1. Noob questions

Hi all, i'm new at Euphoria Language. Thanks all for bring this programming. I was surprised for the impressive simplicity and power of sequences. Reading this forum i learned there are other euphoria derivatives. My intention is use euphoria for my programming but i wish to know about the other derivatives for study. If you could post links could be useful. On the other hand, and its only a personal feeling, really dont knows how a than powerful language as euphoria is is not more widely used and knowed. Overall, Thanks again for the great work all you are doing.


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2. Re: Noob questions

  • Bach
  1. Karl Boechert
  2. Bach link: http://catexa.com/bach/
  3. A Euphoria 2.3 fork. From the webpage: "Bach is NOT supported, is NOT being further developed, and source is NOT available! (works good tho!)." Has OOP, gui, and database.

  • OOEU
  1. Matthew Lewis
  2. OOEU link: http://ooeu.sourceforge.net/
  3. A Euphoria 2.5 fork. An experiment in adding OOP to Euphoria.

  • Phix
  1. Pete Lomax
  2. Phix link: http://phix.is-great.org/links.php
  3. A new language that offers some Euphoria features. The Phix interpreter is faster than the OpenEuphoria interpreter, but for windows only. OpenEuphoria when compiled is the fastest overall.

  • Euphoria
  1. Robert Craig -- RDS Custom Programming
  2. Euphoria Link: http://www.rapideuphoria.com/index.html
  3. Early versions released as shareware. Euphoria 3.1 is the open source version

  • OpenEuphoria
  1. Many developers
  2. OpenEuphoria link: http://openeuphoria.org/index.wc
  3. Free and opensource, developed from Euphoria, now working on version 4.1 . Faster, simpler, more flexible than conventional languages like: Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Lua, ...
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3. Re: Noob questions

_tom said...
  • Bach
  1. Karl Boechert
  2. Bach link: http://catexa.com/bach/
  3. A Euphoria 2.5 fork. From the webpage: "Bach is NOT supported, is NOT being further developed, and source is NOT available! (works good tho!)." Has OOP, gui, and database.

Euphoria 2.5? There was a huge break between 2.5 and later versions (3.0, 3.1.1, 4.0) and 2.4 or earlier.

I know that Bach was around before then: 2.5 alpha being released Nov 2004 http://openeuphoria.org/forum/29099.wc

But Bach was updated in Feb 2004 http://openeuphoria.org/forum/m/50772.wc

Then I noted this, suggsting a 2006 update: http://openeuphoria.org/forum/m/11820.wc

My understanding was that Bach was based on the old 2.3 shared source code licensing scheme, based on the pre-IL pure C euphoria version (with a C, not Euphoria, front end). It could have been updated to be based against 2.5, but that would likely have been a major effort.

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4. Re: Noob questions

Thanks for the history. I corrected Bach to fork of Euphoria 2.3

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5. Re: Noob questions

Thanks very much for your answers.

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6. Re: Noob questions

_tom said...
  • Bach
  1. Karl Boechert
  2. Bach link: http://catexa.com/bach/
  3. A Euphoria 2.3 fork. From the webpage: "Bach is NOT supported, is NOT being further developed, and source is NOT available! (works good tho!)." Has OOP, gui, and database.

  • OOEU
  1. Matthew Lewis
  2. OOEU link: http://ooeu.sourceforge.net/
  3. A Euphoria 2.5 fork. An experiment in adding OOP to Euphoria.

  • Phix
  1. Pete Lomax
  2. Phix link: http://phix.is-great.org/links.php
  3. A new language that offers some Euphoria features. The Phix interpreter is faster than the OpenEuphoria interpreter, but for windows only. OpenEuphoria when compiled is the fastest overall.

  • Euphoria
  1. Robert Craig -- RDS Custom Programming
  2. Euphoria Link: http://www.rapideuphoria.com/index.html
  3. Early versions released as shareware. Euphoria 3.1 is the open source version

  • OpenEuphoria
  1. Many developers
  2. OpenEuphoria link: http://openeuphoria.org/index.wc
  3. Free and opensource, developed from Euphoria, now working on version 4.1 . Faster, simpler, more flexible than conventional languages like: Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Lua, ...

There is also Mike Nelson's complex, but full featured object oriented library, "Method Euphoria":

  • Method Euphoria
  1. Mike Nelson
  2. Method Euphoria Link: http://www.rapideuphoria.com/method%20euphoria.zip
  3. Full featured - Single inheritance with interfaces, exceptions, event handling. Full cleanup after errors, including Eu runtime errors. Supports task switching. Works with Euphoria 4.1.
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7. Re: Noob questions

K_D_R said...

