1. [OT] misspellings
- Posted by katsmeow Apr 12, 2023
There's a tv station in Birmingham Alabama which (since the end of analog tv broadcasts) is the only over-the-air news broadcast locally, and they usually misspell AND mispronounce something at least once per newscast. They've reached a new(s) low : in appending the legal copyright notice to the end of newscasts, they misspell "television". They say they are a "televison" station.
As a legal notice, this had to originate in the legal department, then go past the general manager's desk on it's way to the news director to be appended to each news broadcast.
I had the same allergic reaction as when i see typos in the OE manual.
2. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Apr 12, 2023
Ah, so thas whey theirs so fyoo, coz your correctin them all t'thyme!
3. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by Icy_Viking Apr 12, 2023
In my opinion I think the OE manual needs a complete overhaul. Better examples and better documentation. A re-write if you will. I know its a big task, but OE would benefit from much better documentation.
4. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by katsmeow Apr 12, 2023
Chris, there is no correcting them, except this ONE time, they fixed it by the time evening news was done (i watched the last 5 minutes, with the audio off). They don't want anything "fixed", that's either a yankee or Biden plot. Once upon a time, a piece of equipment was added to the faceplate of a machine, obscuring the last of the 7-segment displays. Thereafter "error" was spelled "erro", and the dictionary was wrong because it was printed up north. And just like "egg" is "pernounced" "Aygg", Aylla Fitzgerald and Aytta James are famous singers. I "perdict" it shall remain so. And these people vote.
5. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by ChrisB (moderator) Apr 14, 2023
Of the many such videos on youtube, and this is isn't exclusive to the US, we are all indeed doomed.
6. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by katsmeow Apr 14, 2023
Of the many such videos on youtube, and this is isn't exclusive to the US, we are all indeed doomed.
The governor here is trying to spend "edgeuhcation" money on a bankrupt "white water park" while one of the colleges in Bham is going bankrupt.
I'd have stumbled on the "how many states in the usa?", because there were 48 when i started learning stuff, then that was wrong and the answer was 49 for a while, then the correct answer became 50 (1959). I am still shakey on the veracity of that data because i didn't trust the teachers back then.
I just keep waiting on it to tick over to 51, because the rate it was going i expected 55 by now. I mean, for instance, the usa bought Alaska from Russia for far less than what it's cost to fund each one of Ukraine, Egypt, Israel, Vietnam, Korea, etc..
7. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by petelomax Apr 15, 2023
Just found in my docs, regarding how I'm planning to implement all this stuff in JavaScript, apparently "display: flex;" is the basic staring point...
8. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by katsmeow Apr 16, 2023
Today, a local news tv program repeatedly said on-air that "WIC", as in the "food stamps" program, stands for "Women In Children" , where "In" is another way of spelling "And", where "and" is usually pronounced "in". Actually, originally, the "I" stood for "Infants".
I wonder where there's a free place to live in my car in another state.
9. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by katsmeow Apr 16, 2023
Just found in my docs, regarding how I'm planning to implement all this stuff in JavaScript, apparently "display: flex;" is the basic staring point...
/me stares at the point of "display: flex;".
10. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by katsmeow Apr 18, 2023
I know some dislike postings labeled [Off Topic], but at least it shows the forum is alive. I was just visiting a forum to see how experienced people sealed a high pressure steam line connection in an automobile. You know, considering frame twist, parts vibration, and the car would be outside in sub-freezing weather, so bad idea to have water infiltrating the joint too. Well, when i saw no exchange of ideas, only one reply, and the last post was seven months ago, i closed the browser tab. I have no plans on going back to that site. I can think of half a dozen reasons for no more postings, none of them honorable. I don't want that experience to occur for this forum's visitors. Maybe it's the least i can do. I wish i can say we are fixing misspellings, but at least i can say Phix's self-reported errors are at more humorous!
11. Re: [OT] misspellings
- Posted by Icy_Viking Apr 19, 2023
I know some dislike postings labeled [Off Topic], but at least it shows the forum is alive. I was just visiting a forum to see how experienced people sealed a high pressure steam line connection in an automobile. You know, considering frame twist, parts vibration, and the car would be outside in sub-freezing weather, so bad idea to have water infiltrating the joint too. Well, when i saw no exchange of ideas, only one reply, and the last post was seven months ago, i closed the browser tab. I have no plans on going back to that site. I can think of half a dozen reasons for no more postings, none of them honorable. I don't want that experience to occur for this forum's visitors. Maybe it's the least i can do. I wish i can say we are fixing misspellings, but at least i can say Phix's self-reported errors are at more humorous!
Forums are a dying breed. They've been dying for awhile now. Its sad as I really like forums. With smart-phones, no one really cares for foumrs or so it seems. Although I think opinions are mixed on Reddit, I've heard Reddit shares some of the blame for forums dying. It is nice that the Euphoria forum is still active with how niche Euphoria is. Hopefully when Euphoria 4.2.0 is released, it will bring in some new blood.