1. So... what are you working on?

Is anyone working on anything not targeted at another developer? You know... like a game, or household finance software, or a website, or anything really? Anything where the end user of your software is not intended to be another developer.


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2. Re: So... what are you working on?

xecronix said...

Is anyone working on anything not targeted at another developer? You know... like a game, or household finance software, or a website, or anything really? Anything where the end user of your software is not intended to be another developer.


I am working on a program for my day job that computer-illiterate people will use to view event logs with nice graphics for a specific line of products. Also, i use euphoria to make utilities for internal company use. All my Euphoria programs use Redy, of course. blink

Also, i am working on a graphing calculator program targeted for math teachers and students, or engineers, called RhodaPlot. It has it's own domain name and website, and will be marketed for the appropriate target group, not necessarily programmers. It will be free (open source) because i have always wished there was a free powerful graphing calculator program when i was in school. Unfortunately, it is hard to find time to work on it right now.

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3. Re: So... what are you working on?

Our IT department is looking for a secure password management system with a hierarchical sharing nature. So far, all I've been able to find are systems that support peer-to-peer sharing, and that gets ugly really quick.

For example, we had started using Dashlane, which lets me share my passwords with other users, but I can only give them Limited Access to use the password with browser auto-fill plugin, and not otherwise view or modify the password, or Full Access, in which case they can share the password with others, modify the password, and revoke my access to the password entirely. We need something in between this with more detailed control.

Our CEO, "Bob" (not his real name) is at the top of the organization and should have access to all of the passwords added to the system by everyone else. At each level, that user has access to his/her own passwords, all of the passwords created by their subordinates, and any passwords shared down from the level above. Users at the bottom level can receive shared passwords but must be given access to create and/or modify new passwords. Users can only share and revoke downstream. Sharing upstream is always done automatically when passwords are created or modified. Groups of users should also be supported.

Does such a system exist? I aim to find out. And if it does not, I aim to write such a system. Will I write it in Euphoria? Maybe. We currently have little-to-no options for strong cryptography, especially for using public and private keys, but I may be able to wrap Sodium pretty quickly. Otherwise I may write it in .NET (WinForms), or Python (wxPython), or even just plain ol' C (IUP) or C++ (wxWidgets), all of which can support Sodium.


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4. Re: So... what are you working on?

I'm moving my company out of a dependency on third-party software and into its own client. I was wanting to use Euphoria plus some windowing system to do this, but the tools and capabilities just aren't there. With my limited time and understanding for this additional development project, I need something that has a full-featured and capable IDE, active development, updated and cross-platform UI widgets. Money isn't really a factor at this point.

I've got a lot of Euphoria code running internally, as well as a setup program for my customers. All this will be switched over to the new system within the next six to twelve months. Guh!

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5. Re: So... what are you working on?

Working on a small webpage that reads a database from text files and filter data.

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6. Re: So... what are you working on?

When I first returned to the Euphoria community, I was considering writing a Mod DJ. Mod tracking is a really old school music making technique that involves stitching together tiny wav samples to make a complex song called a Mod.

Anyway, the program I plan to start will grab an RSS feed from a cool Modarchive site. The RSS would be parsed for new mods to be downloaded locally. There I'll keep a database of mods that includes things like, the last time I played the mod, my opinion of the mod (thumbs up or down), and other such data. The DJ will then play "Random" mods based on this information.

Initially, I planned to script together a GTK front end to a few command line programs, including curl (fetch the rss), milkyplayer, (plays mods), and of course I'd need to parse the xml. (Several options for this). Now I go back and forth between my original idea and wrapping up dlls and writing the whole thing in Euphoria.

But I'm distracted from my project at the moment. I'm working on the EuDrop Project smile But there are some overlaps between the two projects so, maybe I am working on both?

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7. Re: So... what are you working on?

I have been working on what I call FotoShow which is a sophisticated slide viewer with text and sound capability. The user can import a file or whole directorys to create the basic list of file names. Then various commands can be added to tidy any particular image, eg: resizing, cropping, rotating, brightening, sharpening, denoising, spot removal, etc. Images can be zoomed and/or panned according to user specified timings/coordinates. Text can be added as subtitles to any image; user specified timings. Audio files can be associated with a particular image and played until the clip ends or is interrupted by the commencement of another audio file or a special command. The text() command provides for multi-languages (latin alphabet only) so to change the text language to suit the audience the user simply selects the language from adropdown list. The original image files are never edited or even copied; only read. The program does whatever manipulation might be required. FPS is pretty good since the heavy lifters are all in ASM. Before starting the project I tried to find something (free) on the internet that met all my requirements. There wasn't any I could see so I ended up writing it myself.


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8. Re: So... what are you working on?


My veterinary database has been in constant development and use for the past 13 or so years, and still has stuff added to it. Currently I'm working on a timesheet program so employees can record their hours worked / mileage etc, so that I have less work when doing the payroll. I tend to write these as console apps, as it is easier to run over a network. I am also working on a bookkeeping program, using TinEWG which is looking quite interesting, but have looked at Redy as an alternative.


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9. Re: So... what are you working on?

I've been lurking on the periphery of the Euphoria galaxy since the mid 1990s. I do the odd RosettaCode solution in it (when I'm not doing mLite, SNOBOL4, Peloton and whatever else language takes my fancy at the time.)

I've tried to use Euphoria for work (tools, DLLs etc) but I keep getting told I should use languages that 'everyone' knows. I do point out that we use our own language, Peloton, and no one knows that but us.

Some years ago I wrote a suite of tools for managing a cc:Mail system. Then the internet came along.

Now I just live up to my nickname, Bugmagnet; I found an Euphoria bug last week.

Sigh. So much I want to do; so little time (I have a life ... and then some.)


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