There is also Mike Nelson's complex, but full featured object oriented library, "Method Euphoria":

  • Method Euphoria
  1. Mike Nelson
  2. Method Euphoria Link: http://www.rapideuphoria.com/method%20euphoria.zip
  3. Full featured - Single inheritance with interfaces, exceptions, event handling. Full cleanup after errors, including Eu runtime errors. Supports task switching. Works with Euphoria 4.1.

I think Method Euphoria is worth a mention (especially since OOEU is also mentioned here), but I'd like to point out that it's not an implementation of Euphoria like the others - it's just a set of libraries that can be used with an existing implementation of Euphoria. I think there was another library called Diamond or something similiar that also provided OOP on top of Euphoria.

This list misses some defunct implementations, like David Cuny's eu.ex (a 2.0 interpreter of Euphoria written in Euphoria itself, taken over by DG for a while and used as the basis of Matt Lewis's eval library) or Pete E.'s peu implementation (a clone of Euphoria 1.x and later 2.x, written in ANSI C).

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8. Re: Noob questions

  • PEU
  1. Pete Eberlein, menno
  2. PEU link: http://members.home.nl/m.s.ter.haseborg/peu/PEUL.html
  3. a version of Euphoria written in C

  • Dot Notation
  1. David Cuny, Jeremy Cowgar
  2. http://www.rapideuphoria.com/dot2.zip
  3. a pre-processor that adds some dot notation features to Euphoria

  • Euphoria preprocessor
  1. OpenEuphoria
  2. Manual link: http://openeuphoria.org/docs/preproc.html#_668_theuserdefinedpreprocessor
  3. A built-in way to automate the application of a preprocessor in Euphoria

I could not find original links to Cuny's eu.ex, or to Pete Eberlein's peu. The Archive has many preprocessors for Euphoria.

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9. Re: Noob questions

_tom said...

I could not find original links to Cuny's eu.ex, or to Pete Eberlein's peu. The Archive has many preprocessors for Euphoria.

There was a time when Rob cleaned out the archive of any euphoria re-implementations for competitive reasons. Eventually, he softened, especially after he sold the source code, provided his own euphoria based back end, and more so later when he open sourced euphoria.


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10. Re: Noob questions

_tom said...

I could not find original links to Cuny's eu.ex,

I'll see if I can find a reference to the original. Matt Lewis's euscript still has references to it, though.


_tom said...

or to Pete Eberlein's peu.

I think menno's version supercedes it. The original website for peu was:


but that's gone now. It appears to have moved to another website which is gone now as well, but archived in the wayback machine:


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11. Re: Noob questions

jimcbrown said...
_tom said...

I could not find original links to Cuny's eu.ex,

I'll see if I can find a reference to the original. Matt Lewis's euscript still has references to it, though.


Yes, euscript was a modified version of Dave's original.


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12. Re: Noob questions

There's also Pleumage, which may have been an early version of Phix.


I can't find a working link for it now, but I still have a copy of pleumage on my computer.

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13. Re: Noob questions

mattlewis said...
_tom said...

I could not find original links to Cuny's eu.ex, or to Pete Eberlein's peu. The Archive has many preprocessors for Euphoria.

There was a time when Rob cleaned out the archive of any euphoria re-implementations for competitive reasons. Eventually, he softened, especially after he sold the source code, provided his own euphoria based back end, and more so later when he open sourced euphoria.


What?! When did this happen? This makes me feel sick.

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14. Re: Noob questions

jimcbrown said...
_tom said...

I could not find original links to Cuny's eu.ex,

I'll see if I can find a reference to the original.

I couldn't, but I managed to find a version which I had made significant modifications to.


Hopefully, someone else out there has the original versions.

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15. Re: Noob questions

jimcbrown said...
mattlewis said...
_tom said...

I could not find original links to Cuny's eu.ex, or to Pete Eberlein's peu. The Archive has many preprocessors for Euphoria.

There was a time when Rob cleaned out the archive of any euphoria re-implementations for competitive reasons. Eventually, he softened, especially after he sold the source code, provided his own euphoria based back end, and more so later when he open sourced euphoria.


What?! When did this happen? This makes me feel sick.

Probably in about the 2.3 or 2.4 era. Certainly later than 1998. Hmm...looks like the original was actually by Delroy Gayle, and actually uncovered a bug that was fixed in euphoria 2.2.

Hmm..maybe it wasn't that they were removed, but that they were never actually posted prior to 2.5 being released. That was when the eu-in-eu was first released as part of euphoria.


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16. Re: Noob questions

mattlewis said...

Hmm..maybe it wasn't that they were removed, but that they were never actually posted prior to 2.5 being released.

