Re: international language support
- Posted by Igor Kachan <kinz at> Aug 16, 2001
Hi Rolf, >Hi all English understanding folks on this list! Why only "English understanding folks" for programming ? <snip> >I'm sure, (I know it from my children >from preschool times) children will easily keep >the few English items like >'for while do next if then else ...', >much faster the adults. >Let me state it plain: >I's nonsense (at least today) >to transcribe a PL into an other language, >times of Babylon are gone at least for PLs! Do you remember Babel's intention ? We have what we have now. We just live under times of Babylon now. I understand your points very well, but I know excellent expert in the area of other science (non computer area) who is absolutely *dull* in foreign languages, but wants use computer and programming in his job very much. He is real END USER. EUPHORIA is his language. There are about 360 persons in this list, why some of them don't write to us ? Think please. Then, switching among different native languages for programming language doesn't require any translations or transcribeings (is it correct?), you just change one table to another. The inner *order* of key words in these tables is important, not sense of these words. Try red.ex for idea. I think John is correct, and I like this idea of preprocessor, editor is ready. Regards, Igor Kachan kinz at