing, debugging and improvements.

Thanks again!

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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22. Re: international language support

Hi John,

> I have commented where changes should be made. I don't
> know if different code pages are going to bite or
> not. I have found that although the keywords can use
> accented vowels, the variables cannot. That is because
> the keywords are substituted before they hit the
> interpreter while the variables are unchanged and the
> interpreter chokes on them - uses them for internal
> tokens perhaps?

Yes, John, the accented vowels's codes are from 128
to 255 and Eu *interpreter* use these codes for own
internal needs (this is Rob's area now, he says).
So, in variables, these symbols (128..255) must be
replaced with the pure latin symbols (before 128),
same as native keywords are replaced with the standard
ones. Then any DOS standard code page must work OK.

> I hope some others on this list will produce the
> spanish, french, belgian, dutch, german etc versions.
> Just change the language.e file.
> I've just thought of an improvement. I think now that 
> the language.e file should just have one line that
> says "include portuguese.e" or "include russian.e"
> Then there wouldn't be a lot of different language.e
> files around. Well, they would all be different, but
> you know what I mean, just the one line.

Yes, I think a good place for the national keywords
are files just like to keywords.e, but new, say, keywords.e
for the standard English key words and additional files --
keywords.ru, keywords.ge, keywords.fr, where "ru", "ge",
"fr" .. are the standard ISO signs for the national
languages in the Internet.

Igor Kachan
kinz at peterlink.ru

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