That is definitely not the case, as my modified copy of eu.ex was last touched in 2003.

mattlewis said...

That was when the eu-in-eu was first released as part of euphoria.

I thought this was something that RDS developed from scratch, not related to DC/DG's version.

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17. Re: Noob questions

jimcbrown said...
mattlewis said...

Hmm..maybe it wasn't that they were removed, but that they were never actually posted prior to 2.5 being released.

That is definitely not the case, as my modified copy of eu.ex was last touched in 2003.

IIRC, they were posted somewhere on the web, but not the archives.

jimcbrown said...
mattlewis said...

That was when the eu-in-eu was first released as part of euphoria.

I thought this was something that RDS developed from scratch, not related to DC/DG's version.

Yes. Sorry, should have explained my train of thought further. After 2.5, Rob's concern over eu-in-eu as a competitor decreased, since he had released his own (which was better). Or maybe the loosening happened after 3.0. I know that early versions of Euphoria Database Browser had to use a shrouded version to get cleared to go on the archive. I don't have a VCS repo of old EDB code, so I can't resurrect it at this point.

Later on, I switched to using ooeu (based on the open sourced 3.0), and Rob has had no problem with that stuff going into the archive. Maybe my memory was due to my first attempt to post euscript as part of EDB resulting in an email conversation with Rob. That would explain why I couldn't find a record of it in the forum (or it could still be there). Either way, euscript (which was incomplete and slower than the RDS produced version) isn't in the archives because of Rob's policy 10+ years ago.


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18. Re: Noob questions

PEU is still alive . J.Brown and a Martin has helped me in the beginning days . The source is running under Dos MSWindows and Linux compiled with gcc level 3.xx . I have a expiremental version running under gcc 4.xx only in Linux . For Dos I use DCGPP , MSWindows Ming-Win , for Linux the default gcc compiler . The Dos verson has no tcp/ip routines , the other versions has .

Greatings Menno .

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19. Re: Noob questions

menno said...

PEU is still alive . J.Brown and a Martin has helped me in the beginning days . The source is running under Dos MSWindows and Linux compiled with gcc level 3.xx . I have a expiremental version running under gcc 4.xx only in Linux . For Dos I use DCGPP , MSWindows Ming-Win , for Linux the default gcc compiler . The Dos verson has no tcp/ip routines , the other versions has .

Greatings Menno .

My mistake. I apologize.

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20. Re: Noob questions

jimcbrown said...


Hopefully, someone else out there has the original versions.

over pasty limits max chars. can you host it somewhere?

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21. Re: Noob questions

jimcbrown said...

There's also Pleumage, which may have been an early version of Phix.

It was. Eu on the still-not-finished Parrot back end for Perl 6. It is now abandonware.

jimcbrown said...

I can't find a working link for it now, but I still have a copy of pleumage on my computer.

More than I have.


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22. Re: Noob questions

ne1uno said...
jimcbrown said...


Hopefully, someone else out there has the original versions.

over pasty limits max chars. can you host it somewhere?

Here: http://openeuphoria.org/eubins/misc/extraeu.exu

I found another modified version, which I put here: http://openeuphoria.org/eubins/misc/openeu.ex

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23. Re: Noob questions

petelomax said...
jimcbrown said...

There's also Pleumage, which may have been an early version of Phix.

It was. Eu on the still-not-finished Parrot back end for Perl 6. It is now abandonware.

jimcbrown said...

I can't find a working link for it now, but I still have a copy of pleumage on my computer.

More than I have.


Well, in that case, in the interests of preserving history, I've uploaded a copy of pleumage here: http://openeuphoria.org/eubins/misc/pleumage.zip

I'll take it down if you have any objections.

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24. Re: Noob questions

I have a copy of Bliss v1.3 and v2 by Karl Bochert. Bliss has dot-notation classes and methods, and v2 included a IUP dll.

There was also AIT, it calls itself a extension of Euphoria, i have a copy.

Jeffrey Fielding wrote an event system for Eu, called ESE, i have a copy of v1.3.

I have a copy of JOIE, and TOPAZ (which had threads).

I am not sure how to categorise Ralf Nieuwenhuijsen's Prolog, but i have it, same with Hawke's TrueEu.

Vincent Howell wrote VEEU, an extension to Eu, i have a copy. Daniel Berstein did VEU, i have a copy.

There's also a ton of useful contrbutions that weren't redesigns of Euphoria.


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25. Re: Noob questions

useless_ said...

I have a copy of Bliss v1.3 and v2 by Karl Bochert. Bliss has dot-notation classes and methods, and v2 included a IUP dll.

Please can you send me a copy? Or give me a link to it?


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